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Posts posted by docdoc

  1. Hi,


    I and my boyfriend of almost 7 years want to file for fiancé visa now. The situation is this: He has applied for tourist visa in 2020 but was denied because "of not providing strong ties with his home country." We then tried again for another tourist visa, but this time is pending due to Covid. Now we have decided to apply for finance visa. The reason why we did not do this sooner or before the tourist visa was because we were not ready to take the relationship to the next step (we both were in school and had other things going on). 

    Do you think I need a lawyer to help me with the process or is this something I can do myself? (I am familiar with the process meaning that I have applied for my naturalization before and know the nature of the paperwork and stuff). Is my case a complicated case? We don't want to risk another denial, but also spoke with a lawyer and she said that tourist visa get denied all the time and the reason why he got denied was not a big deal. She also said that I should hire a lawyer just because the USCIS takes the matter more seriously (I do not see how). The only reason I do not want to hire one because the whole process is pricey and I do not think we can afford it now, but if its 100% guaranteed we are willing to pay for it. 

    Also, just for background info; none of us were previously married; no criminal record; no kids; we have been meeting once-twice a year; either I go to Albania (where he is from) or we meet in Europe. Last time we met was this summer, Aug 2021 and will probably meet again in January 2022.  I am US citizen by naturalization. 


    Any input is appreciated. Thank you. 

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