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  1. Sad
    Sergio97 reacted to DeleteAccount in K1 Horrible Ending!! Fiance arrived with kid but turns out she is already married!   
    I was so very excited to start this process. I was feeling like a would have a family that truly loved me. I fought for 1 and half years to bring this women and her child to the US. I sent money every month so they could eat and buy necessities. I would help this woman's child with home work over video.  I spoke 2 times a day and reassured them I would bring them to the US. I truly loved and cared for these people!!
    After the long wait they finally arrived here in the US. I was so excited to see them and finally get to hold my family in my arms. It seemed relaxed at first until the first day of school for the child, I woke to arguing. I asked what was happening and she responded with "My daughter will soon be an alcoholic or marry one!!!" then she kept going with "I wish I had never birthed this child, she has ruined my life!!! I should have had an abortion!!!" This is were I stepped in and ask "Why would you say this where your child could hear this, that is horrible" then I asked what happened and she replied with "Her bangs are in her eye's, she looks terrible and this will hurt her eyes!!!!" That is when I realized something wasn't right.
    So, I felt I needed to step it up and be a super dad so this child would have some kind of sanity in her life. The daughter and I were close and she could tell I was trying to be the best father that I could be. The bond we formed was wonderful!! In the mean time the K1 wife was fighting as much as she could. So, I couldn't figure out what the problem was, then I discovered that she was married to a man in Norway!!!! I was blown away!! I asked her are you still married, because if so you lied on the Visa app. I found out that she is! That is not good!!!
    Needless to say she changed completely after she got here. I did see some red flags while she was in Ukraine, but I chalked it up to stress and living conditions. I visited Ukraine 2 times and never once did she mention her marriage in Norway. I even offered to help with the divorce from the man in Norway, but she was only in it for the green card. I found even more out that I will not mention, but it was enough for me to send her home. I am so devastated, I lost my family and child. I was planning on adopting the child!! Now all gone.
    Please be careful, this really does happen and does not feel good. If you have any questions or are concerned with your situation, please message me and I will give any information that I can. I will not look for just the negative, I am not bitter, only sad from my loss. I can't even tell you how much money I spent!!!
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