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Everything posted by Gawain

  1. Thanks. Me neither. It really threw me for a loop. Here was the exact quote: "In addition, it would be great that your daughter also bring proof of her extended stay in Russia, like school records etc. to show that she has spent all her life outside the United States."
  2. Well, appointment has been made. I've been emailing back and forth about a bunch of stuff. The embassy asked me something and I'm wondering why or if I should be concerned. They said "it would be helpful" to bring school records to show that she hasn't been outside of Russia (that she has spent her life in Russia). I'm wondering why. What does this have to do with a first-time application for US passport? All I have are vaccination records and her "certificate" that she graduated the Russian equivalent of high school. Thoughts?
  3. I will not offer it up unless asked. But I remember reading somewhere else (I think) that they couldn't legally ask about any other applications. So this leads me to believe that they won't even ask. Good advice, thanks.
  4. It's been a long time. Status update - I will be traveling to Estonia in August where my Russian daughter will meet me (she got a Schengen visa) and we will apply for her U.S. Passport at the embassy there. Question for the group - Do I let them know when I apply that there is an IR2 hanging out there, somewhere in Warsaw- or do we just apply for the Passport. I'd hate to raise any red flags. My plan is to get her the United States passport and then withdraw the IR2. Thanks group, for any opinions on this.
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