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Posts posted by jimjenny

  1. Hug! It is always better tomorrow!

    Hey guys n gals. Please leave this post in mena because I very seldom venture out of here and this group is where my friends are.

    I am having a roller coaster of emotions today and just felt that you've all shared with me so now it's my turn to ask for some shoulders.

    First off, we closed on our house today and had the electric turned on so we're ready to start cleaning it up to our liking and get our stuff moved in. yay for good stuff

    Now here's the bad stuff....My son had to get glasses this past Monday. We found out that his right eye had moderate impairment and his left eye had compensated for so long that it was now mildly impaired. So he got glasses.... :unsure:

    Then on to what happened today. Last week, he failed his hearing test at school, in both ears....TWICE... So I got him an appointment to see a hearing specialist. We go today and find out that he has moderate / severe hearing loss IN BOTH EARS and has to have hearing aids because it will only get worse as he gets older. We will go on Monday to have both of his ears molded for his new hearing aids. :crying:

    This has absolutely broken our hearts. He barely hung on to life when he was diagnosed with Severe Aplastic Anemia and survived years of weekly transfusions of platelets, red blood cells, white blood cells..... and had to endure painful injections 4 times a day for what seemed like forever. Then he has these problems with his eyes so he gets glasses and is terrified of being made fun of...

    Now this........ We have this issue with the schools hearing tests only to find out that he has moderate hearing loss in 1 ear and mod/severe hearing loss in his other ear and now has to have a hearing aid in both ears. He told me today that he is scared that people will call him a freak and say he must be stupid. My God, he's only 9 years old and all this has to happen...

    I maintained my composure until I got him dropped off at his school and when I got home, I couldn't keep the tears back any longer. I just sat in my car with my head on the steering wheel and cried for like 10 minutes. He's not a normal kid. He's special in ways that one can only understand after they've met him. I think Jackie, Aymerlu, Gabi, Noura, MBP, VP, and anyone else that met him could vouch for that. It really is sad that he is going through all of this and even though I know I have no control over it, I still feel responsible and feel like it's my fault for giving him these bad genes. . . . ugggg :crying:

    Sorry, I'm just really sad for him today and needed to vent where I felt I could get some support. My husband was super wonderful coz when he found out the situation he said to me "don't worry, we will care for this. I will put my trip to Jordan on hold to make sure that we can afford the best hearing machines that are not big and ugly for him" Even when he and I have our issues, these are the things that remind me why I love him so much. He didn't have to say that but the fact he is willing to put his life on hold for his step-son truely means the world to me.....

    Thanks for letting me cry here.


  2. Hi, I am confusing about your travel back and forth idea. I checked my K1 visa, it said "One" entry. I was told by many people's experiences (online, of course), you can not leave the country before you get your travel document! Even it is Canada.

    I hope I am wrong, then I don't need to lock myself in US now!


  3. You have to finish the I693 form:


    Please notice, you only need to finish the portion about vaccinations if you have your medical examination done for your KI, not long ago.

    Good luck.


    I got the form DS-3025, for vaccinations, from the medical examination in Mexico. The form is empty, except for the doctor's signature, can I send this one with my AOS documents? Or does it need to be filled out by a doctor?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

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