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Posts posted by ChiFlyer

  1. Hello - I am a site newbie. I realize that there is most likely a lot of info on this topic that I can find via search and I have started to do so. I also see that there are specialty groups and that is probably where I should be doing future posting.


    as my starting point - My/our situation.


    I live most of the year in Thailand and have not left the Kingdom since September 2019. At the same time I am a legal resident of the state of IL in the US. I have a medical reason to return to the US for treatment. This need is not imminent and my plan is to travel Summer of 2021. Yes, medical treatment in Thailand is very good, but for insurance coverage and doctor continuous reasons, I would prefer to undergo this particular medical treatment in the US. My Thai partner (GF, best friend, whatever you prefer) wants to accompany me to the US in order to keep an eye on my ornery (removed) while I recover from the treatment. We have lived together for the last 3 years.


    I am investigating what it would take to get her a Tourist Visa (B2). She is 45, owns a condo and a small farm, a car, 2 motorbikes, operates a small business, and has the requisite 200K THB in the bank. She has also had a short term visa to Norway that was executed without incident. My understanding is that the prior visa along with the proof of return reasons make her a very good candidate to be approved for a B2 on her own merit.


    I am looking for any tips on how to pursue this to best ensure the probability that the visa will be granted.


    Thank you,


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