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Posts posted by aleramsey

  1. Oh So because I didnt put a smiley face my post was a post of a hater???hehe I never said Brasil played better or worse.You saying something about Brasil is a joke ,but if someone says something about Argentina means the person is a hater,right?Does not make any sense...and that post was a post from someone that really dislikes Brasil.

    Enough of this...I am not a hater and would not waste my energy on hating someone because of a sport,have better things to do!!

    And like you said to me ,I say back to you.YOU have a wonderful life.

  2. Thats the difference between you and me... I openly recognized we played like #######... I just make a joke about Brazil.. you didn't show up until now that Argentina lost... you Brasil are just haters... Blind fans that will never recognized your EGO got you out of the world cup... And this is all I am going to say :)

    Have a good life...


    Me :)

    I am the hater??!!! LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Well.. here I am... happy that Spain won and sad Argentina didn't.. Don't hate me on my divided feeling.. mom is from Spain and I born in Argentina... thats why I cheer for both...

    Germany was freaking awesome and we were freaking bad.... Great cocktail for a 4-0 well deserved...

    I turned the tv off at the third gol!! LOL... and then my mother in law called and told me "my condolences on the 4-0"... and I was "4-0?" good I urned the tv off... :)

    Next bet: If Spain plays like today is a sure ticket home... I hope they go with everything they have as this is the first time they made it this far...

    My congrats to Germany :)

    Of course I have something to say about Brasil... But I rather let them suffer by themselves :) (sorry.. I tried not to but...couldn't help it :))

    Thats so funny!Say what about Brasil?? I think Argentina is still in the World Cup???Oh no,Germany won the game!!4X0!!!!!!!!

  4. pra tudo isso a gente tem que ir pra houston, muito complicado. eu ja tenho o passaporte americano, agora a gente tem que pagar um agente pra pedir o visto dele. a gente vai em abril pra festa de 1 ano dele

    Que estranho.

    Fiz passaporte e autorizacao de viagem pelo correio.

  5. Twila: wow poor little guy... Temperatures like this are common for small kids, but i am more worried about his lack of urine output. Did he pee yet? Is he drinking fluids? It sounds like it could be a UTI (explains the high temp) . then I'd be careful with the motrin and rather use tylenol or alternative methods to reduce fever. Motrin is metabolized by the kidneys and if he has a UTI I'd use it sparingly. just my 2 cents. :P Hope he is getting better! (F) Love the 1 year old pictures of the twins! They are sooo big!

    Caro: aww, hope it's not whooping cough. I've seen it a couple of times in hospitalized babies and they were all fine after a few days. Hope he will get better soon! Ben has problems with respiratory infections and he vomits often after coughing. It's so hard to see them like this isn't it?

    Happy Birthday Kavi!!

    Good post from someonethat understands eand works in the field...I dont think readng 10 thousand books about babies makes anyone an expert to come here and say what is safe or not in a situation like ZAKS...Sorry,I just get annoyed sometimes by people that think they know everything ....

  6. yeah, because i just don't have time to go to houston. today we filled out and mailed the paperwork for his passport. in brazil you just go to a local policia federal station and ask for it and 5 days later u get it. here it's a whole bunch of paperwork, both parents presence to sign it, up to 6 weeks to get it :dead:

    E um saco mesmo.Me lembro que o passaporte americano do Gavin demorou umas 4 semanas pra chegar e o brasileiro chegou em 5 dias!!

  7. Eles mudaram a legislação pra filho nascido no exterior? Porque a lei do Brasil é Iuis Solis, ou seja, é brazuca quem nasce lá, antes não era automatico pegar a cidadania pro filhote não, mas de repente agora é só registrar no consulado aqui e depois no cartório lá.

    Devem ter mudado a legislacao sim...Eu tenho um filho nascido aqui e eu fiz da maneira que falei pra Nessa.

    Ah,Nessa ,voce tambem vai precisar tirar uma autorizacao de viagem no consulado;todos esses procedimentos referentes ao seu filho,podem ser feitos pelo correio.

  8. meninas, quando os nossos filhos nascem aqui eles sao considerados somente americanos? a gente tem que fazer algo pra que eles tenham cidadania brasileira tambem? eles precisao de visto pra viajar pro brasil?>

    Nessa,so por voce ser brasileira,seu filho e considerado cidadao brasilero tambem.Voce pode tirar o passaporte brasileiro no consulado aqui e tambem mandar a certidao de nascimento americana pra que o consul autentique e quando voce for ao Brasil voce tira a brasileira em um cartorio.Ele ira entrar no Brasil com o passaporte brasileiro e na volta voce mostra o americano.Da uma checada no site do consulado que eles tem tudo isso bem explicado la.


  9. Nessa,quando minha mae veio no ano passado,mandei uma carta direcionada ao consulado e copias da certidao de nascimento do meu filho,minha certidao de casamento e copia domeu green card...Na carta meu marido colocou os dias que ela ficaria aqui e que o motivo da visita era para conhecer o neto...Nao pagamos a viagem,falamos que ela ficaria o tempo todo conosco...A entrevista foi super tranquila e pra te falar a verdade ,eles nem pediram os documentos que nos mandamos...

    Boa sorte


    Se vc quiser te mando uma copia da carta pelo email

  10. Chnst:Thanks for the reply!Yeah,I am going to talk to the pediatrician about the shots,really dont want him toget so many at the same time.About the MMR...is there anyone worried about all this autism thing?The first time I heard about it was when I moved here,nobody really talks about it in Brazil.

    Vi:I always used the Dr Browns and I love that bottle!!!

  11. Hey all!All the babies are so cute,love to see the pics.I dont post much here,dit it once,but love to read this thread.I have a boy that is turning one next week!I have a question,how many shots do they get on their one year check up?I was checking his records and he is getting 4!Is that right?I am guessing they are giving the shots he was supposed to get with 15 months,all at once and I am not happy about that.

    Eveline,I hear u on being scared to take your kids to the ER,that scares me a lot too...I am on my third pediatrician now...the first 2 screwed (sp?) up and I wanted to change,they misdiagnosed him twice.When I went to my country last month ,I had him checked there,just to make sure everything was okay.

    Hope u all have a good week!


  12. Oi Nessa..Pela constituicao brasiliera,todo filho de brasileiro,mesmo nascido em outro pais e considerado cidadao brasileiro.Voce vai ter que registra-lo no consulado brasileiro e tirar o passaporte;mas eu li que mesmo que ele nao seja registrado no consulado(que e uma coisa que vc tem que ir pessoalmente),ele pode tirar o passaporte brasileiro(vc nao tem que ir ao consulado).Se vc escolher a segunda opcao ,tera que mandar a certidao de nascimento americana para que o consulado a legalize,assim quando vc for ao Brasil pode fazer o registro dele la.De uma olhada no site do Consulado Brasileiro em Atlanta,va na parte de registro e tambem na parte de visas.

  13. Muito obrigada pelas informacoes e-migra! Tenho feito a coisa certa entao...Nunca converso com meu fllhote em ingles ,so em portugues.Quero muito que ele seja capaz de se comunicar com minha familia no Brasil:) Eu li que provavelmente por ser criado em duas linguas ,ele falara um pouquinho mais tarde,essa informacao e correta?Porque eles tem que assimilar um vocabulario muito mais amplo do que criancas criadas numa so lingua.

  14. Nessa,sobre as eleicoes e so voce ir na pagina de algum cosulado brasileiro e imprimir o formulario de justificativa e mandar para o cartorio eleitoral da sua cidade no Brasil...

    Eu nao registrei meu filho no consulado brasileiro porque nao tem como eu viajar para Atlanta pra fazer isso,mas com certeza eui quero que ele tenha as duas cidadanias.A primeira vez que eu for ao Brasil ,ele vai ter que tirar o visto e quando eu estiver la vou registra-lo.

    Voce vai falar so em Portugues com seu bebe ??ou vai alternar?

  15. Valeu, Lis, I cant wait!

    Ah ta..eu descobri no da translucencia nucal ,que no Brasil e um dos ultras que voce tem que fazer e acontece na semana 12.Parece que aqui eles pesquisam sobre sindrome de down num teste de sangue.O seu da vigesima semana e o morfologico?

    Eu acho que e esse morfologico sim. Eu nao sei ainda se vou querer aquele teste de Down, etc, ainda nao decidi. Minha sister tem sindrome de Down, entao se eu fizesse o teste seria so pra mes estressar durante o resto da gravidez.

    Voce vai amar o morfologico e eu te entendo,as vezes todos esses testes que a gente faz,so servem pra adicionar mais stress a um periodo que apesar de feliz e muito estressante.

  16. Is there anyone dealing with reflux??/If yes,need tips.My son has what is called INVISIBLE REFLUX(acording to his doctor)He was doing fine ,but a week ago started to get really fussy when I feed him,sometimes doesnt want to eat at all.At the begining I thought he was teething,because he is having some of the signs that he could be..we went to the doctor on monday and he said he is not.What is causing that is the reflux.I am confused ,cause he is 4 months old and only now he is acting like that.Is that normal,I mean ,that the reflux would start to really bother him after 4 months?The doctor even prescribed a medicine I need to give twice a day.

    Is it possible that you introduced him to some new food and that causes the reflux to start at this point? WHat is the doc saying?

    No,it is not that.He is not on solids yet.His doctor told me to wait until he is 6 months;I thought that was weird,cause I see babies here that are 4/5 months that are already on solid.He told me it is better forthe baby if you wait longer...

  17. Is there anyone dealing with reflux??/If yes,need tips.My son has what is called INVISIBLE REFLUX(acording to his doctor)He was doing fine ,but a week ago started to get really fussy when I feed him,sometimes doesnt want to eat at all.At the begining I thought he was teething,because he is having some of the signs that he could be..we went to the doctor on monday and he said he is not.What is causing that is the reflux.I am confused ,cause he is 4 months old and only now he is acting like that.Is that normal,I mean ,that the reflux would start to really bother him after 4 months?The doctor even prescribed a medicine I need to give twice a day.

  18. Nessa,na semana 12 ja tem como descobrir o sexo do bebe.Eu descobri do meu quando fui fazer o ultra da translucencia nucal.Pergunta pro seu medico quando vc for fazer esse ultra som,ele e geralmente realizado na semana 12 ou na 13.Eu nao sei como os medicos daqui sao em relacao a isso,esse ultra eu fiz no Brasil e o morfologico tb.Aqui eles nao fazem muitos ultrasons nao...isso me deixava louca .

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