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Status Updates posted by umelo2b

  1. Correction he arrive May 26, 2008. I spent exactly one month in Lagos and he went thru 3 interviews before we did the dual interview. The best thing to come out out this was he arrived and received his green card 3 weeks later. He is now in school learning a trade.

  2. long story short my husband arrived May 24, 2008 after I flew back for his CR-1 and was granted a dual interview. I give all the glory to Jehovah.

  3. For anyone who didn't know as my pots to others have stated it took me 2 years and 3 k-3 denials to get my husband out of Nigeria. After the 3rd denial the appointment letter for the !-130 came the next day stating he had an appointment for April 15, 2008. I immediately went to see an attorney who told me to forget the K-3. Don't eben write them about it. Board a plan and be their for

  4. Spoke with The State Dept & was told that my case was touched 9-6-07. A note was there saying spoke with petitor case still pending. No details. State says they never give details of the conversation.

  5. Sorry everyone but everytime I try to post on this forum my computer shuts dowm. I am a member of another site & that never happens there. Help!!!

  6. Spoke with a supervisor in the fraud department in Lagos. We spoke for 20 minutes. Says he will put our case in Q and notate that he spoke with me. After 8 months our case is just getting put in Q for investigation.

  7. I stayed up until 1:30 am CST just to call the Lagos embassy by 7:00am. After speaking with 3 people and one voice mail I finally got a live person in the fraud department. You won't believe what he told me. he told me that my husband's case has been tied up all this time because they are low on funds. Says American government has not sent them any money to work with. Claimed that that my

  8. I have discovered that one could be in administrative processing, name check, background check or whatever the government is calling it today as opposed to yesterday, because the FBI has cleared the name but never notified the consulate. This can tie a person up any where from 6 months to 3 years if they just let your petition sat on a shelf somewhere. And that is literally what the paper work is

  9. Still in administrative processing 7 months 18 days. Wgenever I call the embassy I am forwarded to a voice mail box requesting that I email them. I have written to my Senator which I doubt will do any good but at least worht a try. I have also requested my public records fron FOIA for a fee of $25 dollars from the State Department to determine why we are in administrative processing. I have d

  10. From research on the internet last night I discovered that the FBI is in Nigeria, Liberia, and Gahna consualates conducting background checks for African applicants married to Americans.

  11. Correction! Administrative Processing began January 5, 2007, not 2006.

  12. Called State Department & USCIS both today and we are still in Administrative processing for a K-3 visa which began 01-05-06. USCIS which is the same as Homeland Security says that the FBI is still investigating our case. They can investigate you for anything and for as long as they want to. I am going to makje an appointment with the consulate here in Dallas, Texas per the advise of the USCIS

  13. 435 days and still nothing.

  14. I send lots of things to my husband and step children, huge boxes thru the US Postal Service Express mail and the most I have ever paid was $187.00 and it got there (and always does) in 12 days.

  15. We have been in administrative processing for almost seven months and not one word. Married May 25,2006.

  16. I-130 is not optional. K-3 is optional. As far as Lagos Nigeria is concerned the process for both could take 6 months to a year pending delays with administrative processing and administrative reviews. These processes are actually done by the consulars who have a ton of other stuff to do and who could care less about doing any of this in a timely manner. this whole jpurney is cloaked with unanswer

  17. I hope you are out of this relationship for your own health & safety both emotional and physical. He is going to get worst!

  18. Hello Americanwoman, It just so happens that I have a friend who met and married her husband while he was over here on a work visa 5yrs ago. They married and then had to get an attorney to keep him here in the states because the government apparently still wants your husband to go back to his home country and wait while you file I-130 and possibly K-3. I only know of this one experience but strong

  19. The US Consulates do not accept phone cards. I discovered that the hard way myself. I just read tonight however on VJ from one of the members that one can possibly get a copy of the phone calls from the calling card company. I strongly suggest doing that. You may want to get notarized copies from her parents ,friends, relatives(and a few from yours couldn't hurt)stating that the relationship

  20. Yes a copy will be fine as long as it looks official. That's all i used. Make a lot of them because before it is over you will need several copies of everthing including your marriage license for things that you never dreamed you would need them for like getting your named changed on an insurance policy or passport just to get your new ss card or driver's license.

  21. I put a post on the other night then by mistake I deleted it. It was for a member who said they were going for an interview in Lagos, Nigeria.

    It's about 1am there now and I hope she sees this. I have been married for 14 months, married May 25,2006. I filed I130 for my husband as soon as I returned to the states June 12,2006. Filed I126F August 15,2006. Both were approved quickly

  22. Yes the same happened with my fiancee. We did not provide original marriage certificate or enough phone bills before the marriage. We have been patiently awaiting 6 months and 2 days.

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