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Yassine et Martha

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Posts posted by Yassine et Martha

  1. hi everybody,happy to write again,wish you all a happy christmas lol,my question is my fiancee have asked me to tell her which document she have to send me for the interview day,well my application is not yet approved but we are not patient,and we dont want to lose time in collecting paper while we can now,iam a september filler and my concern is if she send me the documents now,will they be valid until the interview day?if yes what kind of document she have to send me?thank you for alwyas helping each others,best luck

  2. hi

    you really dont have to worry about it,first did he apply for his passport 5 months?the probleme of your man migth be the change of his ID,well beeing rubed from the person in the mukata is not applicable,the stamps are 100dh and 300dh,the whole payment of the passport cost 600dh with no more than 45 days to get it,is it the first passport?and after all no worries because when he get his interview,he just need to show them the paper and the pass in hand in 5 days,if he did applied for the passport 5 months and nothing yet,ask him to go to the amel of rabat,he can check,and with god willing everything will be fine,and best luck

  3. well visas jourey get money from the advirtisment because it is calculated on how many people visite your website,visite pages,and also how longer they stay,so i think the less someone can stay here is 15min,and you can multiplu it with how many people are visiting each day,after this,you may say,well it worth it lol,i just hope they dont make a change in the future,like selling the website domain to someone who will make it a payed service lol,VJ we do appreciate all your work and we are greatfull,arent weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?

  4. Hi i just wanted to creat a new topic for people who sent thier applications in september,i know the waiting time is long but what we can do,all this is for one reason,reunate with our families,peace and love to everybody and please lets share all the information here,to make each one of us have a smile,lets start with me,i think september fillers will start getting thier NOA2 after christmas,according to the waiting time i have been seeing in here,so what you think?

  5. Hello everybody,thanks for all your support,we are all in the same boat and i wish the best luck to each one of us,so our reunion come soon and we start our great families,i have a question and thanks for all your attention,when my fiancee sent her documents,the check was already cashed,does it mean thye started the process?and yes we got our NOA1,plz answer me,and am i missing something?

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