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Posts posted by cutaepie

  1. I'm hoping to close the distance between my long distance partner and I sometime in the next year or so. the k1 visa seems to be the best option for us to start our life together, but I have concerns about how to prove my income. I've recently turned 21 but my health has kept me from being able to work. at this moment in time I'm looking to start a job for the first time.. my worry is that once I start a job I won't be able to prove my income adequately since I've never worked before this year and I've never filed taxes before.. if I make the required amount will I still be rejected for those reasons? I'm thinking of asking my parents if one of them would be willing to cosponsor. I want to handle the costs on my own, but maybe having one of them as a cosponsor will make being accepted more likely? any advice would be greatly appreciated, I just want to be with the person I love as soon as I can be 

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