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Posts posted by Dave5150

  1. 1 minute ago, JeanneAdil said:

    He should obey the US laws but as far as the US enforcing this law ,   its a pointless law

    he will not be stopped for smoking and fined or arrested


    in NY state they passed a law saying when driving one hand must be on steering wheel and can not drive with bare feet /  another unenforceable law

    but insurance companies use these laws when there is an accident and they don't want to pay


    here drs can refuse to operate on a smoker 

    and health care  and life insurance costs a smoker more 

    more important is his health / try to get him  to stop smoking 

    I understand and you’re right. he’s not a heavy smoker I found out he smokes occasionally and I’m gonna have a chat with him as soon as he gets here I just wanted to know if it will affect him at medical when they asked about it ?

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