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Posts posted by KDEE

  1. 13 hours ago, Lkkclub123 said:

    Thank you, if can add the type of work and whether you are working in an American company in Canada on the Google sheet, it will be able to better grasp the rules of NVC's interview letters

    Yeah, I think that's an excellent idea. I am working in Canada.

  2. 17 hours ago, LAB_BD said:

    I am waiting for visa interview. My documents qualified in October. It seems I have to wait long time for the visa interview. I am concerned that I don't have record of my vaccine certificate that were given at my early age. Going through the details, I found I have to take Td/Tdap, MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella), Hepatitis B, Varicella, and Influenza (flue shot). 

    Here is my question;


    1. I come to know there is antibody test to identify which vaccine I got that is called titer test. Where I can do this test?

    2. Where I should contact to get the Td/Tdap, MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella), Hepatitis B, and Varicella vaccine?


    I just a note, I live in Ontario.


    Check with your Family Doctor. He/She should give you titter test requisition and also give you all the required vaccines.


  3. 5 hours ago, David San said:

    Hi Everyone,

    Why should we do for our vaccination records? I don't have any vaccination records as it been lost moving from doctors to doctors.

    Should I start re-taking them?




    you would need to go to your family doctor with the required vaccination list and get antibody titter test done. Once you have the results, you would need vaccinations for the ones which you are missing immunity for.

  4. 2 hours ago, David San said:

    Hi Everyone,

    As Canadian Citizen, meanwhile we are waiting for interview and other steps, can we visit US as tourist? I heard that they don't grant any other type of visa since we are in the green card process.


    Thanks in advance

    Canadian citizens don’t need any visa to visit USA. You can visit freely but obviously If the purpose is other that travel or meeting family/friends like study or work then you definitely need respective visa.

  5. Hi Folks, In anticipation of IL, just pre prepping. I am wondering what proof of vaccination do we need to carry to the medical exam.

    I don't have any vaccination card from my childhood, so got antibody titter test done, got some missing/faded away vaccinations done as well.

    Is there any form that needs to be filled by my family doctor? Please advise.



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