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Posts posted by Donato

  1. finally approved after waiting forever and over-preparing for everything and learning how to stress-out for fun :P. anyways, we printed up hundredS of pictures and took copies of everything and arrived at the designated time (not early because its usless... no one gets priority based on their possition in the line).

    when it was finally my wife's turn, she went up to a little window where a woman immidiatly asked her some questions (not even giving my wife a chance to place the photo albums in a highly-visible location)

    The CO's first question was "how did you two meet?"

    My wife answered honestly and said that we met online on a korean web site because at the time i was looking for people to practice korean with, and she (my wife) had just finished watching a korean drama, which made her want to talk with koreans.

    after that, the CO's next few questions all revolved around dramas!!!

    "what was the name of the drama?"

    "what was the drama about?"

    "what did the actors WEAR in the drama?"

    "what was the last korean drama you watched? name? and what was it about?"

    "do you still watch dramas now?"

    after asking so many questions about dramas, the CO finally asked more normal questions....

    "What does your husband do for a living?"

    "what do YOU do for a living?"

    "when was the last time your husband visitied?"

    "Where do u plan to work in the US?"

    "what does your husband plan to do when returning to the US?" (I'm currently in China with my wife)

    "Who are your sponsers?" (i had 3 total, including myself)

    "How long have your husband's parents been in the USA?"

    As she was asking questions, she was already preparing the salmon (pink?) colored approval letter for my wife, which made her excited. She even stopped paying attention to what the CO was saying.

    It seemed like a lot of questions but my wife said it only took like 5 minutes for her. She was a good study in school, and so her English is pretty good. It seems that alot of other people who should have passed, didn't, because their english was so poor (and that hurt their credibility).

    As i (the husband) was waiting downstairs for my wife to finish, another random chinese girl (a complete stranger to me) came up and asked me if she could talk to me a moment. she told me she was just rejected for the 3rd time and she was told she has to "change her situation" to be accepted. We talked about it a short while, but we both didnt understand what that really meant. She also mentioned that she wasn't married. Although i didnt know the girl at all, i did notice that her english was significantly worse than my wife's, even though she said she was accepted to an MBA program at the university of virginia (which to me, means that her english must have met a certain minimum level since she was, after all, ACCEPTED to the university, and MBA level at that.) anyways, i felt bad for her, and i could tell that she wanted to cry, or have a hug, or something. I don't realy have a point to telling this story, I just wanted to share that experience with more people. I wish i could have done more for her.... *sigh*.

    anyways, thats it. thanks for reading. And thanks to everyone for all the help they've provided! this is the best website on the planet. ;)

  2. Finally!!! after waiting so long (technically since July 2007 but a "missing payment" fiasco caused a delay... whatever) we got packet 4 on aug 29 and were told our interview was sep. 11. After waiting for so long, it was the first time i felt they didnt give us enough time! We did the health check litterally the next day. Now the interview is a few days away but i am afraid that we'll be denied for some lame reason (lame in my book anways).

    1. they ask for tax documents for the most recent year... that would be 2007, but I haven't worked since 2006 because I was a student, and then i went to china to be with my wife (to wait for the Visa with her~). So i have zero income for 2007, so i didnt file. I have 2 joint filers (or whatever they are called... I dont remember technical terms. whatever) who have signed aferdavits of support. and i have all of their most recent paperwork. I should be okay, right? :P

    2. It says something about brining in original I-864 forms to the interview, but then it says something about not having to do that if i already submited them... usually.

    ......... geez. thats clear. So since i've already submitted the 133 page BOOK, and i don't have the time or resources to get new signatures from the other 2 joint filers (again with the technical term problem), i've decided NOT to provide original I-864 forms for the interview. but i'll bring a print out of the book i submited (all 133 pages).

    3. hypothetical question: would it be a problem if a petitioner were to work in the beneficiary's home country without a work permit in relation to the IR1 visa? Do u think the US government would care about earned income that the US can't tax anyway (hypothetically speaking, lets assume its under 7000 USD for 9 months of work )

    anyways, any answers would be appreciated. thanks!

  3. I was just wondering if there is *anyone* left like me... I filed in August/september 2007... i dont even remember anymore cause its been so long. We got a letter in June 2008 saying that the papers have been sent to the consulate in China, but its august now and we still havent heard anything. I've been reading other posts saying that they have their visa's already, even though they applied in febuary this year... have i been forgotten? :(

    what can i do! Who do i call? www.USCIS.gov doesnt help anymore, since their end of the processing has been completed. Who can i contact now for info? akkk...

    I feel helpless. what can i do!

  4. hello, Im not an authority at anything, so.. im pretending to answer your question

    I think if you move, you have to fill out an I-865 or something like that. I think the I-864/I-864A just establishes that theres money available. If you move out... they money is still available with your parents (they dont vanish after you move out)... therefore, its okay. just notify them that you are moving with the I-865.

    as for single entitiy... depends if they file seperatly or not. If they file seperately, then you got to treat your parents as seperate people. If they do a joint file... I'm guessing you choose one.

    again.. im kind of guessing. :P

    what i wanted to do is add my own questions! :D

    1. how do you prove that you are your parents child?

    2. How do you prove you live at the same adress?

    :D thanks!

  5. Hi!

    Im filling out these forms, and since i'm using an I-864A, it says i need to prove the relationship, and I need to prove we live at the same adress. I'm using my mom.

    1. how exactly do i prove our relationship? (as it states to do)

    2. How do i prove we live at the same adress? (FYI: our ID cards show completly different adresses than that of our home).

    one more thing: At the moment (not permanently..) i am in China. I wont be back for a while though (but less than 1 year). I'm throwing that in there, just in case its relevant to some how answering the top 2 questions.... or making an answer more complicated. :)

    okay! thanks!

  6. What can i do! I recieved my NOA1 on October 2nd. I called USCIS (california) and they said i have to wait 6 months from the time i recieved the NOA1 before i can call and ask them to hurry the heck up. I've been reading other people's posts and it seems that most everyone else has recieved their NOA2's!! even people who filed after me. I want to punch a wall.. *sigh*. Its been so long already...

    Is there ANYONE else waiting for their NOA2 who recieved their NOA1 in october or earlier? I think im really the last one left in the dust. I've been forgotten. great. I should have sprayed the paperwork with perfume or something right? or put little sparklies on the paper or something? anything to make them want to get back to it quicker... :(

    so depressing.......

  7. sorry guys. it was really late when i posted that, and i was frusterated. anyways, I am already married... but it was only a civil wedding. So now we are having a "real" wedding, (church wedding) where everyone is invited. wedding doesnt always mean getting married? haha. anyways. Im not doing anything illigal. Dont worry. Im already married! (since feb 15 2007, yay!)

    I called CFL evil cause i couldnt post and i didnt know where to post my question either, so i got a little mad. but yes. . they are cool.

    Anyways. hope that clears things up, and thanks for the help everyone.

  8. for SURE this isnt the right place to ask this question, but i dont know where else to go! Even "candle for love" is evil and doesnt let me ask, and thats supposed to be for my kind of situation.

    anyway.. here we go..

    Im going to china on jan. 17, 2008, and i want to live there until my wife's visa (CR-1) goes through. i JUST got the NOA1 like, 2 weeks ago... that took FOREVER (month and a half at least)... so i'm probably gonna have to wait a long while in china... actually.. our wedding is march 26 in Guangzhou. I doubt the visa will even be available by that time! (but lets hope it is). anyways.. so my plan is to stay in china at least 3-6 months. and i'll NEED to exit mainland to go to HK/Macau a couple of times (3 or so) in those months. AND i would want to work too (probably illigally, as a teacher or something..but it would be nice to do so legally). anyways... i went to the chinese embassy web site and its so confusing... I wont begin to pretend to understand. but yes, ive checked it out.

    the point is.. i need help! who can tell me what i should do? what i should apply for? how can i enter and exit so many times easily? or at least be allowed to stay in GZ for more then 30 days at a time. i want to live with my wife in peace.

    help me VJ.com! I dont know who else to ask!

  9. okay. check it out. I sent out the I-130 6+weeks ago and i finally got the copy of the cashed check online (i havent even recieved my NOA1 in the mail yet). So now im not wasting any time, and im going to send the I-129F immidiatly. The problem is that i JUST NOW found it (litterally 45 seconds ago) that the I-129 doesn't let my wife (the one coming to the USA) work! is that right? Am i mistaken? (thats my first question) If that is right... then what can i for her once she is here, so that she can work (using the I-129..) anything? (2nd question).

    My 3rd question is this: I heard that people who file the I-130, then the I-129 often try the "2-horses" approach.. and choose the one that finishes first. But i also heard that the Gov't put a stop to that, in that as soon as they get the I-129F... they STOP the I-130 "horse". What can i do to get them to do both at the same time! Does anyone know?

    yes. i have read the forums alot... but now that it matters.. my mind is blank, and ive forgoten everything i have read! please help! Im going to mail the I-129F tomorrow! Thank you!


    I also sent off my package in july... (the 27th... the recieved it the 30th) and today (august 23) I got my package returned to me saying that i didnt send in the payment...

    WHAT THE F*%@ !!!! That is such BS!!! Im 100% sure that the little workers at CSC "lost" my check (THEY through it away on purpose!!) so that now, i HAVE to pay the new higher fee!! And now.. i am at the back of the line... ARGGGGGG!!! THIS IS #######!!!

    I went to the post office immidiatly and sent it out AGAIN with the new higher fee. I dont want to waste any more time! i want my wife here NOW.

    Oh, wow. I can imagine your frustration. They said you didn't send the payment? I wonder if that will happen to us too because I sent mine on the same day. Did you send both the I-130 and I29f together?

    I sent in just the I-130. i didnt know you could send them together?? i thought you had to wait for the NOA1 before sending out the I-129F. #######... even more time bieng wasted. *sigh* I miss the days when people could just walk into the country without questions... free land was offered... and the streets were paved with gold (or so goes my understanding of the olden days.. :blush: ). Anyways. maybe it "fell" out when they were going through the papers or something.. after all.. there was a huge increase in applications those days. maybe the pressure made them less careful... with all the rushing going on. :P whatever. im back to "day 1" now... and praying to get my NOA1 in 10 days...

    Does anyone think i can have a wedding for March 26? (will everything be done by then? ) *sigh* i wish it were...


    I also sent off my package in july... (the 27th... the recieved it the 30th) and today (august 23) I got my package returned to me saying that i didnt send in the payment...

    WHAT THE F*%@ !!!! That is such BS!!! Im 100% sure that the little workers at CSC "lost" my check (THEY through it away on purpose!!) so that now, i HAVE to pay the new higher fee!! And now.. i am at the back of the line... ARGGGGGG!!! THIS IS #######!!!

    I went to the post office immidiatly and sent it out AGAIN with the new higher fee. I dont want to waste any more time! i want my wife here NOW.

  12. Hello! I have a question regarding how my wife and i met (shes from guangzhou, china).

    I was in Seoul, South Korea for a study abroad session in Yonsei which lasted 1 year. While i was there, i wanted to meet Koreans who spoke english, so i went to www.koreanfriendfinder.com. My wife (chinese!) was on there and she messages me... we talked.. fell in love.. married.


    How will this impact Question B-19 on form I-129F? "did you meet your fiance or spouce through the services of an international marriage broker?"

    I read about it... and i think it sayd it meant web sites targeting americans to foreigners.

    I want to put "NO" because... It was KOREAN friend finder.. not normal friend finder... so i would like to argue that its a site designed to match up koreans... plus.. i was actually in Korea.

    Do you think my argument would fly? technically.. im correct (i think)

    doesn anyone have any comments or experience with this? please help~ thanks!

    (still waiting for my I-130 NOA1 after almost 1 month.. CASH THE CHECK CSC!.... :unsure: )

  13. Hello! This is my first post, i hope i am clear enough to be understood.

    I sent in my I-130 packet to the CSC on july 27, 2007. As of yet, i have not recieved a my NOA 1, and they havent even cashed the check i sent! USPS listed the package as being recieved on july 30!.

    1. Why is my i-130 noa1 taking so long? Has this ever happened before?

    Anyways... my main question is this:

    My wife (in Guangzhou, china) wants to change her job. She has had a good job for 3 years as a TV commercial producer, getting paid fairly well. Now, she is sick of it, and wants to get a new job ASAP. The problem is that she thinks it might affect her future visa approval.

    2. Does her job play a role in her being accepted into the USA at all?

    For the K3 route? the CR1 route?

    my Final question is about my own career. I am a student. This is my last semester in school, and then i'll graduate. Right now, i don't have a job, and i planned on going to china to live with her untill she is allowed to live in the USA (either cr1 or k3 route). At any rate... I'm broke... so Im sure this will impact my future I-864 form. I thought about using my mom (good ol' parents to the rescue~) as a reference.

    3. Does any one have any comments or suggestions about this?

    any help would be appreciated! thanks!

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