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Posts posted by Sobye

  1. Dear sirs.

    I am writing  in complaint about the clinic  there.
    My wife just finished  testing for tb. She said everyone is being tested.
    He smear was negative.  Doctor said well maybe your sputom  test will show some tb. Her exray had lines in it. She said no sign of tb in exray. She wasn't allowed to take a photo or obtain a copy.. she was held in manila 4 days when they told her 3 in the beginning.
    She was interviewed  by a doctor in her underwear. The doctor asked her questions  like how many ears do you have.. she was very uncomfortable.. Her first day there a worker at the desk called her fat. Unprofessional. 
    Look at there website. Look at the comments and ratings. People are being misdiagnosed and treated like lab rats. This hospital represent or owned by the United States?
    I'm ashamed and very upset.
    Causing so much grief to people. 
    My wife was crying so much there. 
    This kind of treatment to people should not be let go on..
    I will pursue every option against vthis clinic for the sake of my wife and every person forced to go through there.
    Please forward  this letter to someone who would be willing to investigate.
    Thank you, A Mason
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