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Bob & Kim

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Posts posted by Bob & Kim

  1. Why not? I think it is always important to know some care and some could not. To me this is very interesting. All sides should give some input and it be welcomed in a question or poll. That's want public forums should be all about. Getting perspectives from all views: positive, negative, and indifferent.

    Just pointing out that there is no logic in participating in a thread about a subject you could "care less about" ;)




    Indifferent - 1: marked by impartiality : unbiased

    2 a: that does not matter one way or the other b: of no importance or value one way or the other

    I believe Caro is correct and the poster reinforces it by claiming indifference as his rationale. Looking at the definitions of indifferent, I see no need for one who is "indifferent" to comment.

  2. Are they open on the weekend? Or am I gonna have to wait till Monday to speak to someone?

    I would send NVC an email and call them. They usually take about a week to respond to emails. That way you will have something in writting.

    I read something somewhere before that said if there was a name problem after USCIS to contact NVC and the servicing American embassy.

    Good luck...you'll get them straightened out.

    The thing is, I don't believe there is a true name problem. Like I said, all the 'official' documents have her correct name on them...

    Understand, but somewhere in some system they have the name spelled wrong, so it is the same issue to get to the bottom of it. They didn't hand write you the letter did they? Ok then, there is a database that is incorrect somewhere and I would nip it in the bud before it has a chance to bite you later.

  3. I like living far away from family...tell them to beat as long as you are sure he is the right one for you. It is normal for them to be concerned for you, but from what you said it seems they are going overboard. They have their lives now you are going to have yours...just tell them straight up that your future husband is your decision and while you appreciate their concern you expect support once you have made your decision.

  4. Are they open on the weekend? Or am I gonna have to wait till Monday to speak to someone?

    I would send NVC an email and call them. They usually take about a week to respond to emails. That way you will have something in writting.

    I read something somewhere before that said if there was a name problem after USCIS to contact NVC and the servicing American embassy.

    Good luck...you'll get them straightened out.

  5. It seems to me they are asking how you met online. what website, was it free, did it cost. was it a marriage broker website etc. just stating you met online is too vague. did you tell them the name of the website etc? IMBRA is very important with internet meetings.


    I am drafting another Circumstance of meeting letter.

    The first time I just stated online didn't mention it was free online service from Yahoo.

    This time I will be sure I say that it was from Yahoo chat via Yahoo Messenger.

    I didnt go through any broker and Yahoo Chat was free.

    I will make sure I state that in my next letter.

    Does anyone think if I call USCIS to have them clarify what they want, will that help??

    By reading your first RFE, I think they want the circumstance of how you met .. paint them a picture from how you ever first met and then how you met in real person ... When I wrote my letter, I started with, I met my fiance (NAME) in yahoo chat, on blah blah blah... eventually we became a couple and decided to meet in person blah blah blah and fell in love blah blah blah.. you get the picture? Hope that helps and good luck.

    I got it thank you very much.. I am drafting a new letter now.. I hope this time it will be ok.. I will gather some more evidence and send it again.. here is what i have so far:

    "Dear Sir/Madam,

    I xxxxx xxxxxx met my fiancé xxxxx xxxxx online in July 2004 in YAHOO Messenger chat rooms (free online messaging service). We communicated privately online via YAHOO Messenger, fell in love and got to know each other very well.

    During my 3 weeks vacation on April 2005, I booked a flight to Thailand and met my fiancé in person. I stayed with her for the entire 3 weeks in Thailand. Upon my return home to the United States, we continued our relationship online via YAHOO Messenger and frequently communicated by phone and email.

    We decided to take our relationship to another level. I returned to Thailand in October 2005 to April 2007. I stayed with her during that period. I met her family and we got engaged to be married. We are very confident that our relationship will continue to grow strong. We love each other very much and we want to start a family as soon as possible. I have enclosed documentary proof of us having met in person within the past 2 years and an on going relationship.

    So I respectfully request you to grant K-1 Visa to Miss xxxxxx xxxxxx.

    Thank you, "

    I think your response is not specific enough. Many people meet at online dating sites and then progress to using Yahoo chat. When you just say "Yahoo Chat Room" it is not specific enough. If it is true that you met in a Yahoo Chat Room, you should point out in your letter how you got to it and which exact room in was. In other words, tell them you went to http://messenger.yahoo.com/feat_chatrooms.php and then choose Asian Chat or you got to it by Clicking "Messenger" in Yahoo Messenger and then "Yahoo! Chat" and then "Join a Room" and then chose "Asian Chat."

    I hope your beneficiary has the same story when interviewed...

  6. i'm such a dork!!!

    I didn't even click on the thing; i just saw the date change.

    I GOT MY NOA2!


    :D :D :D


    ive become so used to posting in this thread, that i feel like i have no friends anywhere else on VJ....


    my case was sent to naples instead of albania...and its a national holiday today in albania, so i cant get anything done


    just thought i would share that and say congrats to all those who were recently approved, and i hope that when everyone else gets their NOA2, they wont be syked out like i was, and have to deal with more BOLOGNA at the embassy stage :o:wacko:

    I just spoke with my congressman's office. They called VSC and spoke to their contact there. Apparently, this is someone they always call and is a high up there (not one of the useless customer service idiots). She said my case is currently with an adjucator. If I don't hear anything in 30 days they can call back.

    Good news is my petition is with an adjucator. Bad news...why wouldn't I hear anything by 30 days?? I feel a little relieved though that it isn't in a dusty crate in the corner of a trailor parked out back in an abandoned parking lot.

    The 30 days statement is what they tell everybody. It is the company mantra and they are just covering their asses.

    Roger that!

  7. nevermind... it doesn'T apply..

    36 days and i'm already freaking out....

    Hopefully you can chill out for now, since you are still early in this dreadful process. Most likely you still have about 100+ more days of waiting. Hope things happen sooner. Good luck!

    Afterforever is correct...The way things are going at USCIS now, it will most likely be more like 150+ more days...by the way, no premium processing...it isn't Family's First as they say while trying to get elected...it is big business first.

  8. I see there is nothing new here...same as I predicted months ago trying to get everyone to write the elected officials and the media...some didn't like my terse predictions and methods to try to get people just sitting back to take action...I am sorry to see some of my old time friends still on here...jeez, I wish you the best for a soon positive action. I know you rose up and did all you could to make a difference and that is honorable.

    For you newbies: take action now, don't wait until you are sitting at 6 months or more to wake up. There are many of you who just slip in and out of here reading and not taking action. The 6 month goal is unacceptable, period. Having employment based and big business supported petitions get better service than the American family is just plain wrong and they will keep it that way until enough people raise up to say is enough. Read through this thread from the beginning and you will see a lot of draft letters you can use, people to write, web address references, etc.

  9. When my sister in USA told me that ..i have to goggle.. President bush daughter engagement ring i asked her why?.. so she told me that the daugther of President bush jenna who is just recently engaged is wearing a ring just like what my fiance gave to me . I was thinking that she is just playing tricks on me until i search on it and yes my sister was right.. we are wearing the same ring same shape of diamonds , the sapphires and its platinum.. hahaha. Oh my baby has good taste in choosing what gift he gave to me which surprises me and i love it! Im wearing this ring for five months now Im proud to wear em! And aside from that my baby has a good taste because he chose me and im telling the whole wide world that i love my baby from california. He is the best thing that ever happen to me I love you pumpkin! Yup ! yup!

    Post a pic of the ring you & jeanna share ;)

    Here are some photos...


  10. QUICK! I am about to call my Senator and explain to them all the issues we have with USCIS, and i cannot remember the situation exactly... I'm going to tell him about our situation (and we've only been waiting a little over 100 days), but i also want to mention how VSC was prioritizing a different type of work visa. Can someone remind me of what this situation was exactly?

    They prioritize work-related employment visas before family visas. They have 2 months to approve work visas but have unlimited time to approve family viasas. They are promoting a 6 moth waiting time as of today, but they can change this whenever they want with minimal to zero consequence.

    Thank you! I tried to call, but he's not in today (figures). His secretary said he'd call me back, so I'll add this to my ammuntion! :) I never thought anyone would actually get back to me about the letters i sent, so i wasn't really prepared to talk to anyone about this!

    Don't forget to also mention how many other types of visa petitioners can pay for premium 15-calendar day processing, while K1 and K3 petitioners cannot. Good luck. Keep the pressure on the politicians to make this right!

  11. I think your chances for getting an expedite are very good under these circumstances. We got our K-1 interview at the consulate moved up by 2 months because of an emergent medical situation where it was helpful for Marlene to be with me.

    I can tell you that getting an expedite with the DOS through the embassy is a lot different and easier than getting an expedite through the Department of Homeland Security and USCIS. As I said, doesn't hurt to try...but I wouldn't hold my breath.

  12. if he filed in July I would have thought he'd have had a case number by now... you say you haven't even got an NOA1? that's very strange, as you say

    who was the appointment with, that he took the attorney to?

    regardless, if any case is worth a medical expedite, this sounds like it... I sincerely wish you every success in this endeavour; I can imagine you're going mad knowing that he needs your help in such an ongoing way and you're not able to be there for him... I hope it works out for you, and quickly :)

    Yeah, July and no NOA1 yet??? Sorry to say, maybe he lost interest.

    You said he was staying at family's house, even if everything is true, USCIS will consider that he has family alive and can help him. Plus he is poor, will he even make the poverty cut for salary anyway? I hope he has good medical insurance because this type of problem could lead into 10's of thousands of dollars. I think your odds for expedite are almost zero, but it doesn't hurt to try. You will definately need the help of him or someone in his family with a Power of Attorney to give this a shot. Sorry to sound negative, but there are a lot of sad stories on VJs every day and sometimes things look hopeful and sometimes they don't. Sometimes they sound true and sometimes they leave doubts. I perfer to look at life realistically. There are enough other people in the forum that will give emotional support and cheerleading. Good luck in whatever happens in your life.

  13. Sorry, but it cannot be the same for several reasons. Our country was founded on Christianity, yet we make the majority suffer for the minority. Get ready to see and hear "Happy Holidays" again this season versus "Merry Christmas." That on top of the commercialism (like Lexus' with bows in the driveway as though every common American can do that) makes me sick. The best thing to do is to celebrate the birth of Christ the best as you can in your home and in your church.

  14. Thanks for posting this. I have a few comments though.

    Half of americans under 21 have downloaded songs and/or movies off the Internet without paying.

    Who hasn't made a video or taped a show that strictly speaking should not be done?

    Always looking for someone to make an example of and scare everyone else.

    Heck, I can buy all the fake Gucci and Prada bags I want right here in New York City.

    Unbelievable! I can understand a little if they are busting someone coming here with a boat load with the intent to sell, but not a few discs for personal use. Jeez, come on. Isn't there better things to do with our tax dollars??? Say like hire more adjudicators at USCIS service centers or NVC or to work at the embassies..

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