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Posts posted by hawaiiandreams

  1. Hi everyone!

    It's been a while since I have visited these parts. ;-) I hope everyone is well and enjoying the first part of the new year!!

    I have a question regarding my Aussie passport. It's due to expire very soon and I was wondering how one might go about getting a new one out in Chicago? I am assuming to just contact the local embassy here to arrange it?

    Also a question for those who have had babies in the US. Was it difficult to get your baby an Australian passport? I can only assume that with me being Australian, my child will be entitled to receive one? Baby arrives in 7 weeks! :dance:

    take care all.


  2. I have also been looking for a job for two months.. it's seriously tough out there!

    The job sites I frequently visit are:





    Make sure you "Americanize" your CV. I looked at the examples of resumes and cover letters on Monster.com. When I met with a recruiter last week he actually complimented me on how clean and polished it was so I guess Monster.com gives good examples. And they also list examples by job type so it's really helpful. The general feeling I get about American CV's is that they need to be brief - no more than 2 pages. Instead of being "task" focused, try to focus on your biggest achievements during your time in each role.

    You can also look up recruitment agencies in your area. Call them and try to set up an appointment with a recruiter so you can discuss what you are looking for.

    Monster.com also lists 'career fairs' that are being held in each city throughout the year. I've not been to one yet but I hear they are a great place to network. Definitely worth looking into.

    I think the final ingredient is patience! The climate of the economy is everything but thriving so don't expect things to move too quickly. Although you may just get lucky!

    Good luck to you!


  3. Thanks desusan and Kaffy for your replies on my working question.. i know it probably seemed like a silly one but I was just wondering if there is any different with working when you are still "conditonal".

    Well I hope those who are waiting for visa's are hanging in there. I have been in the US for almost a year now. Once you have your papers, the agony of waiting will be long behind you. Then you have to deal with the homesick factor! ;-)

    My husband and I moved from Hawaii to Chicago 2 months ago. Not loving the weather but loving that the sun is starting to come out every now and then.... hopefully the freezing cold weather will be over soon. So wish we could dump the snow we have here on the bush fires in Victoria. I hope none of your families have been effected in this.. it's just so tragic.

    Any of you who are out in the US and job hunting will know the situaton is not too good with unemployment rate that continues to climb. I have been applying for jobs for 2 months straight with only a few small bites. No job yet alhtough I have found volunteer work so it's good to have something else to focus on!

    Well hope everyone is well. I hadn't been around here for a while so just thought I would drop in to say hi! ;-)

    Good luck and lots of well wishes.. HD xx

  4. Hey all - a happy belated Australia day to you all!

    I have a question for any conditional residents (or those who have already been through this process) so hope someone can help with my question!

    I am now undergoing the daunting task of job hunting! I have managed to line up my first interview and upon going back to the original job description for another scan of it, I realize they specify "must be authorized to work in the US on a permanent basis". Now although I have a 'permanent resident' card, it expires just over a year from now (I’ve already been in the US for almost 1 year) because of course I have to apply for my "removal of conditions".

    Does anyone have any idea on how to tackle the question of whether my residence is classified as permanent even though my status is conditional?? And in your opinion, does this make me ineligible to apply?

    Thanks for your replies. Have a great Wednesday. :-)

  5. Hi there..

    There are so many new people here since I was approved and moved to the US 7 months ago! How times flys by once you are no longer waiting for little bits and pieces to show up in the mail and the separation is finally over!!

    I just thought I'd drop by to say hello and see how my fellow visa jouneyers are doing!

    Also, I received an auto email from VJ recently about updating timelines. It also mentioned there are meetings held in certain cities throughout the US now and then where one would have the opportunity to meet other VJ members. Does anyone know where I can find info on this? My husband and I moved from Hawaii to Chicago last week and I would love to be in touch with fellow VJ members or aussies in this town..

    I hope all your journeys are going well and those who are waiting are reunited with their loved ones soon.

    Take care & good luck. HD.

  6. Thanks vylex! It sounds like you and your wife are really well settled now and she has adjusted to life in the US. That's great, it is quite a transition, even when you are finally with your loved one!

    I ended up visiting the social security office yesterday morning and was told nothing had been registered with them in my name from immigration. So surprise, surprise, something slipped through the cracks AGAIN and my SSN was not generated though I had requested one in my sworn statement!

    Not to worry, I waited in line yesterday morning for 2 hours and have now been informed a number will definitely be in my hands in the next 2 weeks. So let's see! I have my eye on a job that I would like to apply for but they require my SSN with my application. The position closes in 10 days so I am hoping it all comes through in time!! I guess I could always try and apply without the SSN if it doesn't arrive in time, but it's a government job so I am guessing they are fairly strict about those things??

    Congrats Patricia on your wedding. You are such a knock out girl! ;-) I wish you and Zach all the happiness in this world! You deserve it. Oh, I was telling the relatives last night about how much you pay for that lovely house of yours and they were all in disbelief! Hawaii is expensive compared to the mainland but I can not complain coming from melbourne prices.

    HAve a great day all. HD. x

  7. Airfare to the US :wacko:

    Folks, many of us would have faced the costliness of a one-way fare to the US vs. a return entering the US on the KI visa.

    Rather than fly direct ie. SYD>SFO or LAX > Chicago, I was thinking of flying non-direct to try save some money ie. SYD>Honolulu on Jetstar>SFO or LAX on United> Chicago


    Assume HNL would be my Point of Entry. Does it matter which is my POE flying in on a K1 visa? Should I best fly direct through SFO or LAX to avoid any trouble (this is tempting esp. since I will be lugging around my wedding dress!!)

    Any tips on airfare, routes to save $$ to get me from A to B? :thumbs:

    Thanks!~ We could all benefit!!

    Hi Chicago_dreaming, congratulations on the approval of your visa! :-)

    Just saw your posting and wanted to make a note to you that's a little off the subject.

    Despite what the consulate has told you, if your POE is through Honolulu, make sure you carry your actual X-ray film in your carry on luggage. The instructions received from the SYDNEY consulate state you will not need to present the x-ray film at your POE, but in actual fact, you do need it. I can not comment on how the other states operate but I needed mine for entry into Honolulu and it created quite a probelm for me because I had checked the x-ray films into my checked baggage (as per the consulates instruction). I was escorted down to baggage to get them out of my bag for the immigration officer who was processing my paperwork but my bags has gone misssing. They showed up 2 days later but it created quite a bit of angst and frustration for me.

    Anyway, I wouldn't want anyone else to experience this stressful situation if it can be helped so my own personal piece of advice is to place the x-ray films in your carry on luggage just to be safe! ;-)

    Take care & good luck. HD.

  8. Hi all,

    It's been a while since I havce visited VJ. Just been settling into my first month in the US. It has been really relaxing not having to go to work each day but now I am starting to get ready to look for that extra something to keep me busy.

    I'm anxious to start work and have been keeping an eye on the local job postings in Hawaii, only issue is that I am STILL waiting for my SSN, it's been almost 4 weeks!

    The letter given to me on entry said I should wait for 3 weeks and call the office if it still hasnt arrived. I called them after 3 weeks bu they were not able to give me much info over the phone but recommended I wait for another week before going into thesocial security office in Honolulu. I am reaching week 4 and still nothing.

    Just wondering how long on average it has taken people to get their SSN?

    Take care all and good luck with your jouneys!


  9. Hi everyone!

    Thanks for all your well wishes!

    Well my baggage eventually showed up and I took the x-rays to the immigration place at the aierport to complete my immigration. I was told they were going to be sent to public health. I thought it was so strange that they were asking for them, because the US consulate in Sydney had indicated they would not be required. But on the morning of my arrival, there was a family second in line who was also immigrating, and they were also sent down to baggage to collect their x-rays too. Maybe it's a Hawaii thing?!

    Never the less I am so delighted to be with my hubby! And what a relief it is all over! My niece has been attached to my side from the moment I got off the plane (we are staying with by Hubby's family right now), it's just really nice to be back knowing I no longer have to leave!

    Congrats on removing your conditions Susan. I was wondering, do you then receive a 10 year green card?! I know the form I have to file in 2 years however I'm not sure about the biometrics. Is this also to be done for removal of conditions for a CR1?

    Have a great day all.. and thanks again for the nice words!

  10. hello from sunny hawaii! :-) I made it, although it seems like a miracle.

    Want to hear abou the POE from hell?

    Okay, so my flight with Jetstar starts like this.

    Arrive in Melbourne airport at 11.30am with 130kg of baggage, 2 x boxes full of winter clothes, books, a few house things, stuff that is basically useless to me in Hawaii but never the less is my stuff!! Aside from that I have 2 very large (and heavy)suitcases including summer clothes and the things I need for day-to-day.

    So I have to check in at Qantas and fly to Sydney first to connect with my ongoing flight. Lucky me, I picked the day after Grand Prix so the airport was mahem. On top of that the baggage handlers had taken industrial action and were on strike. So after checking in, I had to take my own bags down to this room where they would be collected by someone.

    I board my flight, it's running almost an hour late but that's not too bad.

    I arrive in Sydney and reach the room to board the bus that goes to the international terminal. It's full and there doesn't seem to be any busses taking passengers. I wait half an hour looking at my watch and my flight is due to leave in just over ONE hour and I still need to check in at the Jetstar counter before clearing customs.

    The bus eventually loads people up and we get there. I run to the Jetstar counter and move quickly through customs. I get to my gate right in the nick of time..

    Jetstar board all passengers and the plane sits on the tar-mack for 2.5 hours full of people while they finish loading the bags and sort out some 'technical difficulties'. We finally take off 2.5 hours late! At least we are in the air.

    Lucky me, I got an entire row of seats to stretch out on, I don't think I have ever slept so much on a flight before. I arrive in Honolulu at 9am feeling wonderful and ready for my POE! :-)

    I meet with the immigration officer at the special counter and everthing goes smoothly. She takes my finger prints and she asks me to sign a few documents. Then she asks me for my x-rays. They're in my checked baggage, just as the letter from the consulate instructed. It specifically said that x-rays would not be required but should be taken to the US for my "own personal records". I show her the letter, she shrugs and says "well we need to see them, so I'll get someone to escort you to where you can pick up your bags and open them". While I'm waiting for that someone to come along, I try to call my husband to let him know that's going on. An officer snaps at me and says "no phone calls".


    So I am collected by a nice lady representing jetstar/qantas locally. She takes me to the bag pick up.. after a long wait I see my 2 boxes. But no suitcases. The belt stops as though there is nothing else coming and I ask an airport guy who confirms everything has been taken off my flight. I try not to panic.

    I tell the lady who has escorted me to the bags what the situation is and we go to missing baggage. I fill out a claim form as I freak out knowing that my lost bags require my x-ray which is required for immigration. :ranting:

    After about 2 hours of messing around, I am taken back to immigration where I again explain that my x-rays are in my missing baggage. The lady was VERY kind and saw my eyes welling up with tears. "Don't get upset honey", she said. "I'm sure they'll show up". She stamps my passport and processes my papers and says I am free to go but I have to return with my x-rays once my bags have been found. She even gave me a "congratulations and welcome to America".

    I walk through customs, baggless, with my two boxes of winter clothes and into the humidity.. hubby is waiting for me with a lei and my very excited 5 year old neice!!

    For a long moment there, my missing bags didn't matter too much! My husband then took me shopping to buy the things I needed that were in my case.

    We have managed to giggle about it - at least we are finally together!!!

    So my POE was nothing I expected, but I guess that is life! I got a call this morning about collecting my bags from the airport, they came in on a flight this morning. So i'll go and pick them up and finish the immigration process!

    Today is a new day! :P

  11. Thanks Kelli! Thanks Alex! I'm so excited. Only 29 hours until I board my flight!!:-) The next time I post something here, I will be in Honolulu!!

    Good luck for Tuesday Chicago dreaming!! You will be fine! Just relax and take it easy.... and be sure to let us know what it was like!

    I hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday/Sunday!

    HD. xx

  12. Hi all,

    Well I'm just finishing up my final day at work so thought I would check into VJ.

    It's kind of like the end of a chapter today... so it is now finally hitting me that I will be with my husband in 4 days! I am so excited. Lots of wrapping up to do over the weekend.. so excited about boarding the plane on Monday! :-)

    The wait is finally over. HOORAHH! :dance:

    I hope everyone is having a great day..

    And Delilah'sMan, thanks for your well wishes. As Angela said, you see tonnes of people around here who have needed a co-sponsor for whatever reason. So I wouldnt imagine you'll have any issues if you can get someone to do that for you.

    Wish me luck for my POE! :D Honolulu here I come..


  13. Thanks hawaiiandreams!

    I'll be trying to get the K-1 visa, so I guess our waiting times and the process will be a little different, but thanks for the response and I hope my interview goes smoothly when that day comes. I'd be pretty unlucky if I had to wait 2 years for the K-1, right?

    That's correct, you would be unlucky to wait for that long. My husband was in the process of being naturalised as a US citizen, so they wouldn't process my paperwork until that was done. That's why we waited for so long. I'm assuming your partner is a US citizen so your waiting time will be nothing compared to mine!

    I think K1's are taking about 10 or so months from what I've seen.. good luck :-)

  14. Hiya delilah'sMan - I went through the process fairly recently although it may be different to your situation?! What's your visa category and where are you in the process?

    I had my interview in Sydney, although we waited for what seemed like forever to get the interview (almost 2 years), my experience at the consulate was a really good one.

    The staff were friendly and helpful and I was out of there in under 2 hours.. a few questions were asked by the consular officer such as:

    -where did you meet (in our case it was the Gulf)

    -What were you doing in the Gulf? What was your husband doing there?

    -When/where did you get married?

    -Where are you planning on living in the US?

    I think they were the major questions but it was really laid back and casual. A few aussies from this forum have been through pretty recently.. go back through the pages and read the past postings for more information. These people also had their visa's recently approved: vylex, patriciaofoz, niphredil.. check out their postings!

    good luck!

  15. Thanks Jodee.. :-)

    Good thing you posted this message.. it reminded me to check the expiry date on my Victorian drivers license and I realised it is due to expire in April!

    I'm going to try and get an early renewal before I leave for the US! Thanks again! :-)

  16. I agree with the above posters! :thumbs:

    I also fall under the visa waiver programme. I entered the US 4 times while my i-130 was pending. My 2nd and 3rd entry was a little too close for the liking of border security and I was taken aside for extra questioning. I was never turned away though.

    Lady Jane has mentioned some very impotant things. If you do get questioned, be honest and concise with your answers. Take a copy of your pending i-130 and go fully armed with evidence that demonstrates ties back to your home country. I had a a letter from my employer, bills with my address in Australia on them, a copy of my pending i-130. rental agreements and bank statements are also good.

    I never needed to show any of these documents (i guess my answers were satisfactory), but take them just for peace of mind, in case you do need to back yourself up.

    I agree that being polite goes a long, long way. I feel that I have only been questioned because someone was simply "doing their job". Once it was established that my intentions were legitimate they have always let me pass through.

    Good luck! :)

  17. Hey Alex, I'm so glad your wife has settled in so well.. it seems she has been there with you for a while now, time really fly's by! It's great to hear your news and how happy you both are.

    Kath, thanks for your postings. Puts everything into perspective and makes me realise what's going to be tough.. I guess we just have to be prepared for those days. It's a really big transitional period, isn't it? i hope you have the chance to take a little trip back home soon. I know from living overseas for some years it's good to go back home because most of the time very little changes. Once you see everything ticking along just as it was before you left, you'll feel better about getting back on the plane..

    Bye for now :-)

  18. Hi HD,

    On the luggage thing.......... all I can think of is the guys that work at the airport (the ones that you see hanging out at the luggage carousels), maybe just maybe might be able to help you out......goodluck. Hope your enjoying your time left in Australia with family and friends. I had a look at the DMV website for Hawaii and couldn't find any clear answers but I'm sure hubby is right and your aussie DL will be fine for a while. I know there are so many things to think of and our brain gets a little overloaded at times.....relax for now and wait until you are there to get your answer. Take care, Susan :)

    Thanks Susan! :-) I'm sure it will be alright on the night.. surely someone will spot my stick arms trying to lift the heavy stuff and offer me some assistance.. i hope! :-)

    The Hawaii DMV website is pretty average actually.. thanks for looking for me! :-) There's not a whole lot of information there and what is there is some what ambiguous. I guess I will just wait until i get there and we'll pay them a visit.

    I'm the kind of person who will go a little crazy sitting in the house all day long so I'll be keen to just get in the car and explore while hubby is at work. I've driven a fair bit in Hawaii on my aussie lisence already but I was a tourist back then so the rules might change when you have a PR.

    I'll look into it! :-)

    have a nice weekend..

  19. Hi Patricia,

    Great news about the wedding dress............bet your soooo excited :dance:

    As to your question about the marriage license.........I am pretty sure you don't need a ssn, just your passport and birth certificate but you should be able to find any answers you need on the related website. Don't forget to order marriage certificates so you have them for your AOS. As for your drivers license I wouldn't worry about that until after the wedding because you should be ok with your Australian DL until your permanent residency is approved. I too had to do a written test, 5 hour new drivers course, LOL (with a bunch of teenagers) and the practical test for my NY state DL. It really depends on how they define residency but I'm pretty sure the residency time-frame doesn't come into play until your greencard is approved (don't quote me on this I could be wrong) because it's quite a while ago for me. Every state is a little different, so just check the Missouri DMV website and hopefully that may have the correct answer.

    Vylex you are right about not being in exile, after all Australia is just a plane trip away. I think some of us get more home-sick than others but mostly it's all good because you finally get to be with the one you love. It's a different experience for everyone but once you get out and about it's much easier. I was lucky enough to go back to Australia last year for the birth of my second grand-son and had a wonderful time with family & friends but ultimately for me here is home with my hubby.

    Hey Kath, We had an ice-storm last night.....YUCK.......and now it's snowing again. How bout you did you get the ice?

    OH nearly forgot, today in the mail I received my biometrics appointment (14th., March'08) for removal of conditions......WOW! Can't believe how quick their responses have been and hope the approval comes quick too. Then it will be over with USCIS for me.......YAY :yes:

    Thanks all..

    I am out in only 10 days and getting really excited! Only 3 more working days left after today!

    Still a fair bit of packing to do but it's all coming together slowly. It's awesome that the baggage limit to the US is 60kg. And I have booked an additonal 60kg of excess baggage with jetstar so I am not going to be traveling light! The only thing I am worried about is getting my 120kg off the belt at the other end.. it's fine in Melbourne as my family will be with me. But of course my husband can't meet me on the other end until after I have passed through customs. :o So not sure what I'm going to do? Find some poor sucker to help me carry my stuff? ;-)

    Any tips?

    Well I guess I will figure it out when the time comes. As of right now, i am far to excited to get bogged down by my heavy bags!

    Oh on the driving thing.. I am a little confused. I know it's different in each state but my husband seems to think I can drive in Hawaii on my Aussie lisence for a few months until I get my hawaii drivers license. Does anyone know if this is correct? I was under the impression this was only okay if you are a tourist, not a perm resident?!

    I hope everyone has a nice weekend.. and enjoy a lovely day off on Monday for all of you who are still in Oz! x

  20. Hi Susan - glad you organised the email notifications.. we did that at the start of the process and it was good to know when there was any change to our case status.

    Thanks for the kind words. It's really great knowing there is a place where everyone understands what each of us go through on our visa journey! It's an emotional rollcoaster but I feel that the worst times are over because in just under 2 weeks I won't be missing my other half anymore and that's just wonderful!

    Oh, any hubby surprised me with tickets to Las Vegas later this month! :) I am soooo looking forward to us actually getting on a plane together for once, rather that one of us flying awy from the other!

    YAAHHOOO! :-)

  21. Thanks Kath! I am trying to make the most of my last 2 weeks here in Melbourne. Such mixed emotions. I CAN'T WAIT to be with my hubby again but I'm conscious of not wishing my last days at home away.. How do you find the balance? I'm sure every person here has gone through this or is bound to at some stage!

    Well the next 2 weeks are jam packed with dinners and drinks and catch up's. It's all so emotionally draining! :blink:

    Great updates from you Patricia - keep them coming lovely! :-)

    I hope I get a bit of that white stuff if I move down to Chicago later in the year! Opps, I should say "we". Better get used to that again. We have been apart for so long you get so used to being alone! It's really happening! "We" may be moving to Chicago!

    Take care all..

    HD. x

  22. Hi Kath,

    Thanks for the info on tracking my I-751......so far no slip back to say they have received it but checked my bank account and they cashed my cheque on the 26th., February, so they must have got it ok. $545 poorer now :o , oh well. You mentioned signing up for email notifications.....do you need a receipt number for that and do you do it on the USCIS website? Going by removing conditions timeline for vermont filers it should take about 7 months from beginning to end..............I hope.PS. Sent the snowman pics....waiting for yours now :lol:

    Patricia you are right about all the little things you discover when you first arrive here and even after 2 years I still find things here that amaze me. The one thing I will never get used to is tipping! Everything seems bigger in the USA (although not always better). Goodluck with the hunt for your wedding dress but I'm sure you will find something lovely.

    Bye for now,


    Hi Densusan, I signed up for the email notifications to see changes on our case while it was still with USCIS. Go to their website and type in your case number.. you will come to a web page with the option to receive updates by email... good luck to you, I hope it all keeps going along well.

    Well I am currently on the count down until I am finally with my boy..17 days, 19 hours.. hihi :D

    I am so excited I can not wait! We are both becoming a little impatient but we are hanging in there. March 17th just can't come fast enough, I am practically already packed and ready to depart!

    Anyone on here from Chicago? I think I may have mentioned in the past that my hubby is in the military. He is up for a new posting in October and there is a possibility we might end up in Chicago.. I have never been there, I know nothing about the place! Other than it has been dubbed "the windy city", it's cold, it snows, it's the home of the blues.. yup that's about it! So if you live there, I would love to hear your opinions/reviews or practically anything about the place. :)

    Oh yeah, Patricia if you are reading this, Japan fell through!!!

    Take care all! And have a super day. :D

  23. hi pris

    awwwwwwww sweetie im so sorry to hear your news mate...very sad indeed..you ever need to talk just email me and i will ring you..

    you have been a great member in here and was a pleasure meeting you..take care sweetie ...i hope in hope you can work your problems out mate...

    thanks for all your input pris...you been wonderful...


    Thank you so much Kath; I will definitely keep that in mind. For now, this is just as sudden for me and will take a bit to sink in even if I did call the shots, so to speak.

    You are too kind; your extended help and wealth of knowledge to everyone here is what keeps this place going so well.

    Maybe I will check in every now and again to see how my abroad fellow aussies and their lovelies are going.


    Pris - I was so sorry to hear of your news that I read your posting a couple of times over.

    I have heard of this happening to other couples and my heart goes out to them, and you.

    Of course I don't know your circumstances, or your situation, but SOMETIMES couples in this position decide some weeks or months down the line that they'd like to work it out. Can I make a suggestion - you have come this far, why not get the visa JUST in CASE there is a slightest, most miniscule chance of reconcilliation? The last thing you would want is to get in line for this again if you did decide to reconsider..

    Just a thought my dear.. again I do not know your situation but this is what came to mind.

    Either way, my thoughts ARE with you and I'm so sorry to hear about your news.

    Remember, EVERYTHING happens for a reason. Keep your chin up and all the best with everything.

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