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Posts posted by Isabel3189

  1. Hello! I know these questions are often repeated but here I go:


    my husband has his interview at the end of the month. I feel confident that I have prepared almost everything we need. However, my brain has turned to mush and I need some guidance. 

    1. I foolishly lost the copy of our I-485 and I’m terrified that we really need to bring this. I can easily bring the supporting documents since they include basic things such as passports, etc. but I do not have the physical I-485 anymore. Please let me know your thoughts on this and if it’s detrimental. 

    2. do I need to fill out a new affidavit of support? I had two jobs when I last filled one out and now I still have one of those jobs and got a promotion, so I’m basically making the same amount of money as before. Should I bring a whole new one or just the letter and pay stubs they asked for? Also we have a joint sponsor who has the same job and income with no changes, does she need to fill out a new affidavit? 

    3. Is it ok to provide computer printed, black and white, very informal wedding photos ? This is all we have since we never got around to making a wedding album. 

    any advice is appreciated! Thanks so much 

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