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Posts posted by Banfield

  1. You are still getting touched like crazy on the I129F? What did USCIS say when you RFE tricked? What are your congressmen and senators saying? Good luck, my thoughts are with you.

    Am I really the only April filler that has not been approved yet? It´s so frustrating having no clue what is going on there:(

    My thoughts are also with you. So many touches... and no approval. I would keep on your congressman/senator. This needs to be fixed.


  2. Congrats! I know how you feel about your paperwork. Mine is in a fire proof safe. Crazy how much a few (hundred) pieces of paper could be so important. Good luck with the rest of the journey.


  3. Is it NORMAL that for 5 months almost 6 months i have checked online for my status on my case and it has only said pending ?? Is that normal or should they have posted any other information. On the boards everyone keeps saying case "touched" I dont even know if my case has been LOOKed at after recieving a WAC number?? :help:

    Unfortunately... yes. The only times mine was touched was after congressional inquiries which didn't speed up the process. After I was at almost 7 months my coungressional rep called again and it was approved the next day. Check around other's timelines and you will see that your timeline is quite normal. Sad but true.


  4. We feel for you too.... See our timeline below, but we went over 200 days at th CSC while another couple for the same country and visa applied at the VSC and took two months less. Honestly it is a ####### shot and the key is getting your case out of the CSC. Afterwords ours has pickup in speed. I contacted my senator at about the 4 month mark, then again after 180 days. When they called the last time, it was approved the next day. So if you haven't contacted your congressman or senator, I would recommend it.


  5. I really hope. I'm would really like My Honey and Gogo and the rest who have been waiting so long to get their approvals. For all those who are still waiting, believe me when I tell you I was the king of frustration, and thinking I was not going to be approved until this January or February. Just know it will happen and hang in there.. :star:

    Hey!! We were approved on NOVEMBER 20, 2007 :dance::dance: MY HONEY IS VERY HAPPY JUSTING WAITING FOR THE NVC.. :D

    About time!!!!! We are so happy for you and that you can finally move on to the next, quicker, steps!


  6. As an April filer we FINALLY have an interview date of *drum roll*.......

    December 5th. Now this is the GET ALL BE ALL test.

    However, I have heard that LONDON is not that difficult on people. GOD WILLING!

    Happy Holidays

    Great news!! I will be looking forward to seeing how it turns out for you guys. Hopefully we can get inteviews in a comparable time frame.

    Good luck at the interview!!


  7. I was in the same boat, the sinking one, for some time. I contacted the senators around the 4 month mark. Finally after 200 days or so, I contacted them again and shortly thereafter it was approved. Stay active in the process and use your senator/congressmen. Hopefully after we have all complained to them, they will see that not just illegal immigration needs fixed, but also LEGAL immigration.

    Good Luck,


  8. haha.. that's funny.. what is there is no more oil? seems that way with the USCIS.. they ran out of steam of something.. :wacko: the WACs at CSC!! :lol::lol:

    YAY!! Gogo, now your speaking the language... WACs at CSC!! :lol::lol:

    Hang in there. Good things will develop. Keep the faith and use the resources here at VJ. I don't know how many times other VJ'ers have saved my sanity. Your are not alone,


  9. i thought packet 4 was the notice of the interview date?

    anyway...we arnt april filers, but were waiting to receive packet 4...if it is packet 4...maybe it is packet 3a?? no idea :blink: ...it will get here when it gets here...nothing anyone can do to make it come any quicker...no amount of wishing or wanting will pressure the embassy into rushing anything before christmas...so we can only look forward to a spring wedding! weeee!!

    NJ is soooo nice in the spring! :luv:

    I thought packet 4 was the notice of interveiw date as well, but now I am leaning to the after interview side. We haven't heard anything from the embassy since we turned in our packet.

    Anybody know how long it takes to contact you after you submit packet 3?



  10. I would ask: what is the best way to go about correcting (important) filing errors...(Mirla's case comes to mind - RFE for crimes never commited)



    To echo what Caro asked, but a bit more specific. Errors prior to filing.

    Our marriage certificate had a minor error. We looked into fixing it but called the state dept first. They said it MUST be fixed. I called the embassy and they said it was fine. The error was a confusion in the City and State on the U.S. license for a city that does not have a state in a foreign country. The people in the Embassy were familiar with this type of error or better stated the essense common usage. So we have driven on with our original certificate. Our lawyer (not an immigration lawyer) said that the error was minor and the immigration would accept it. So my question would be:

    What constitutes a material (major) error that must be corrected on a marriage, birth, or other key certificate? and what is a minor or overlooked error?

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