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Posts posted by Kumirei

  1. 2 hours ago, ntur said:

    Has anyone had a recent interview at the embassy in Stockholm?   We have these questions:


    1.  Were you required to provide the I-864 form with the original signatures?  The interview email did not mention this form.  


    2.  Did you turn in the English version of your civil documents from Sweden or the Swedish language version or both?  We originally uploaded both versions.  


    3.  What if you also have documents from Finland?  Do they need the Finnish and English versions of the civil documents at the interview?  

    I had my K1 interview in March. 


    1. K1 has a different affidavit form, but they accepted mine, which was a photocopy. No questions asked. It also does say somewhere that wet signatures are not required during these times.


    2. All documents should be in English


    3. English. If you need to submit foreign language documents then you need to have them translated and certified 

  2. 4 minutes ago, dmeister3 said:

    Hmmm.  I hope it will be updated in our favor!!  Have they reached out to you to schedule an interview yet? I noticed on your timeline you've been purgatory for awhile.  Wondering what their backlog looks like.

    I was a round 2 Milligan plaintiff and had my interview three weeks ago, so I already have my visa, but I haven't travelled yet 

  3. 4 minutes ago, dmeister3 said:

    Under normal circumstances, no.  There's a few exceptions allowed according to the German consulate (just did a quick google search):

    Hmm, this page makes it seem like we are allowed to travel on a K-1 visa, but I guess that doesn't mean we are exempt from the 14 day ban





    On April 8, 2021, the Secretary of State determined that travel on an immigrant or fiancé(e) visa is in the national interest for purposes of granting exceptions under the geographic COVID proclamations.   Immigrant Visa processing posts may now grant immigrant and fiancé(e) visas to applicants otherwise eligible, notwithstanding these proclamations.


  4. 37 minutes ago, Annem95 said:

    So I just found out that Sweden banned entry from Norway and Denmark until (at least) April.... 


    Anybody from Norway or Denmark that had their interview rescheduled because of this?

    From what I have read in the round 2 Milligan plaintiffs' Facebook group it doesn't seem like anyone has been rescheduled. However, they don't seem sure that they'll be allowed to cross the border either

  5. 5 hours ago, dmeister3 said:

    Hi guys! Just popping over here to see if anyone knows if the Swedish consulate is scheduling interviews yet. In my K1 thread people are discussing the travel bans as reason for the consulate to not even schedule interviews.  I tried reading through the last page or two of this thread, but there's so much going on I can't make sense of it. 😬 TIA

    They are not scheduling K-1 interviews, because of the travel ban, unless you are a plaintiff in the Milligan lawsuit

  6. 7 hours ago, Scandi said:

    It took 2 weeks for my medical to reach the embassy from the date I had it done. 

    Thank you, I was wondering about this as well. I didn't have any vaccination records, so they had to do tests to see what immunities I have so that I can top up. I've been waiting for 10 days now without hearing anything and was starting to get worried

  7. 14 minutes ago, PatLuvO said:

    The fact that your file was sent from NVC means they are processing K-1 if they weren't your file would still be at NVC like the rest of us lol.

    That is not necessarily true. My case was sent to the embassy while they were not processing K1 visas. It arrived in November and I only heard from the embassy after getting approved as a plaintiff in Milligan

  8. 44 minutes ago, stuckonyou said:

    Me and my fiancé tried to ask them about this last week, and the answer was no. They only process if you're an exemption to the travel ban OR a plaintiff in the lawsuit. We're now going to join the lawsuit.

    Thank you. I will talk to my partner about maybe joining as well. It's short notice, but I think it's probably worth it the cost if it means that we get to be together that much sooner. Especially considering the time it takes to get a working permit once there. 

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