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Posts posted by LuianCyn

  1. 8 minutes ago, Fahad86 said:

    I dont think there will be any problem with naturalization but it is always recommended to seek legal advice when dealing with arrest in thr past.

    Yeah we are I'm just getting nervous for him mainly because when he had his appt in Juarez 3yrs ago he took along time and CO was giving him a HARD time with the Prostitution case he almost took 7hrs in the consulate thx hope I'm just over thinking things 

  2. Ok my husband filed his N400 Sep of 2020 (under3yr rule of still being married). He recently received the Biometrics Reuse letter so I'm guessing a couple of months for interview. My question is he has a prostitution case (dismissed)from 18yrs ago and DWI as well will this affect him at his naturalization interview any insight will be helpful thanks OR will they just take at its been a long time so won't affect I'm worried because I just saw someone with a conviction over 25yrs old n still affected case

  3. 4 minutes ago, enis said:

    Is that when he mailed the N-400 package? When was his check cashed? I wouldn’t mind so much if they at least cashed the check....

    Usually when they receive and process your application they send a Received letter with info n stuff  we sent Sep 14 2020 and within 2 weeks we recieved a notice of action I 797c.   It might be taking longer because of Covid n stuff

  4. 37 minutes ago, Ray.Bonaquist said:

    The only answer in this case is get a competent honest immigration attorney. To set his/your mind at ease, he can seek a second opinion from another competent honest immigration attorney however off face value of what you’re telling us, he has previously lied/misrepresented to immigration and he will need a waiver of some sort if he can even adjust in the first place. 


    Continuing to lie to protect a previous lie sometimes works, sometimes it backfires. Over here we do not recommend lying. You may want to google Operation Janus/Operation Second Look on how old immigration lies sometimes more than twenty years old came back to bite some people in the behind long after they had become citizens and their immigration journey over and their alien files closed.






    And just to disabuse your mind that such things only happen under particular presidents/political parties, these investigations didn’t start under that twice impeached “anti-immigrant” Trump, they were initiated under guess who? 😁



    Yeah we'll see what happens with his case I think they are banking on them Not finding out just like his wife who just got her Residency Jan,2020 Because she came in with a Tourist Visa but she lied OR did NOT disclose that when she re applied 20yrs ago she had her 2 daughters 

  5. 31 minutes ago, aaron2020 said:

    Here's the problem.  He lied for the work permit by not disclosing his prior stay in the US.  

    This is not DIY.  He needs to see a competent immigration attorney who will be honest with him.  Plenty of shady attorneys who will take his money, file paperwork, and not care if he gets an immigration benefit or not.  

    That's what I was telling them but a lawyer said that it would cancel the prior illegall entry so that's why they're going to put date of entry as 2000  I'm honestly thinking of so many things that can pop up as well because he did have an US ID before he even went to get his work visa I guess they used to just give them out 

  6. 44 minutes ago, LuianCyn said:

    Ok if someone enters the U.S illegally like in 1995 and then his Boss in 1999 applies for work permit in 2000 he goes to Mex and it gets approved does that automatically cancel the first illegal entry Will immigration not look before the work permit his daughter is applying for him she is 25yrs

    -1995 He enters US illegally.                       -2000 goes to Mexico for work permit that a boss gets him.                -2001/2002 Work permit expires he does not renew as he was not working with the same guy.                                         -2020 Now daughter wants to do AOS will it be ok or will they have problems he has filed taxes and been in US ever since 

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