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Mr Mason

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About Mr Mason

  • Birthday 06/01/1967

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Rio de Janeiro

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Removing Conditions (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Estela and I met online August 8, 2006. We fell in love and a love story was created. We quickly realized that God had brought two loving souls together. She is from Brasilia, DF/Brazil and I’m from Atlanta, GA/USA. We were able to communicate with each other through emails, webcam and phone every day. This wasn’t enough for us and we knew we had to meet each other and be together. On January 19, 2007 after four long months, we meet in Rio de Janeiro and it was the most wonderful moment of my life. It was a magical moment. It was like something seen on TV or something you experience in a dream. We couldn’t believe that we were finally together. We kept pinching each other to make sure we weren’t dreaming and this moment was real. Estela visited me one more time in January before officially moving to Rio de Janeiro in February for us to be together. We knew before we met that we wanted to get married and spend the rest our lives together. So, on April 12, 2007 we flew to Brasilia her hometown and got married. This day became the best day I had ever experienced in all of my life. There is nothing in my life that compares to this day. On this day I became the happiest man on the face of the earth. We have been married for one year and on April 13, 2008 we filed our I-130 form with the US Embassy. We are doing the direct consular filing because I have been living in Brazil for more than six months. The filing of the I-130 and first interview went very well. The agent was very nice. She asked a few questions and decided to adjudicate the I-130 form. She informed us that in about two weeks we will receive a package in the mail with instructions on the documents we need for the next interview. She said, once we get all the documents together to call the US Embassy to setup an interview. We are one week in our waiting, but we have everything except medical examination and police certificates from Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia. This is our story and our status as April 23, 2008.

Immigration Timeline & Photos

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  1. congratulation on you case :-)

    could you tell me where you guys got the Atestado de Bons Antecedentes? The NVC keeps asking my wife for a different one after we sent four alraedy. She lives in Acailandia, Maranhao. Brasil.

    Thank you!! :-)


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