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Posts posted by my_lany_23

  1. Are both men accepting of the situation? Ie would your still-husband be willing to sign a declaration that this is not his baby, and the boyfriend sign one that it IS his baby? If so, doing CRBA (COnsular Record of Birth Abroad) with the bio dad should be possible, I think.

    yes have already done those for the german government, I am just not sure how it would work with the US

  2. thanks to everyone for your help. Well, my "still-husband" is listed as father on the birth certificate because it is presumed here too that the husband is the father of the child. My boyfriend and father of my baby already signed to be the biological dad and that he will support the child here at the german government office. IS this good enough? or do I need to ask him to write me another paper that he will support the child. Is it easier just to wait out the divorce which is already ongoing for 2 years? and then file the Certificate and child birth abroad... ???

  3. hi everyone,

    I have, what I think, a huge problem. I travelled to germany pregnant in march 2013 to check on my very ill mother. As I got there I encountered some complications during my pregnancy and remained in germany until now november 2013.

    My child now is born and we want to return to the United States. Now, here comes my problem.. I have a green card my son is dual citizen. The problem is I am still married but filed divorce as soon as i found out i had to stay in germany till the end of pregnancy. I was originally going to file it when I returned to the US. Anyway, now the german courts do not want to approve for the divorce to be filed here coz I have been living in the US for the past 5 years and married,lived and separated there.

    I am separated from my husband for now little bit more than 2 years. However, the dad of my child (US citizen as well) cannot apply for my daughters US passport as far as we know until the divorce is finalized.

    Now, how can I take my daughter with me to the US to finalize the divorce and therefore to take care of her papers when we are there... Any help is highly appreciated, because I want to return to the US asap so I won't get any more issues as necessary to get back into the US

  4. Well it´s not like I am a huge fan of all the fingerprinting but on the other hand if it helps our safety then it´s another matter. I believe if Canada or any other country were in the same position like USA and if certain incidents happened in our home countries like they happened in USA our home countries would start having bigger security checks too. Or not? :unsure:

    Yeah I sometimes feel like they are doing too much trying to secure their country... u can just never be sure about things... About your statements with the other countries. Germany just started having new passports, for which u need to do a fingerprint whatever as well... so its not only the U.S. thats using fingerprint proof... :whistle:

  5. oh ok too bad but thanks..

    i double checked.. it is not written in the flowchart it is written so on VJ here

    in the AOS guides for K1(K3) in the column "After Filing: What to do?"

    I'm sorry, I'm still not seeing it. Can you copy and paste the part that says you can get your EAD at the SS office. Although you definitely can't by the way. :(


    @englishmuffin yeah i noticed that just wanted to show u were i thought i read it... and ur right it didnt say SS office it said local office ( I assumed it must have been SS- I still got to learn a lot ), well i am guessing its still not possible... i am just sad its not... well,,, after the july filer waiting period it cant be that horrible anymore i guess....


    After Filing: What to do?

    Now starts the waiting game. In most cases, your spouse will get their Employment Authorization Document approved and issued in 45 to 90 days. During that wait you will be called to a local USCIS biometrics office to have your fingerprints and photos taken for the EAD. Some local offices may allow you to submit your I-765 locally with your NOA from the I-485. In this case you would not file the I-765 with the Adjustment of Status Package. You would wait for the NOA from the AOS package and bring it with your completed I-765 to your local office. This means you can possibly have the EAD processed faster (however you will have to wait for the NOA and the local office will also have to allow this). Contact your local office to see if this applies to you prior to filing for AOS (ex: Los Angeles allows this as of Oct 2005). "

  6. Hi I am not really an AOS April filer going for may, since I am filling out the form i got a question to all filers from LA.

    I read here on the VJ K1 Flowchart that EAD could be applied for in one of the SS Offices once you got the NOA1 from the AOS... Is that correct...? Is there anybody who has actually tried this?

    I just looked at the K1 flowchart but can't see where it tells you to get your EAD at the SS office. But the answer is no, you have to apply for EAD with your AOS application to the Chicago Lockbox. You can get your SSN at the SS office before that though.


    oh ok too bad but thanks..

    i double checked.. it is not written in the flowchart it is written so on VJ here

    in the AOS guides for K1(K3) in the column "After Filing: What to do?"

  7. hey..... just a short update from my end.

    my parents just left (they've been visiting for 3 weeks), i started a job, and i'm tutoring german, and everything should be fine, but i'm so homesick that the only thing i want to do is cry.


    *free hugs baby*

    We love you!!!! The homesickness will pass. Its always the worst after time with family. You have us, your virtual family, to keep you cheered up!

    hey Agnes, I am also so sorry that you are homesick... well, keep urself busy... If you dont have a lot of time to think you might not think of home so much...

  8. I am sure you have some hobbies you like to do :) You still have lotsa years ahead of you full of work work work and you will be looking forward to having some time off then :) So while you "have to" have some time off now you might as well enjoy it :D and have some fun :thumbs:

    yeah I do... but one of my favorite hobbies is handball... its hard to bring my team over here.... but I am sure I will find something else... what r u guys doing with your spare time???

  9. Poor Julez ...here all by herself :) Where´s everyone?

    Hey My Lany :) let us know what you are up to :) How does your child like being in another country? :)

    well, my son had a view problems adjusting with the time difference.. but now he is doing well... we r going to a babyclass twice a week, which he really likes... besides that I am not doing very much... being bored most of the time.. I cant wait to be able to start looking for a job....

  10. Can I just say that I find it utterly hillarious that Jeremy's timeline is complete? :lol:


    can't you just picture her giving him a lecture about how its absolutely necessary??? :P

    hi again....

    well, I am not quit up to date whats going on with all of u... (*I got a lot of reading to do*) well, I justed wanted to let u know, that me and my son arrived here in Los Angeles exactely 2 weeks ago.. POE was not a problem at all. the POE officer was really nice and we were laughing a lot... other people in line already looked at us funny ;) oh well....

    anyhow... hope to get to be online more often know to be up to date again and also to share the nice waiting period of the AOS with all of u. that shouldnt be too bad... but I hope the I-got-nothing-to-do-but-sit-here-time will go by very fast...

  11. Yeah - it's not so hard as weird - we've got used to being apart but I miss him more this time. I know we both have no regrets but it isn't nice as I feel a bit cheated having to leave my husband behind - heaven forbid we had a child or were going through K-3 like some people...

    I guess I feel kinda numb. I don't want people around me - I would be quite happy with an empty house and to sleep until June. I want to spend time with Jeremy online but when he gets here I can't be bothered to talk to him - it's like I would prefer to just wait until we can be together. I hate this feeling of apathy right now!

    I feel u... me and my fiancee used to live together then he was send back (army hired civilian)... it was ok to deal wth since we got to see each other a lot... but ever since our son is born it was very hard, because he is missing the exciting part of our sons development in the first year... :crying:

  12. Well, I will reveal Jason's secret. I was approved today for my K1. And in the end of March I will come to my Jason. Never felt better.


    Gratzies to you both - that is awesome news! I've tried to update the spreadsheet a bit but I am going to try and blitz that this weekend post e-mail checking - if anyone needs updating and hasn't already pm'd me then let me know!! I haven't checked my pms yet though so don't panic if you sent me one and I didn't update yet :D

    well, I JUST heard from my fiancé, who has JUST got off the phone with DOS, and we have an interview date :)


    ...in one week panic.gif

    needless to say, I don't have my Aus police check back, after that debacle with the fingerprints... going to call them later tonight... and I sort of don't feel ready, despite the hugely long wait... I guess this all makes it real


    there's my news :)

    GRATZIES!!! OMG - soooo soon! I can't imagine how that would make me feel - I am going to be a mess I just know it ;) Now the wedding thing is done I only have the visa/move to stress about... I am going to do it in honorary debz style :lol:

    Oh - and I'm back ;):lol:

    CBR Big CONGRATS to you....!!! ITs about time that you guys heart something

  13. Hi Guys!!! Just wanted to report in that after several days of mad running around, Matthew now has a Social Security Number, a State ID card (so he doesn't have to carry his passport everywhere which made me soooooo nervous given it has the visa in it - God forbid it get lost!) and we were able to open joint bank accounts, and I legally changed my name on everything. I know many of you are headed towards these steps, so if you have any q's, you can PM me, I am here with recent experience!!!! We are filing AOS this week, so will keep you posted! oh, and if anyone is interested our photographer's website is www.kwardphoto.com and we are the pic on the home page!!!!

    happy journeys to all!

    oh wow, what a lovely wedding picture

  14. So hello again everybody :) I had some troubles with the laptop so couldn´t post for a while again. I noticed Weedebz got her visa in the meantime, so congratulations :dance::dance::dance: So I finally managed to put some wedding pics up on the web so there you go you can take a look :)http://profile.imageshack.us/user/Starbuck17/ Hope you like it :)

    Btw it´s been a month. We are very happy. I settled and am busy all the time doing lotsa different stuff - not working for money yet ofcourse though :P I hope and believe everyone who is having some troubles right now will be fine it just takes some time.

    Hugz everyone :)

    And also :D I am now officially a July filer too :D since Aly got me this special certificate, so there :P I can hang out here without being shout at :D:thumbs::dance::dance::dance:

    thank you so much for sharing your wedding pictures... You are such a nice couple-.--

    as for us.... our interview and medical had been today ..............and.......................

    WE ARE APPROVED :dance::dance::dance::dance: yeah its over (at least for now)

  15. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    WE FINALLY GOT OUR INTERVIEW DATE!!!! :dance::dance::dance:

    March 12th at 9am!!!!!

    no packet 4 yet, but i got the date from DOS, my daily ritual of calling finally paid off!!!!

    i had adriano call the embassy this morning, and i guess that woke them up!!!

    YAYYYYYYYYY i cannot wait to see my baby (L)(L)(L)

    edit: adriano didnt believe me when i told him, because i always kid around like that...it took him a good 5 minutes to finally realize that i wasnt kidding...i couldnt help but laugh hysterically the whole time because he was being so cute about it, getting really excited and then telling me to stop kidding with him

    oh wow... Thats great news...... Good luck on the interview in advance... Its so exciting here at the moment... so much is happening lately its awesome.... All the waiting finally pays off

    @ julezabelle

    CONGRATULATIONS on your wedding.... I hope u had a fabulous day

  16. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    WE FINALLY GOT OUR INTERVIEW DATE!!!! :dance::dance::dance:

    March 12th at 9am!!!!!

    no packet 4 yet, but i got the date from DOS, my daily ritual of calling finally paid off!!!!

    i had adriano call the embassy this morning, and i guess that woke them up!!!

    YAYYYYYYYYY i cannot wait to see my baby (L)(L)(L)

    edit: adriano didnt believe me when i told him, because i always kid around like that...it took him a good 5 minutes to finally realize that i wasnt kidding...i couldnt help but laugh hysterically the whole time because he was being so cute about it, getting really excited and then telling me to stop kidding with him

    oh wow... Thats great news...... Good luck on the interview in advance... Its so exciting here at the moment... so much is happening lately its awesome.... All the waiting finally pays off

  17. the chick there gave me $hit that i don't have an engagement ring, and that eric holding a doctorate degree would mean that i would at least have to get 1.5carat or more. whatever.

    This is really sad. It's bad enough that girls make similar demands about their own ring, but to criticise someone else's choice?... :angry:

    what the he-.... what does the ring choice even matter to her... they got to be bored at work if they have time to worry about other people engagement rings

  18. hopefully u wont get that sick again.....consider getting flu shot next yr, it offers some protection if not all...hope u feel better

    Umm..... I did get a flu shot. This strain was a mutated strain not protected by the flu shot.

    Hope you feel better too. I just was diagnosed with the Flu Type A today, after I had the flu shot too. I thought I was sore from moving and carting all those boxes...then I spiked a fever. Sigh....what a valentine's day huh?

    On the good news front, Peter has his medical interview on the 29th, so hopefully he'll have his consular interview date sent soon. I have a week's holiday the week of March 17th, so we're hoping to get hitched then....we shall see.....

    #Oh I am sorry to hear that so many here got a flu... Well I hope you guys will get well soon

  19. @tucson chick...

    CONGRATULATIONS to your US arrival, I hope u will find yourself and wont feel lost for too long... Maybe you will already feel better if you find yourself in the house a bit... so you wont feel like a guest much longer...


    good luck for your wedding. It feels so good to hear positive stress in your messages.. Cant wait to see your wedding pictures..

    @ debz...

    I hate this sorting out stuff as well, there is soo stuff that I like to bring over but... oh well...

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