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Posts posted by bullismt

  1. Yes, I withdrew the K1 and submitted for the CR1.  The process was not too bad, relatively speaking (this whole process kind of sucks and takes forever).  I sent a letter to formally withdraw the K1 and followed the process for the CR1.  A little redundant in a few areas, as in paying fees again, filling out a few very similar forms, things like that.  I hope that helps a little bit, and feel free to reach out if you have any other questions, and to message me directly.


  2. I think we are going to just request for the certificates from the Czech, in case it is needed, but went ahead and submitted the documents on the CEAC website.  I referenced the table on the NVC website as to why we did not submit the police records.   To me it is pretty clear they are not required, but I also acknowledge that at the end of the day they can request whatever they want,  so I should just shut up and color.  But thank you to all for the insight and help.

  3. Thanks for the info.  It is just frustrating because to me the criteria that needs to be met for the police certificate to be required are pretty clear and I do not believe that we meet those requirements.  I do understand however that at the end of the day  they can request any extra info they want.  Its just that on the CEAC website it was requesting the Czech police records initially and I did not understand why,  I would think if the wanted them it would have been an RFE.  The other issue is that it sounds like its a 2-3 month  turn around on requesting them from the Czech, and I'm not even sure that we are going the correct course to try an acquire them.     

  4. I am trying to determine if my wife needs to submit police records/certificates from the Czech Republic.  She worked there for 8 months and is originally from France, she currently lives in France and has for the past few years.  Using the table on the NVC website for civil documents, under police certificates I do not believe she needs them, however they are asking for them on CEAC website.  I have talked to a few people and they saying something about her being there for 6 months makes them required.  Below is the table I am referring to, any help is appreciated.  


    If you are 16 years of age or older, you must obtain a photocopy of a police certificate from all countries you have lived in using below criteria:

    If you ... AND you... THEN submit a police certificate from...
    Are 16 years old or older Lived in your country of nationality for more than 6 months at any time in your life Your country of nationality
    Are 16 years old or older Have lived in your country of current residence (if different from nationality) for more than 6 months Your country of current residence
    Have ever lived in another country for 12 months or more Were 16 years or older at the time you lived there The country where you used to live.
    Were arrested for any reason, regardless of how long you lived in that city or country, and no matter what age you were   The city and/or country where you were arrested.

    Note: Present and former residents of the United States do NOT need to submit any U.S. police certificates.

    Important: Police certificates expire after two years, unless the certificate was issued from your country of previous residence and you have not returned there since the police

  5. Hello,  I have a few question that I hope someone smarter than myself could help answer.  I recently submitted for a K1 Visa for my fiancé from France.  However, after doing more reading, it appears that with the significant delay all over USCIS, but more so with K1 Visas,  it would almost be better to have my fiancé, come here get married and just resubmit for the CR1.  I understand that it would reset the timeline, however I am under the impression that if and when a CR1 is approved you are authorized to work and travel immediately as opposed to the K1 where after you are permitted in the US and get married you have to submit the forms (AOS, I-765,  and I-131)for all of that then play the waiting game again.  I am also military so in terms of that, being married is the only way I can get my fiancé/future wife any sort of benefits and recognition from them, they don't care at all unless the marriage is on paper.


    1.  First, can my fiancé come on a tourist visa (ESTA/ visa waiver program), get married then go back to France as I submit for the CR1, or are there requirements for remaining the the US.

    2.  If the CR1 is pending, can she come and periodically see me as we wait for approval?

    3.  A big  reason for my potential change from K1 to CR1 is the ability to work and travel, is my impression of that true or am I mistaken somewhere.


    In advance thank you to anyone willing to help answer my questions, between COVID, Ukraine, and the rest of the world this process is both stressful and I feel like there is no good way to get clear guidance on best courses of action and movement forward.



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