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Posts posted by sweet_peach

  1. Divorce is about separating two people that had supposely co mingled assets. If you guys are still civil to each other the best thing to do is to split thing up yourselves and not waste money on lawyers. My first hubby and I were different people once we got out of college and knew it pretty quickly. So we say down and even made a game of splitting up the records. You take one I take one. Our incomes where about equal so we split the costs of raising the child we had. There was very little prior assets. In most states the parties are entitled to half the joint assets which means things that were aquired AFTER the marriage or the portion of separate assets that community money paid for . So if you had a house for 6 years then were married for 2 , he would get 1/2 of the last 2 years value of the house ( which could be nagative ) Alimoney for a 2 year marriage may not be granted or only granted for a few months. Study the laws of your state and good luck at staying civil.

    Thanks for the info....

    but what im looking for is USCIS info. As far as out paper work etc. Basically what I have to do with them.

  2. Hello everyone,

    I'm sure I'm not the first to post something about this and I have looked around to see if I can find something, but I just don’t have the energy to keep looking. I do apologize for this post right now. I'm just so tired for everything that’s going on so if this makes no sense this is why.

    I never thought three years ago today (visa was issued today) that I be on here trying to find out this type of information. We filed for my husbands 10yr green card a few months ago. He hasn’t received an interview appointment yet and so I need to see what I need to do. I know I'm still responsible for him if he tries to get assistance from the gov and that won’t change with the divorce, but I just need to see what needs to be done on my part. This isn’t a hasty decision and has actually been forth coming for awhile. My mind is now set and will not be changed.

    Any advice would be great.

    Thanks again for reading this mess......

  3. For those of you who are in the US (or who may know).

    Have you ever received a text from your SO in the Philippines and it showed up as another telephone number when you received the text?

    A friend keeps getting text from someone in the Philippines, but the telephone number its coming from it showing a UK number. Anyone else had this happen?

    Just to add

    Its the same telephone number each time they receive a text.

  4. For those of you who are in the US (or who may know).

    Have you ever received a text from your SO in the Philippines and it showed up as another telephone number when you received the text?

    A friend keeps getting text from someone in the Philippines, but the telephone number its coming from it showing a UK number. Anyone else had this happen?

  5. Yeah hubby mentioned not to show him anything too shocking which isn't my intention. Vegas also offers loads of family fun other than the general debauchery you can find. You don't have to go to Vegas for that btw it can be found in your own hometown but doesn't mean you'll seek it there either. I'd just go for one of the packages which is usually 3 days and 2 nights. For Vegas that isn't a lot of time but I also have school to get back too.

    Olivia if you want to meet up in Vegas I will see what we have on our schedule.

    Now as far as all the comments about not wanting to see gambling / people drunk etc.

    The best place to stay would be the Marriott. I believe its the only hotel in Vegas that doesnt have a casino.

  6. That's great news ! :) Good luck at the POE, be sure to have sufficient proof of returning for him to show the officer at the airport.

    Jackie (F)


    And Jackie is correct.

    If the officer thinks he "smells" anything funny its back on the plane to Egypt.

    Good luck and I hope all goes well. I'm sure he is excited about seeing the US

  7. You'd think that adding another driver to your policy would cost you more money, not less.

    A bit counterintuitive.

    ya, i never really got the logic behind that, especially by simply "listing" them...they arent even covering him.

    By you having a spouse they think you will drive safer therefore - less accidents = cheaper policy.

    The older you get the less you will pay for car insurance also.

  8. Good day MENA! So glad tomorrow will be Friday. I am getting so ansy about getting my NVC case number. I wish they would HURRY UP!

    Anyhow Sweet Peach, I can't read Arabic well. I tried and tried and well with the little I can read (a first grade level I'm sure), I was proud to say I think I read Amanda and Hassan? Is that correct?

    Okay all, have a great day everyone!

    You are correct.

  9. i do understand everybody has to have a medical record, but if there is no record available can they take the vaccines all over again ? at the time of the medical for instance ( he didn't have his medical yet )... :unsure: i think i just answered my question

    also, do the vaccinations include the series of 3 Hepatitis B shots that have to be taken now, 3 months after, 6 months after...

    Are you talking about no med record when he / she does the medical for the interview or once they arrive in the states?

    for the interveiw in Leb they just go to the doc with proof if they have it if they dont then dont worry you will take care of that once they arrive here

    Once they arrive here in the states there is just a couple of vaccinations that are required along with the TB test.

    go to this site and it will let you know which vaccinations are required for the age of your SO http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/PDF/wk/mm5753-Immunization.pdf

    Good Luck

  10. We had a simular problem happen to us when making an info pass appoitment.

    Our printer decided to die at the time. I just wrote down the information it gave when the appointment was made just in case I couldnt get back on the system. Good thing I did because I tried to log onto the system later to see if I could print the page and couldnt get back on.

    So was just took the hand written paper with us and to the appointment and the guards didnt give us any issues.

  11. Good Morning everyone! Happy rain/thunderstorm Thursday!

    Today is day 4 of unemployment for me.....wow, I'm really starting to get BORED!

    Amanda....good luck on the interview, try not to get too many ulcers, everything will work out fine. I'll be praying for you and your husband.

    Nagi....Happy Belated Birthday! and I hope you have some good painkillers, bless your heart.

    Terri...have a GREAT time!

    We found a yummy place to eat in Lexington the other day, the owners are from Jordan, but are Pali like my hubby...the food was da bomb and made me remember why I miss my mother in law so much! I want to eat there every single day, at least til she gets here. :star:

    Everyone have a wonderful day! :luv:

    Afternoon everyone.

    Hey Angie - whats going on with you??? Hows the baby coming?

  12. Try doing what we did.

    Write a formal letter to the company. Have it notorized and send it registered mail to the phone company.

    We did this and they emailed me a copy of our phone records. (my email address was added in the letter).

    Try this and see if it works.

    Good Luck.

    Also - get your friends / family to write letters and have them notorized. Get his family to do the same. If they can speak (write) english then have them do it in Arabic and have it translated.

  13. Sandrilla is right - you need to get angry. You need to watch Madea when the woman takes out her anger on her ex husband. Become a witch and do everything you can to make his life a total hell.

    If he is still living in YOUR house put nair in his shampoo. Put all of his underware - if white - in the washing machine with red clothes. Speaking of underware - go buy some itching powder and put it in his underware and his socks. Just do things to irritate the hell out of him. Nothing to kill him just make his life a living hell.....

    Ok everyone - make a list of some nice things Kat can do to the jerk....

    Have you ever heard the expression "Two wrongs don't make a right"? Sure, he's wrong but that doesn't mean she has to be wrong, too, and all of that stuff would be so wrong. If nothing else he would have a VAWA claim that would sail through.

    Kat, I'm so sorry. I don't have any good advice to offer, but I really am sorry.

    Have you read some of the stuff that he put her through while she was pregnant or had the baby? Let her tell you and then see if you still feel the same about "two wrongs dont make a right".

  14. Its good to hear from you.

    so sorry you are still going through all of this. It it was me I would hurry and file as quickly as possible. I know if GA. you can file for a divorce yourself and get it done without a lawyer. I wounder if your state has the same and trick him into filing. If you use the same technique and threaten him. I would be calling the cops every chance I got even if he just looking at me wrong. I would call USCIS and see what could be done. Send Obama and email and tell his office whats going on. Basically you need to "leave a paper trail" to show how bad he is and hopefully he wont be able to adjust.


    You can just let me know where you live and I will send my husband there to beat his azz :devil: .....

    Sandrilla is right - you need to get angry. You need to watch Madea when the woman takes out her anger on her ex husband. Become a witch and do everything you can to make his life a total hell.

    If he is still living in YOUR house put nair in his shampoo. Put all of his underware - if white - in the washing machine with red clothes. Speaking of underware - go buy some itching powder and put it in his underware and his socks. Just do things to irritate the hell out of him. Nothing to kill him just make his life a living hell.....

    Ok everyone - make a list of some nice things Kat can do to the jerk....

  15. Its good to hear from you.

    so sorry you are still going through all of this. It it was me I would hurry and file as quickly as possible. I know if GA. you can file for a divorce yourself and get it done without a lawyer. I wounder if your state has the same and trick him into filing. If you use the same technique and threaten him. I would be calling the cops every chance I got even if he just looking at me wrong. I would call USCIS and see what could be done. Send Obama and email and tell his office whats going on. Basically you need to "leave a paper trail" to show how bad he is and hopefully he wont be able to adjust.


    You can just let me know where you live and I will send my husband there to beat his azz :devil: .....

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