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Posts posted by cwarduk

  1. hi, i recently was approved for my k1 visa and i am leaving for america on monday, i just wondered what the procedure was when entering the us poe? for example is there another interview etc? or do i go straight through? any help is much appreciated.

    me and my fiance started this process last june so it has taken roughly just under a year to get approved and enter the u.s, hope this helps anyone who is in the same position,

    dont give up and good luck

    i will keep checking these forums to see if i can help with anyones questions it has helped me a lot!

  2. Yes it can take that long, USCIS CSC does not send approved petitions to NVC on a daily basis, they bulk ship them cross country by truck load, so yes can take 2-4 weeks or more for petitions to make the trip.


    i called them this morning with no luck. apparantly they get new cases on a friday so they said to call back on monday. when were you approved? how long have you been waiting. its stressfull but worth it in the end. good luck with everything.

    Wow you got the hint! Glad to learn that they will get new cases on next Fri, I will definitely give em a call on Mon too then!

    Our petition was approved on March 19, one day after yours! No luck with slow service center apparently! Haw haw!

    Pls keep me posted whenever you get your case number!

    G'luck to both of us!

    yes please let me know when you hear something and i will let you know the same. fingers crossed.

  3. Yes it can take that long, USCIS CSC does not send approved petitions to NVC on a daily basis, they bulk ship them cross country by truck load, so yes can take 2-4 weeks or more for petitions to make the trip.


    i called them this morning with no luck. apparantly they get new cases on a friday so they said to call back on monday. when were you approved? how long have you been waiting. its stressfull but worth it in the end. good luck with everything.

  4. hello all hope you are doing well. i have a couple of quick questions if anyone can help it will be greatly appreciated.

    1. i am currently in america for 3 months on a visa waiver and have to go back to england on the 17th of march.

    how long do i have to stay in england before i can return to america for another 3 months?

    2. the uscis recieved our I-129f on dec 5th, does anyone know when my case will be looked at? it says on the uscis website that they are looking at cases from aug 17th, does this mean i have to wait a few months?

    thank you your help is always appreciated.

  5. People do enter the US without the intention of marrying on other visas, decide to marry and then adjust status, it that order and do so successfully. Intent to immigrate at the time of entry is the key distinction, not intent to marry.

    Marry and stay is what I meant.

    yep just starting to get my head around all of this, we have filled out the i-129f and G-325a forms. we started in july this year and i guess we are at the stage where they have sent our info to the NVC, we are using a company called visapro, dont know if you have heard of them?

  6. No, USCIS has record of the K-1, so immigrant intent is established by the K-1 in process.

    You will be starting over this time filing for a CR-1 or K-3 visa.

    pardon my stupidity, i find this all very confusing. so it's better to wait for the k1 to be approved? and also am i ok visiting whilst this is being processed?

    thank you

    Yes it's better to wait. The K1 visa is for fiance's ONLY. If you get married you are no longer engaged but a married couple.

    Entering the States with the intent to marry without having the proper visa to do so is fraud. You could get in big trouble for this, deported and even banned.

    Some people do enter the states on other types of visas (such as visiting) and end up getting married but they didn't have intent to do so beforehand and they adjust their status after they married, sometimes they'll have to return back home to their home country and apply for a spousal visa such as a K-3 or CR-1 to reenter the U.S.

    If you went to adjust your status, they would see that you had previously applied for a K1 visa, entered the country and married and...bingo...trouble.

    I would wait and do it the legal way.

    You can visit the states if you show strong ties to your country. A letter from your employer stating intent to return back home to work, property that you still own, bank statements but even then, there is the chance of being denied because again, you have intent to stay in the U.S. because you have an American fiance.

    Best of luck :)

    sugar! i wish i had of known i could of maybe gone on a different visa and got married out there and then changed status, but i suppose there is always a catch. thank you very much for your information i have found it very helpful, hope everything goes ok with you guys.

  7. No, USCIS has record of the K-1, so immigrant intent is established by the K-1 in process.

    You will be starting over this time filing for a CR-1 or K-3 visa.

    pardon my stupidity, i find this all very confusing. so it's better to wait for the k1 to be approved? and also am i ok visiting whilst this is being processed?

    thank you

  8. hi there i am a uk citizen and my fiance is a u.s citizen, we are currently in the process of getting a k 1 visa and i plan to visit in dec, if we get married in dec is it possible for me to remain in the U.S? if i change my status? i am planning to enter on a visa waiver.

    any help is much appreciated thank you.

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