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Mrs W.

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Posts posted by Mrs W.

  1. Hi

    It all went really well.


    First we were asked to stand, and he swore us in.

    They asked me my address, and my phone #, where I worked. They asked my husband how we met, and some personal questions, like "when did i know she was the one?" and "when did you ask her to marry you? what did she say?" etc

    He only wanted a copy of my birth certificate, and he was mostily interested in ANYTHING that had both of our names on it: we gave him a joint tax return, a joint bank account, and 2 joint credit card account statements, as well as our car insurance. That was it. He looked over some photos, and just had a pretty informal chat with us. Then he asked me if i had been arrested, if I had helped any illegal immigrants/gangs, if i had been deported, etc. and he let us go. He said "Yeah I think im buying into this one", and I laughed, and said "Yeah, well i sure hope so!! lol"

    He asked for my I-94, and EAD card, then just threw them away in the trash right in front of me!

    I got a stamp in my passport right there and then, and were approved!!!

    He printed out some doocuments to say we were approved, and told us to keep them safe.


    He didnt really ask about current work status of my husband (the US citizen) as he already had all that in the folder from the original application.

    1 month to go until my green card arrives in the mail.

    21 months to go before conditions can be lifted.

    Tick tock.

    Thank You for all your help & support throughout my VISA JOURNEY!

  2. Ok So an update....

    I think I will be able to request a long form copy of my newer birth certificate that shows my maiden name only. If i get a new one issued then there should be no reason to start having to involve my birth name.

    maybe this wont be so much of a hassel after all.

    I will update tomorrow when I have spoken to the birth certificate office in England to confirm this is possible...

  3. Ok so I have already had 1 RFE where they needed my BC, so I sent back a copy of the short BC as I assumed they had just overlooked it in my package.

    Turns out that they did receive this BC both times, but in this 2nd RFE they have included another page stating that for an English applicant they need the Long-form birth cert, as short form does not contain the parents' names.

    Here is where there may be an issue. The BC i sent in already has my maiden name on it. When I was born I took my mother's name before she married my father. When they did get married my name was changed to my father's name, which was also my maiden name. On the G-325A I never disclosed my birth name, and on my short Bc submitted it just shows my maiden name. Now I am going to have to apply for a Long-form BC from England, and then submit that. I dont have any papers from when my name was changed, and now Im thinking I might have to submit new G-325A's showing my birth name.

    Argh, I wasnt trying to hide anything, I was just a baby when my name was first changed, so I have always just used my maiden name all my life and the short BC has been fine for a UK Passport and 2 other types of Visas I have been on in America (Both E2's). now I am going for the "simplest visa" Im having the most trouble!

    Any advice anyone??

    Maybe there are papers out there that prove my name change and I can submit those, but shall I also submit new G-325A's and if i dont need to is that going to look like i was originally lying to them? Oh no! This is a nightmare.... On top of all that I know until i re submit my Bc my case is at a standstill. :(

  4. Ok so I have already had 1 RFE where they needed my BC, so I sent back a copy of the short BC as I assumed they had just overlooked it in my package.

    Turns out that they did receive this BC both times, but in this 2nd RFE they have included another page stating that for an English applicant they need the Long-form birth cert, as short form do not contain the parents' names.

    Here is where there may be an issue. The BC i sent in already has my maiden name on it. When I was born I took my mother's name before she married my father. When they did get married my name was changed to my father's name, which was also my maiden name. On the G-325A I never disclosed my birth name, and on my short Bc submitted it just shows my maiden name. Now I am going to have to apply for a Long-form BC from England, and then submit that. I dont have any papers from when my name was changed, and now Im thinking I might have to submit new G-325A's showing my birth name.

    Argh, I wasnt trying to hide anything, I was just a baby when my name was forst changed, so I have always just used my maiden name all my life and the short BC has been fine for a UK Passport and 2 other types of Visas I have been on in America (Both E2's). now I am going for the "simplest visa" Im having the most trouble!

    Any advice anyone??

    Maybe there are papers out there that prove my name change and I can submit those, but shall I also submit new G-325A's and if i dont need to is that going to look like i was originally lying to them? Oh no! This is a nightmare.... On top of all that I know until i re submit my Bc my case is at a standstill. :(

  5. How do I get my petition number so that I can register online if the NOA1 is taking forever to get out to me from CSC? Is there another way of getting this number?

    call the uscis and tell them u have not recieve a NOA1...the operator will give a reciept number

    Thanks Trulo. I don't get my checks back from my bank. I think its all digital now, but they don't show the back of the check online. I will call fro the updates. Thanks!! :thumbs:

    Call up your bank and request a copy. If you do it quick, they still might have the paper copy / endorsement side.

    How many digits is the number supposed to be?

    I have 2 cashed checks, but no NOA1 yet...

  6. Update -

    I went back for them to read the Mantoux test, and it was negative. I did not have any reaction - even though I had had a BCG injection as a child!

    It was a different nurse, and she even refunded me my $54 for the chest X rays as she said they should not have been done until a reading was taken from the Mantoux. :dance:

    I was in shock! A refund! Wow!

    Anyway, she put my 2 original medical documents into a sealed envelope for immigration, and gave me 2 copies of it anyway, and told me not to open the envelope.

    All my readings were negative, and off I went. 'That was easy!'

  7. I'm glad the doctor can get blood out your veins, i'm not so lucky *sigh*

    after 4 or 5 attempts he/she gives up on my arm and moves to my hand, well more or less between my knuckles.....my veins are so small that only the smallest butterfly needle can be used, or my veins collapse. By this time, i'm like a pin cushion, next day i have this huge bruise, that takes 2-3 weeks to go away, maybe my blood is too thick, or because it's one of the rare blood groups who knows.... anyways to fill 2 tubes for whatever they want to test it for usually takes them 15 mins to fill :lol:

    Patience is a virtue, while I sit and laugh at them trying to get blood out of me :whistle:

    They just get frustrated ;)

    Oh wow, im sorry to hear that. i dont even have a bruise. My arm is sore though from the tetanus shot, but there is no reaction from the mantoux yet....

  8. I'm wondering what name to use?

    My maiden name or my new married name? I will eventually phase everything into my new married name.

    I can't change my name with Social Security until I have my Visa paperwork back aand approved, so im assuming i have to keep my application in my maiden name? This way it matches with all my current papers, and passport, etc?

    So far I have made everything (such as medical) in my maiden name,


  9. Hi all

    I am a UK Citizen married to a US Citizen. I have been in Florida for 4 years on an E2 Visa. I just got married Sept 15th, :thumbs: and so am getting to work on my AOS application asap! :dance:

    It just so happens I will be in Minnesota for the next 2 weeks so decided to get my medical done whilst I am up here as I have the spare time. I made an appointment on Friday for today at the Twin Cities Medical & Occupational Health Centre. They told me to bring my passprt and all my immunisation history paperwork. It was $175 CASH ONLY for the full medical. It was a really nice health centre and I think I was the only one there - maybe because it was Monday morning? The nurses were really nice too.

    I had quite a lot of tests:

    Urine sample & test to see my protein level and blood sugar levels. She told me instantly everything was good there with a dip stick test.



    Eye Sight Test Chart.

    Overview of my medical history, and immunisations were all transferred to one supplementary sheet. i was asked the usual questions and my pulse and blood pressure results were added to the sheet.

    Blood Samples - 2 tubes. They have to send these off to test for HIV/AIDS and/or Syphillis. (They took the blood from the inner elbow of my left arm. Easy. She got a vein the first time.)

    Mantoux test for TB, even though it will show positive in a few days when i go back because I had already had a BCG injection as a kid, and this will make the test read positive. (They injected me just under the skin on the inner left forearm.)

    I also had to have 2 chest X Rays, because they knew my TB Mantoux test would read positive, they tried to speed up the process by haivng the Xrays today, rather than waiting until I came back for a formal positive reading from the Mantoux test. It is the X rays which really show whether you have TB or not. $54 extra.

    Tetanus injection. I needed to have one of these because it has been more than 10 years since my last one. (They injected me in the top of my left exterior arm, almost in my shoulder) $20 extra.

    Physical exam by the doctor. A lot more general questions. Nothing out of the ordinary. He also tested my reflexes on my knees. Felt my neck & throat. He held his arms out and made me push down on his, then we swopped and i resisted the pressure on his. Same thing with my legs, he held my shins down and vice versa as i sat in a seated position.

    That was about everything. I was all done in about an hour.

    I have to go back on Thursday to review my mantoux test, blood work, and X ray results, and then I will get 2 copies of the paperwork - one for me, and one to go in my visa application paperwork.

    Let me know if you have any questions!

    Please do shop around for prices when making these appointments, my first quote was $500 at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester for the physical, and upto $200 extra for X Rays!!!

    Let me know if you have any questions......


  10. Hi

    I am just working on our I-864 and my husband (the US citizen) who is sponsoring me (the UK Citizen) and he does not have his original W2 from 2006.

    He has his 2005, but I dont know what to do about the 2006 one?

    His income shown on the tax return is more than sufficient for the poverty guidelines, but the papers say that you must include a copy of each and every W2....

    Any help is appreciated.

    Mrs. W

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