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Posts posted by ssayers05

  1. My wife and i got married in May of 2008. At this time we got all of her documentation from China and all of mine here in the USA. Her paperwork was lost and we did not find out for 8 months that it was missing. If i refile her paperwork(because i have all the originals with me) do we have to get new notorized copies of her paperwork?

    Steve and Jing

  2. Hello all,

    I am getting ready to assemble my wife's and step daughter's I-130 paperwork to send in. My question is should i send in all original copies and make 2 copies and have all information notorized to keep in case anything is needed later? do i need to send in my original birth certificate? Is there an example of what the cover letter should look like? I am sorry for all the questions, i would just like to make sure that i have everything together before sending it in. I appreciate any and all help that is offered.

  3. Hello,

    My fiance and i want to get married when i come to Fushun, China in a few months. I would like to know if anyone knows what is needed for me to do before i go there and what the requirements are? Any information will be very helpful.

    Thank you

  4. My best advice is to think of all the reasons you wont get it, and then make sure you eliminate the reasons one by one.

    If you do not have enough evidence, make some.

    I have snail mail letters, cards, picutres, reciepts galore (everything from engagement party receipts to debit card receipts for the letters i send at the post office), i have tons of proof that i visited her in vietnam (boarding passes, reciepts from stuff i bought there, hundreds of pictures, etc), I had my mother send a couple letters to her with pictures and details about the extended family. I have hundreds of logs from IMs, emails, phone records for text messages, etc. Everything that has to do with our relationship has been kept from Day 1 and will be available at the time of the interview when the CO asks for it. Is it overkill? Who cares, its worth it if my baby will be here soon. Then it will all go into a huge scrap book so if anyone asks about how we met they can just look at the book instead of telling the story 1000s of times hehehe.

    Do you have the income?

    I do and i provided 3 years income tax returns, 3 years income tax accounts, 3 current paychecks (paid every 2 weeks), a letter from my employer, a letter from my bank, and statements from my stock accounts.

    Is your paperwork all done correctly and accuratly?

    If it is there shouldn't be any issues with it.

    I also will be taking a 2nd trip sometime this month to see her so they know I'm all for it. We are going to sort through all the paperwork and prepare everything for her interview.

    My biggest hurtle to overcome is her lack of confidence in her English skills. I feel she will do just fine but she thinks she is horrible at English. This is my last reason i think we wont get the visa. What did i do? Sent her to class to learn english for 3 months prior to the interview, talk with her on the phone a lot in english only, and coach her on all the details she needs for the interview.

    I am 100% confident that we will have the pink because everything is in order and ready to go. Of course your case will more than likely be differant but as long as you eliminate all the reasons for being delayed, why wouldn't you pass??

    Just so you know my finance and I started talking online after her uncle introduced us via pictures in early Nov. In March i flew there and we had our engagement party. in April i filed the 129F, and now it is oct and we are waiting on packet 4. Our relationship developed quickly but all my ducks are in a row and i will get the pink the first time around.

    I'll keep an eye on your posts and help you out as needed as i just went through everything you are just begining. :).

    BTW Tram has been nothing but negative about this whole ordeal because she knows so many people that have been denied and i'm not there to comfort her. My biggest thing is trying to keep her positive and upbeat about the whole process. It wasn't until packet 3 arrived (6 months after i last saw her) that she finally broke out of a depression like state and got her head in the game. Its a very stressful and drawn out process, but keep hope alive and stay positive!

    Holy ####### that was a long post :o

    Thank you for your words of encouragement. i am doing everything that i can to keep my fiance from being depressed. Suong also feels her english is not that well, but she speaks better english then alot of the people i have to deal with with me job. luckily for me this site is giving me alot of good information and everyone that is here is giving me good advice. i hope that everything works out for you and Tram. and thank you again for the advice. Tell Tram to relax i hear the one thing they look for in the interview is someone who is nerveous.

  5. Hi and wellcome!

    What exactly are your questions and why is she worried about the interview? I am sure if you could explain your situation, many VJ members will be able to help.

    My fiance is concerned that we have not spent enough time together in person and she is worried because she has heard of alot of people being denied there visas. and i am concerned on whether i should get a lawyer to help with processing the visa paperwork or to go to a site that can prepare the paperwork for me? This is the first time that either of us have had to fill out paperwork for a fiance visa and we just want to make sure that we are doing everything correctly.

  6. I am looking for any help or advice on what is needed to make sure that my fiance's k1 visa goes smoothly. We have met and spent time together and have evidence of our relationship, but she is worried that she will not get through the interview ok. So any help that can be given would be very appreciated. We have been through alot this past year and want to make sure that everything goes well. Thank you

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