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Posts posted by Samanthajayne

  1. I sent my application to remove conditions in feburary, and recieved my reciept. Shortly after mailing in, we decided to move, so a week later I mailed in a change of address then We then moved the next week.

    My husband put our mail on hold online, and then later had it redirected to a PO Box. Somehow or another the ASC appointment letter, got lost. ( Im guessing the new tenent of the apartment, had it laying around before handing it back to the apartment manager) Which it would then have been sent back to the original sender ( Vermount)

    So anyway yesterday I got the letter finally forworded by USCIS, to my new address. I am freaking out as its so late. They must have got it back, but I have no idea on what to do with this missed appointment letter?

    Has anyone ever been through anything similar? Is there any hope?

    Also I did have a feeling that something wasnt right, so I called USCIS a month ago to check they had my updated address. They told me that as long as I had mailed in the change of address form they would be in touch. It seems so difficult to get updates from them about my case. Especially as I did not have the recipt number untill yesterday!!

    Please help!!!

  2. Hello VJers,

    It seems like just yesterday I got my GC, and now im renewing it.

    Its now 12:00am. I am really really busy, and evenings are the only little bit of time to my self I get to concentrate on paperwork! I babysit kids during the day, housewife by night with a demanding 1 year old. So please take pity on me, if I am asking questions that may be in the forum somewhere.

    I have started the paperwork, and I feel like I will be denied, as we do not have too much evidence.

    We do not have insurance, will, or anything like that. I am going to open a joint savings account tomorrow with both of our names. So do you think this is enough?

    Tax Returns

    Addvidats from 3 friends ( Do I need to get them notarised?? )

    Copy of lease of our apartment

    Our sons birth certificate

    We could also include some utility bills, such as electricity, phone bills etc. ( Do I need to include every one from over the last two years?? )

    Thats all we have, do you think including a few pictures will make all the difference? If so how many should I include?

    We have not taken any vacation etc...

    Any advice would help a very sleepy mum.

    Thanks Guys

  3. OMG, I laughed so hard when I read this. As everyone thought I was crazy when I said the same thing. The bread tastes like sugar, its small, and just not worth making a sandwich with.

    I went back to the UK, and ate bread twice a day lol. I put on like a stone in weight thanks to Kingsmill and Warburtons.

    I miss the bread so much.

    The closest I have found to "bread" is when I have gone to a bakery, or sometimes the Mexican bakerys do good rolls.

    They are fresh, and like Marks and Spencers. They only last a day so you know they are not full of MSG, and it is the only bread that comes close.

    Its pretty sad but something as essential as bread, is not on my grocery list.

    I dont even eat any bread on a weekly basis now.

    I feel you pain

  4. I really need help with my medical expenses, and will be filing I175I soon. I just wanted to know if I apply for a Texas gold card, will it harm my chances of staying legal?

    It is a state insurance, and helps so that you pay low co payments, without a monthly fee at the doctors office.

    Here is the link, thank you for your time. : )


  5. Ok here goes my list!!

    Things I like about Houston Texas.....

    * Food. Got to be Queen dairy, Lubys, Mexican restaurants ( which barely exist in London!) and of course the huge #### drinks they give you here with your meal. I remember when I first came here, I could never finish my meal or drink as it was so huge, and now my stomach has come adjusted to that. Oh, and the chocolate Sundays at Mcdonalds.

    * The weather. Always sunny, although kinda too sticky...but you cant have it always. Although Ike sucked major ####.

    * The beach and outdoor swimming pools! Never had that option in London.

    * British Isles shop in Rice Villiage River Oaks, real expensive, but gives me my home comforts on a bad day. Had secret desire to break in at night...lol...jk.

    * Walmart, 24 hour grocery shopping rocks.

    * My cat, he was a stray here...very random...but would not have found him if I didnt move to Tx.

    * Hate the fact you always have to drive, as I still havnt learned so it sucks for me as I cant go nowhere.

    * Friends and family. I have found it so hard to make any friends here. Even though I work, its hard to find someone to relate too. The women seem a lil too fake, or ghetto to make friends with. Maybe it will take more time.

    * I hate Mosquitos!


    * Chicken shops, why are there no indian owned chicken shops here? For the love of god, I miss good fried chicken...O h and I miss Kebabish...no more chilli sauce and mayo.

    * Marks and Spencers... wish I could get my fruit salad, and my fav stuff from there...bread here is tooo sweet.

    * Parks...with ducks and play areas...and where the squirrels will come up to you.

    * Public transport, need it here big time... like how the tube runs.

    * Sweet shops...sunnys doesnt cut it. sorry

    * cheap magazines...too expensive here... more selection of newspapers....miss the sun.

    The Tv, for the love of god i miss my tv....and ####### is up with bbc america....they need to update.

  6. Hi

    I'm sorry to ask a question that may seem straight forward! I have looked on the USCIS site, and cant find the information I need.

    I came to the US, on a 2 year permanent resident card. It will expired in 8 months, and I want to get the fees and paperwork ready.

    Can anyone let me know what form I will need? and the fees?

    When i moved here, I was pregnant. I had a medical, but had to pass on the xray, and a couple of shots.

    Any advice would be helpful!


  7. I could really use some advice, when filling i used my in laws address, and didnt know I had to change my address, as I still have my things there, however we have been renting a one bedroom apartment, where we recieve our bills, etc.

    I have just read that its a crime to not report changes within 10 days.. What should I do.

    Also I recently had a baby, and with the economy we are going through hard times, hubby just got laid off. I work. Can I apply for food stamps?

    Ive been a permanent resident a year.


  8. Hi VJers

    I have a quick question, I have searched the forum and recieved random ansews,lol.

    Ok, I am the Pernament Resident, and ive been here since may 2008.

    Since that time, me and my hubby have been through some hard times ( although we both work)

    I had my son, and claimed chip prinatal care, and he now claims chip for his healthcare.

    I also claim wic, for his milk, and I was wondering if i could claim food stamps? Is this going to effect my status? I have a sponsor, but I cant ask her, I feel bad.

    Just wondered?


  9. Im currently pregnant, and have been refused medicaid and chip perinatal as i am a new resident!!!

    Does anyone know a resonable priced gyn/ob in houston texas!!! where i can maybe get a payment plan!

    Also is there anyone from the UK in Houston texas ???


  10. When it comes to exemptions clauses,

    for example crimes of moral turpitude, do I have to be eligible for both or one or the other?

    For example one part states that I can be eligible if I was under the age of 18, and 5 years had passed before applying for the visa.

    Then it has part ii which says basically as long as the maximum sentence was no more then a year, and was not sentenced to prison for more then 6 months?

    Both or just one?



  11. I just got back from having my medical in London. My advice to anyone who is useless with maps like me! ( Get A Cab!!) I walked around in the rain for 30 mins, and eventually got a cab from Bond St tube st, and it cost me £4. Got to the medical and they insisted that I had the new jab, Human PAPILLONAVIRUS, IN WHICH THEY WANTED OVER A £100. So get it done before hand. The only reason I got out of it, was because im 3 months pregnant. I also didnt have my x-ray because im pregnant. So basically I went in to see the doctor, and checked the following:






    blood test

    blood pressure

    my feet??


    and thats it.

    I thought I was gonna take my clothes off, and to be checked to make sure I was a women, but nothing?

    Basically asked a few questions, was worried my depression was gonna effect me, however he just asked me a few questions, and took my medical note.

    Thats it

    Thanks Samantha, it's nice to hear that London seems to have stopped checking us with no clothes on .... I was thinking of starting to go to the gym and using a sunbed :lol:

    I presume you're under 26 to have been told you need the HPV shot ? .... £100 for this is very expensive.

    Were you told you had to bring a doctors note ? I didn't know about this, haven't seen my doctor in forever, what should I ask him to write on it?

    Well I tried to be well prepared. I had a couple of casses of mild depression when I was under 16, and was prescribed anti depressants ( 1 course ) In which I didnt take. However when I printed out the medical questionaire, it asked about depression, so i thought id get the doctor to write me a note. I heard that if you have taken medication, sometimes they send you for phychiactric evaluation. However He didnt say much, so he just took my note, and my pregnancy note and that was all.

    I hope it doesnt become a big deal, as on the report it says medical incomplete, may be eligible for a waiver as currently 10 weeks pregnant.

    The best part of the day was realising id lost over 10 pounds. All down to morning sickness. Low point missing the sunbed real bad. : ( Especially since being pregnant, my skins all blemished, and the doctor said I cant use it. So much for pregnancy glow.

    When is your interview?

    Good Luck x :star:

  12. I just got back from having my medical in London. My advice to anyone who is useless with maps like me! ( Get A Cab!!) I walked around in the rain for 30 mins, and eventually got a cab from Bond St tube st, and it cost me £4. Got to the medical and they insisted that I had the new jab, Human PAPILLONAVIRUS, IN WHICH THEY WANTED OVER A £100. So get it done before hand. The only reason I got out of it, was because im 3 months pregnant. I also didnt have my x-ray because im pregnant. So basically I went in to see the doctor, and checked the following:






    blood test

    blood pressure

    my feet??


    and thats it.

    I thought I was gonna take my clothes off, and to be checked to make sure I was a women, but nothing?

    Basically asked a few questions, was worried my depression was gonna effect me, however he just asked me a few questions, and took my medical note.

    Thats it

  13. Got my interview on the 13th May, not sure how its gonna go! But either way it would be nice to meet up with someone on the day going through the same thing. Hopefully if everything goes well, maybe celebrate after. Im pregnant so getting pissed is off the cards, however im sure theres other things to do? Has there ever been any VJ meet ups? I heard NYC have them, so just wowndering why not UK?

    Well have a great day everyone x

    Take That as a no then lol

  14. Got my interview on the 13th May, not sure how its gonna go! But either way it would be nice to meet up with someone on the day going through the same thing. Hopefully if everything goes well, maybe celebrate after. Im pregnant so getting pissed is off the cards, however im sure theres other things to do? Has there ever been any VJ meet ups? I heard NYC have them, so just wowndering why not UK?

    Well have a great day everyone x



  15. Here is the new baby corner..

    Please feel free to repost questions/experiences/stories..

    Anne :whistle:

    Im currently 10 weeks,

    morning sickness everyday, throwing up everyday.

    But so exited to being having my first baby, still not in the usa yet, but have my interview on the 13th may.

    scared of being denied, over a silly crime, when i was 17 about 4 years ago.

    I can only hope they can see the bigger picture.

    god bless all of ya x

  16. My husband and I are worried, as when we sent out our 1864, my husband was making enough money for 2 people, ie me and himself. However now I am pregnant, we are $2,000 under the poverty guideline for three people. My question is do they class pregnancy as the 3rd person? Also my husbands tax returns do not reflect his yearly income, as last year he spent 3 months in the uk, and his boss was paying part cash, part cheque. This year is the same, although he gets paid whole in cheque, he has a letter from his boss stating his position and gross income for the year. Is it possible to submit a sponsor at the last moment, at the interview. As our case has left the nvc, and our interview is on the 13th may.

    Very Confused

    Many Thanks

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