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Posts posted by eviee567

  1. Try your senators hun it kinda worked for me they had my husband passport forever until I called them

    My husband had his interview in June, 2016, and was told by CO that she had to review our evidence and to come back in 3 weeks. Came back in July and was placed on administrative processing. Being scrutinized because this is my second petition, i guess CO think it's marriage fraud. I gave them plenty evidence to prove our marriage is bonafied. I wish they would interview me, my family, his family so CO won't just assume, but know the facts. The not knowing when is so hard, just days passing being apart. All we can do is trust God that all shall be well in spite of.

  2. Has anyone filed a second petition for another spouse, when first marriage to foreign national ended in divorce? I have a dilemma, how do i prove that this marriage is bona fide? Our K-1 was denied, so i went to Ghana and we married. I believed they denied us because of this being my second petition. I'm not marrying for fraud, it just didn't work out, even though I married the first husband for love. How now do i prove to USCIS and the Ghana Embassy that this marriage is based on love and not a sham, even though my first marriage ended in divorce because of abandonment. Do i need legal advice? :cry: I don't want to be denied again. What do i include in the evidence? :cry:

  3. My fiancee was approved and picked up his visa today (March 18th). He has purchased his plane ticket and will be with me end of week, isn't God good!!!!!!!! Thank you Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance::dance:

    It's been a long rough journey, but this portion is over. We shall face the next together!!!!!!!!!! I thank everyone on visajourney who was help to me. Thanks so much. i wish you the same happiness and joy that i feel right now.

    God bless. :dance::dance::dance:

  4. Hallelujah, praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!! I give all credit to Father God who has made this possible. My fiancee shall finally join me. He had his interview on March 12th and was approved!!!!!!!!!!!! He picked up his visa today (March 18th). Afterwards, he went and purchased his ticket and will be with me by end of week. Thank u Jesus, it's been a long rough journey, but this portion is over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. We can face the rest now together!!!!!! From start to this present time, God has orchestrated and navigated everything. Father, how can i ever thank u for ur goodness towards us. Well, i will praise u all my days for i.........am........forever.......grateful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l :dance:

    Before i forget, i want to thank everyone that helped me on visajourney, I appreciate your prayers, friendship and support during these long months of waiting. May u experienced the same joy i'm feeling right now. Again, thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance::dance:

    eviee56 :star:

  5. This forum has been a tremendous help during this whole process, I am very new here so please pardon me and all critics welcome

    My Fiancee K1 Visa interview is scheduled in August, @ the Nigerian embassy

    it would be hassle free to attend interview but just want to know - which is better, if she goes alone

    and slug it out or if I go with her. I hope I would not introduce complications as I have seen in other posts

    Would I (petitioner) be allowed to go in with her to the interview window?

    Would the questions be targeted to both of us or only beneficiary since we are together?

    Is there a possibility we might get seperated in different rooms and cross questioned?

    I would welcome all suggestions, just want to know which is better, to allow her go to the embassy alone

    or to accompany her.


    how are things going with you. They won't let u attend the interview, but u can stay in the waiting area til interview is over. i wish you well. My fiancee was approved just recently and will be leaving for GA next week, i pray. I pray for u and ur fiancee and pray all goes well.


  6. I'm still looking for anyone who used a co sponsor for Lagos Embassy and was approved in 2007 or 2008. I wish to do this on my own even though i just secured another job that will take me over the 125% poverty level. If i show 2 jobs and 1 seasonal job as current income, do u think it will be enough to show my fiancee won't be a public charge? :innocent::help:

  7. Hi Everyone,

    I have read some conflicting post here about Lagos not accepting co-sponsors for the k-1 now. Also some say not even the k-3. Please, if anyone HAS used a co-sponsor with Lagos consulate, please contact me.

    I have emailed lagos consulate, but no reply as of yet.

    I'm very distraut and worried about this, because I will need to use a co-sponsor to sponsor my fiance, who lives in Nigeria.

    Please any assistance with this will be greatly appreciated.




    Can u plz share with me your outcome with your K-1. Becos i will need to use a co sponsor also.

    I hope to hear back from you with good results. I pray all went well for u.


  8. insha'allah iam going to america, next week,i am from morocco,i hear from someone,i cant take with me cake i mean something like candy,and real honey.

    so plzz if someone have that expreinece before xcan help me,plzz .

    thank you for everyone

    U can pack that stuff into ur luggage not ur carryon.

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