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Posts posted by Bazoookis

  1. Congrats on everyone's progress! I've been gone for a week or so, a new job has got me working around the clock!

    Afterforever, how did you get your stuff for packet 3 all together???? How did you know exactly what you need? My fiance called the embassy in Greece and they told him he had to wait until the packet arrived because he would need it in order to obtain certain documents. Is this usually true or are they just giving one of those generic answers?

    Thanks and good luck to everyone!

  2. Just curious if the date on the status of your petition on USCIS will change after your NOA2 date? Like to be an indicator that it was sent to the NVC???

    Also, what is the deal with working permits? I asked my lawyer today but I got confused and figured I would ask my friends on VJ :) He said you can file for the working permit when you apply for the Adjustment of Status. Does that mean that your fiance cannot work legally once they are admitted into the States? Or can they work even though their working permit is being applied for?????

    Thanks for the help, and GOOOOOOD LUCK!

  3. Hey everyone!

    Just wanted to wish everyone good luck on receiving NOA2s this week! Come oooon CSC/VSC!

    I last saw my baby August 17th, so I know that wasn't too long ago but Annette, good topic to bring up. At least we all know there are others out there who feel the pain of missing someone like we each individually do. Whenever I get down my dad always says "Do you think you are the only one who goes through this?! Just be happy you found someone that you love!" He has a point, and I guess I'm not alone in this, tons of people feel the same way I do........

    GOOD LUCK on speedy approvals and deliveries to NVC!!!!! GO GO GO!!!!!!

  4. Come oooooon, where are all of my VJ friend's approvals?!?!?!?!? Though this week is off to a bad start I feel that all of May should be finished this week! It HAS to be!!!!! Let's go!!!!!!!

    Also, can anyone help me understand the rest of the process once NVC sends the packet to the embassy???? Is Packet 3 what NVC sends to the US embassy in Greece, as well as to my fiance? And Packet 3 includes the Medical information??? I'm just a little confused, and though I do have a lawyer, he is probably sick of answering my phone calls :)

    GOOD LUCK everyone!!!!!!!!

  5. For those of you who are past 4 weeks, you should DEFINITELY call NVC because I just got my hard copy of NOA2 today and it says that NVC should contact you within 2-4 weeks of your approval, and if you don't hear within 4 weeks to call them. SO CALL!!! Who cares if they are mean bears! haha

    Also, does everyone's hard copy of NOA2 say "We have sent the original visa petition to the Department of State National Visa Center" ???? I'm sure it is a standard letter for everyone, but that is kind of misleading because it obviously has not already been sent. Hmmmm ????

    Good luck everyone!

  6. Hi everyone!

    I am new on this forum and just wanted to introduce myself! I received my NOA2 yesterday and now am in the wait for NVC!!! Hope it is not as agonizing!

    How does it work from here? Will my online profile be updated once it is received by NVC? Will I also receive a letter via snail mail? I was so excited when I talked to my lawyer today, I forgot to ask this question!

    Also, about how long has it taken recently to be transferred from CSC to NVC lately? Is it really 30 days?? AH

    Ok good luck everyone and nice to meet ya'all!

  7. THANK YOU EVERYONE on the congrats! It really means so much, after I told my fiance the great news I said "Ok, ok, I'll call you back, I have to tell my Visajourney friends!" The support on this board is amazing, it really has helped me get through the wait so far.

    Yes, I did have a touch yesterday, but that was the only one prior to my approval without a phone call. Weird, I got touched yesterday and the email was sent yesterday, but I also got a touch today? Who knows?????

    Those of you at VSC, have you tried calling??!!? Seeing if there is life?!

    Unbelieveable!!!!!!!!!!! And to think i told Leidy to stop trying to get a tourist visa and let's do things the right way and get the fiance visa....I have come to hate this process now!!! I know that they have a bunch of work but C'mon, NO activity out of VSC at all whatsoever when it comes to K1 petitions....A bunch of BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish they could feel the way i'm feeling today instead of worrying about all the work related petitions and the tax money these petiotions will generate.....But like the saying goes " Money Talks and BS walks" So i guess i just keep walking along! :crying:

    BYRON- Don't kick yourself for not applying for a tourist visa. Yes, many people get them easily but my fiance applied last year and got denied, which set us back a couple months. Also, tourist visas aren't permanent, and may wind up costing more money in the long run with traveling back and forth. Just think if you had a tourist visa, you would STILL have to go through this K-1 or K-3 process- just later. And with the backlog of petitions now, at least you are at the beginning of that and not a July filer! That would be torture! GOOD LUCK!

  8. CONGRATS to everyone approved!

    For those of us who aren't, I feel helpless!!!!! We are all so frustrated, we are all fed up with this miserable system and the way USCIS prioritizes petitions..... WHAT CAN WE DO!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!? There has to be something, something has to make a difference. These are our lives and loved ones. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry had to vent today too :(

    It is good to vent... USCIS should be held accountable for their actions???

    Thanks Tanjay, and YES they should be! All of us individuals have made sacrifices in our lives to try to be with our loved ones, and the USCIS doesn't take any of this into consideration. How long can we put our lives on hold?

  9. CONGRATS to everyone approved!

    For those of us who aren't, I feel helpless!!!!! We are all so frustrated, we are all fed up with this miserable system and the way USCIS prioritizes petitions..... WHAT CAN WE DO!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!? There has to be something, something has to make a difference. These are our lives and loved ones. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry had to vent today too :(

  10. Would it be worthwhile to have the district congressman get in touch with USCIS on my behalf? Would he be able to get any more detail than what I can? After more than four months of waiting without any indication that my case is even being looked at, I'm feeling pretty frustrated and desperate. :help::(

    I asked my lawyer this question and he said that in his experience (he is strictly an immigration lawyer BTW), by the time people got a response from their Congressman, they had already been approved. In other words, it takes a while to get a response, and usually the response is a standard letter probably stating that you are within normal processing time. He said it may even delay the process because your petition has to be taken out of order for whomever to look at it. I chatted with someone else here on VJ who contacted his Congressman and got it taken care of IMMEDIATELY, but this man personally had a connection. If you have a personal connection and can get action immediately, I would say go for it. Otherwise we are all so close, around the 4 month mark.... I don't know if it is worth it. Also, you may really need your Congressman's help later on if something goes wrong down the line. Just something to think about....

    GOOD LUCK everyone!

    P.S. Those of you approved yesterday through the mail, did your USCIS online account update yet? Or did you get emails?!

  11. I wasn't sure if I should post this or not because I don't want to raise anyone's hopes too much, so please take this information with a grain of salt. :)

    I called CSC yesterday using the RFE trick & talked to a VERY nice man. He said my case had not been assigned yet, but that it would be very soon. He then told me that the latest cases to be assigned were dated 5/17/07!!! I asked if I could expect to hear something in the next 2 weeks & he said he thought so. I know that isn't any kind of guanantee, but just knowing my petition isn't lost is comforting!

    Also, to maybe help clear up the whole "how do they prioritize petitions" questions: I mailed my petition 5/15 & it was received/signed for on 5/18, but the csc guy said my petition was dated 5/21 which is the date on my USCIS account page (and supposedly on my NOA1, but I never received the hard copy).

    Hang in there guys, with luck we will be moving forward soon! ;)

    Thanks for the info! So you are basically saying that CSC prioritizes the petitions by their RECEIPT date, right? So they are currently working on those with a receipt date of 5/17???? Lucky you spoke to a NICE man! hahahaa

    GOOD luck everyone!!! Hope to see some VSC approved today!!!!!

  12. Hey guys!

    i wouldn't take the VJ adjunction date too seriously... I think it is just a comparison to those members on VJ and who posts their approvals. It doesn't necessarily reflect the whole population of I-129 petitioners. Just something to think about.... at least I tell myself that so I feel better :) Hopefully we will see some approvals soon, I have sort of given up on checking so much. I can't take the disappointment anymore!

    GOOOOOOOD LUCK and CONGRATS to those approved!

  13. ROAR! I just called CSC and the lady said they were processing visa submitted March 15th. Well DUH I can read the website. Usually people get a better response when they actually speak with CSC rather than the USCIS. Oh well, guess it is just more waiting.......

    Good luck everyone.... three more nights left of the week!!! Approval, approval, approval (you know, like a chant. Gosh this process is making me crazy)

  14. When people get approved on here I am very happy for them. The problem that I have is that I start to get very excited and hopeful that I will get approved soon also. My adrenaline level goes up and stays up all day. I almost feel jittery. I look many times on the USCIS website throughout the day and just before I go to bed. When I see nothing, my adrenaline level drops to zero and I start feeling depressed. The next day, this cycle starts all over again. :wacko:

    I think my hair is starting to turn grey from all this bs waiting. Come on USCIS, us May filers are still waiting to get approved this month.

    Afterforever, I can totally relate with your feelings. It is great to hear that there is progress, but it gets my hopes up too. To make it worse, I had foot surgery so I have been sitting in my house for the majority of a whole month.... just sitting on VJ and USCIS. AHHHHHH!!!!!

    Anyways, we will get through this together. Thank goodness we have each other to lean on for support. Let's go USCIS!!!!!

  15. I have a strong feeling you are right. this is the last week. These people get audited and have to stay on a month to month goals. I feel faith in God that our petitions will be getting answers allot this week. again remember they did a fee increase so they are working very strongly to get people approved. also there butts are in the spotlight. many people are complaining of their performance being very bad for May and June. I feel we will see a bunch of approvals this whole week. :thumbs:

    Let's keep praying!!! I wanna see my NOA2 this week!!! VSC!!!! Did you read that......THIS WEEK!!!!! :P

    Otherwise you know what happens: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

    Watch out!!! hahaha!

    Just something to think about... I spoke with my lawyer for a while today talking about everything that I have learned from here and just the process in general. He said that it is possible that different centers update their progress differently, so maybe VSC is processing things but not updating online? Or CSC has a different method of reporting? Who knows with the way USCIS, nothing seems to be consistent.


  16. It is not too late yet!!!! Remember last week (I think the 18th) there were a TON of approvals sent out around 10-11pmish. Maybe we will see that tonight? Or is that just wishful thinking!??!!

    Also just had to say that everyone on this forum is awesome, it really helps that we are in this together! Thank you all for that!!!! Good luck this week and to those lucky ducks already approved, hopefully the NVC will have quick turnaround time!

    COME ON!!!! LETS GOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I want him here for the holidays!

  17. Does anyone else have a love/hate relationship with VJ? It is a God send in the sense of supporting each other and knowing that we as individuals are not alone, as well as comparing your timeline to others... but it also makes me more insane by reading everyone's frustrations and thinking more into this dreadful process! I just can't keep myself off of it... haha.

    COME ON USCIS!!!!!!!!!! Lets go MAY FILERS!!!!!!!!!!! GOod luck everyone!

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