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Posts posted by Questions2020

  1. Hi everyone, I'm in the process of filing for a divorce right now, but I'm a bit confused on what I should do about the divorce document that asks if you want to resume using your maiden name. Basically, here's what happened. We got married back in my home country, changed my name to a hyphenated version after the marriage, the CR1 visa was issued in my maiden name because that was the name on my passport, same with my green card. My social security card also has my maiden name, my state ID, etc. I guess the only thing that has my changed name would be any documents from back home and maybe my foreign passport whenever I need to renew that, but every document I have in the US uses my maiden name.


    Would it even make sense to file the divorce document where I switch back to using my old name considering that I never really stopped using it and as far as I know the only documents that have the new hyphenated name are all in a different country?

  2. Hi everyone. My wife is filling out her I-751 and we're not sure what to put down for the "Country of Birth" and "Country of Citizenship/Nationality" questions because the name of her country changed last year. She already had her green card before her country's name changed though, so the green card says Macedonia, but technically the new name of the country is North Macedonia.


    Is it fine for us to just put North Macedonia down on the forms, even though her green card has the old name?

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