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Posts posted by valticp

  1. I got approved!!!!! November 1st, both I130 and I129!!!!! Woooooo!!!!!!!!

    Congratulations Valticp :thumbs: Sounds like today might be a good day all round :yes: Sounds like our petitions aren't giong to be so lonely in the CSC mail room now ;) The more petitions, the more quickly they should send them off :yes:

    Thanks! How many petitions do you think they need to amass before sending them out?

  2. Good evening everyone! Let me introduce myself as the newest member of this forum, as frustrated as everyone else with things just not moving. But I must say I do find relief when I find out I am not the only one. So I am actually glad I found this forum.

    Now... have you read this news?


    I wonder how this is affecting not only NOA1s but also NOA2s. Any thoughts? BTW, I promise I will read all the sixty-some pages at this forum, but in the time being, have you heard of any NOA2s lately? Any estimate as of which cases are being approved these days? April? early May?.... may I dare to ask.... June???

    There's still april filers waiting, but i think they're working hard on them right now. May people should start getting processed soon

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