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Posts posted by Jaseball

  1. The maximum amount of memory that can be supported on Windows XP Professional and Windows Server 2003 is also 4 GB. However, Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition supports 32 GB of physical RAM and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition supports 64 GB of physical RAM using the PAE feature.


    I've heard XP only goes to 3GB as well and it is pointless to go past 3GB on most 32bit systems.

    But back on topic - I have used Vista for about 5 months and SP1 Vista for 2 months. I'm used to it and overall it runs fine, except for opening My Computer on systems connected to a domain - can take like 2+ minutes to refresh.

  2. There are two things you need if you run Vista.

    1) Make sure to have at least 2GB of memory. Preferably 3-4GB

    2) Make sure to be on SP1

    Going to Vista is something I had to do because of testing, experience, and just getting used to it. There was no real advantage and I also hate it, but sooner or later XP will not be supported and people will be forced to move sooner or later.

    XP and all MS OS's were the same. SP1 made it semi livable, but it took SP2 before it was solid and stable. At least now MS sends down regular patches.

  3. Unless the person complaining about taste, authenticity, etc., can actually cook and reproduce what they are talking about themselves, I don't give them much credit.

    Anyone can whine about anything, but few can just show, teach, educate others and show them how they do things and explain why it is that their way is more authentic.

    Heck, one of the best things about the US is the vast amount of cultures squished together into what should be one nation.

    If Moroccan food is such a big deal, then open a restaurant or something and share some tasty dishes with the rest of us.

  4. The trick with IT jobs now is to leave the direct user and server support and go into areas where you do far less work, but get big money, such as project management, LMS systems, training, consolidation services, management streamlining, or attach your IT knowledge to areas such as HR, accounting, legal, or other work.

    When you have to be hands on you do 90% or more of the work and get paid and treated like #######.

  5. Truly the clintons do not give up without a literal fight. They are the type to met you in the car park if they lost the ball game..



    Remember when Bill left the White House and the Clintons were rumored to have stolen fine china and utensils and bed linens and stuff?

    they are no joke.

    Is that why they are trying so hard to get back to the White House - replenish their silverware, towels, and other stuff?

  6. This is funny. I think we have some really strange dating too, but for different reasons. Some dating is "Don't use after X date." Others are "After this date you have X amount of time to use this." Still others are "Best before," this date or 'Born on," this date.

    I hate the best before ones because they are on beer, sodas, chips and these things keep well after those dates. It's more to remind the consumer and the stores to use it up faster and then buy it again.

    Spices like garlic powder lose potency, but they don't necessarily go bad. Pickles, condiments, and the like keep far longer than their dates.

    Canned goods are harder because many have the coded AXD0922 type codes that usually do have dates, but you need to find the manufacturer and get the translation. About a year ago I went through my canned goods and restocked and had to look up many of the dates.

  7. I stressed with my fiancee that no matter what we are going to do this 100% within the rules, so that we don't have any surprises or additional BS at AOS or other points of the process.

    She will answer truthfully, however she is no longer a paying member and is seeking a formal withdrawal, so she can answer no to the "are you," question verbally or in writing.

    I also feel she should be with me stateside ASAP. We're not going to delay our reunion and wedding 4-6+ months and have to wait the additional time unless there is no choice because the 'have you ever been,' question comes up at any point.

    In any communist or 'totalitarian,' country with these proceedings it would make sense to ask and get this ####### sorted out in the beginning vs., waiting until adjustment or in case the CO is having a really bad year and is forcing the question on everyone at the interview.

  8. They pay for their kids to fly, just like anyone else. I'd rather have a kid by me than some fat, bloated adult any day.

    Hate kids on planes that much, then hire a private jet, pay for first or business class or deal with it.

    Please feel free to engage in an impossible act of self-copulation, prejudiced chopf##k

    LOL. Tell me how you REALLY feel.

  9. You are correct Mike and one should never lie to a consulate official. Bob if my memory serves me well the question "have you ever been?" is on the I-485. It is going to come out eventually but in my oppinion it is better to deal with it state side than be longer apart.

    Not to be picking at words but it seems pretty honest to me if you quit and later someone asks you if you are a member the correct answer would be no.

    Thanks everyone. This makes a world of difference.

  10. Very few cultures and civilizations that have survived over 4K years and are still thriving. Pretty sure China won't be propping up our dollar soon and will shift even more power away from the US.

    They let us go in there and provide infrastructure, investments, our processes, and enriched a few individuals and corporations, but now the tides have turned.

    Granted their totalitarian regime, polite in the face/plotting in the background, human rights problems, pollution, and rapid learning of Western vices and problems are major issues, but China is a country on a consistent rise.

  11. A long distance relationship involves a lot of mutual trust, so being jealous over a former boyfriend/girlfriend is really just pointless. If they want to be unfaithful, they have a hell of a lot of opportunities to do so. If you are taking the necessary steps to obtain a visa with your fiancee, you must be able to trust him/her completely. If you can't, you really shouldn't be going through this whole process, in my opinion.

    Totally true about the unfaithful part in a LDR. Must have enough trust and believe it is not even a factor in your relationship.

    The visa and trusting completely is a bit different. I've been burned enough to know blind trust and being 100% infatuated or smitten is a big danger area. I wouldn't go through with the engagement, LDR, visa process, or contemplate a life together if I were not 90%+ sure we were compatible and 90%+ trusting, but my eyes are wide open.

    Seen far, far too many situations with two people who seemed to be great together, only to have one get devastated because they were fooled, cheated on, etc. Several stories just from VJ in the past 8 months or so.

    The strange thing is I don't get jealous and actively push for her to have her own life in China, have fun, and when she gets here I am going to do all I can to help her build a new social circle and support group.

    I still believe constant contact with Ex's is a big problem. I have never had a desire to keep any sort of contact with an ex regardless of if they dumped me or I dumped them first.

  12. Yes, it's old European tradition for the bride's family to bear the cost of a wedding in return for not having to continue to feed the unproductive female child and the Eastern tradition to be compensated for providing a servant and breeding stock. Both are outdated and ridiculous by any modern standard but traditions do tend to tenaciously maintain their grasp on societies.

    Yep. I think it has to work for the couple and in most cases, more so for the bride. Most guys I know just want the girl and want her to be happy, but hopefully within reason.

    What is 'reasonable,' really ranges all over the place too. How wealthy are the couple? First, Second, Third or more marriage? Age of the people involved? What do the in-laws want and expect?

    Heck, for some people spending $40K+ for a wedding is just 6 months or less worth of saving, for others $40K would take 5+ years to save, and for others still they spend $40K on flower arrangements.

    Most modern day couples from what I have seen, at least in America budget out and plan their own wedding and take care of expenses. Parent's from both sides then chip in what they can afford or come to some agreement.

  13. As far as the being friends with ex's part though, I personally believe that is a general relationship warning flag. If your partner is still devoting time, remembering anniversaries, or doing stuff on a regular basis with ex's, then that is a major problem.

    Once I had a girl I was heads over heels for. One of her proudest traits she told me was ending on good terms with all her ex's. In fact, when we hooked up and started being a couple I went to visit and she took me to a poker game with her most recent ex and his friends.

    So, I'm sitting there drinking beer, making small talk, surrounded by like 6 guys who gave me hard looks, and actually winning that night and taking their money.

    I remember sitting there thinking, "Man this is horrible. Doesn't my girl see this guy still has feelings for her and obviously he thinks being a nice guy is the right way to go?"

    Imagine being that guy. Watching a girl you still had feelings for with the next guy, whom is probably going to take her home and do whatever as soon as the game was over.

    I promised myself if we ever broke up I would not be that poor guy and I also told myself that future girlfriends who kept ex's on a leash were trouble and seriously messed in the head.

    Well, fast forward two years and me and this girl break up. About a year later she wants to catch up, go out to lunch, and talk because I was the only ex who never contacted her again once it was over. However, she wanted to have lunch with me, her, and the new guy. Needless to say I laughed it off, told her to have a good life, and that was that.

  14. 1) You shouldn't be discussing ex's or the past sexual, relationship, etc., history on either side because nothing good ever comes from that sort of topic.

    2) Being jealous is highly unattractive. Taking someone else's innocent flirting, compliments, etc., about your girl or guy as them saying you have excellent taste. The fact of the matter is if your partner is unfaithful, loves to flirt, loves the attention, etc., there are all sorts of things you can say or do, but jealousy just drives folks away.

    Besides, if someone wants to stray, they are going to stray.

  15. Traditionally the thought was that the female in the Chinese family side raised the daughter and when she is married she becomes totally part of the husband's house - doing chores, raising kids, staying at home, etc.

    The time, money, etc., spent on raising the female daughter and then losing her to the groom's family was compensated by large financial contributions by the groom, including lavish gifts, the groom's parent's buying a house for the couple to live in, etc.

    Of course on the American side the father of the bride is supposed to shell out the cash for a lavish wedding and for getting the couple on their feet.

    Now, imagine if you are an American with a boy and a girl and your son decided to marry a Chinese girl, while your daughter wants to marry an American and you are supposed to follow tradition.

    My own take is you have to consider all areas and really talk out what your partner expects, what the in-laws expect and then reach a logical compromise. Given that an American marrying a Chinese involves two very different cultures it means there has to be a middle ground. To have us dismissing all the traditions is rude and possibly destructive to the marriage, but at the same time to expect an American to perform 100% of the traditions of a Chinese wedding is also ridiculous.

    I've always felt ill thinking about couples who spend an insane amount of money and over 1 year planning traditional American weddings where the bride wants to act like a princess for a day and it has to be PERFECT.

    Even in China marriage vows, the expectations, and the increased divorce rates should put the traditional ways of doing things into question. The marriage is supposed to be the union of two people, not a transfer of wealth, or extended family expected to toss large sums of money around, etc.

    This thread does remind me that I really have to nail down some details and get expectations out in the open for my own situation. I've touched on the subject and joked around, but I need to spend time really thinking about how this is going to work.

  16. I understand that you guys are frustrated regarding your problems with another website however this is not really the place to vent them continuously. It is certainly a fine line to walk in moderating these posts however I would ask that you consider contacting the other websites admin regarding your problems. Typically a website admin will listen to issues that are of concern to it's members. Thank you.

    In my other posts I mentioned how I tried to contact the mods, but since I'm banned I have no access to PM's, the members area, or other ways to contact the mods there. I even tried to activate a second account, but used a jaseball@ address, so they knew it was me and never activated the account.

    That's about as far as I am willing to go.

    The China sub section on VJ is very inactive and it is actually nice to see informed people view and participate here.

    Unlike my first post, this post is very dry with first person perspectives and no bashing of CFL.

  17. Yahoo messenger? You would need something substantial, such as someone making terrorist threats and opening an investigation for law enforcement to backtrack them. Even then, if it isn't a national security issue I doubt they will take random threats from people seriously - the resource requirements are high.

    They can pull the IP address and go backwards to their ISP, however there could be other factors such as privacy web sites who try to mask the routes from the real source.

    If it is just someone sending random sexual or annoying messages, maybe you could just block their ID.

  18. Does anyone know if a member stops paying dues, does their membership automatically lapse? I have been reading all sorts of things regarding how to approach this if the question comes up during the interview.

    Some people say once a member, always a member, unless you request to be withdrawn. Others say the CCP automatically boots you after 6 months lapse in membership dues.

    If someone has not paid dues for over 1 year and the CO asks if they are a member of the CCP, can they legitimately answer, "No."

    I know if the CO asks a follow up or if there is paperwork, that states, "Were you ever a member of the CCP," then you have to say yes to that one.

    The overcome on this particular issue is troubling. If your SO is forced to deal with an overcome they have to find someone in China to not only translate a list of reasons, but also have it notarized. You need to get statements from your employer and get them translated.

    I just want to make sure we are 100% honest, but if they ask a yes or no and saying 'No,' is honest, then it seems like the right way to go.

    Also, I'm thinking coming prepared with the documents, translations, and notarized overcome documents may also be smart, just in case the have you ever been a member question comes up.

    Any advice and tips for this issue?

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