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Posts posted by Daly

  1. Hey, fellow Canucks. I recently got a request for an AOS interview and am going through the checklist. One of the items is:

    "a completed medical examination (Form I-693) and vaccination supplement in a sealed envelope (unless already submitted.)

    I saw on the guides that for K1's who've medical examination within the past year as required for the nonimmigrant fiancé(e) visa, you only need to submit a vaccination supplement (I-693A), not the entire medical report. But It's officially now over one year since I've had the medical report (March 17th, 2009). Do I have to go through another examination, or does whatever I've submitted count? :wacko: Has anyone had this particular situation?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. So far I've been losing weight, 15 lbs since I arrived in June, which is the lightest I've been in 6 years. :) I've dropped my old bad habits of emotional eating, not exercising and my usual sulking of being unhappy. Plus, in the wintertime back in Canada, I usually gain weight in winter because of not being able to run or swim as much. Not so much here, which I absolutely love. I've also helped the hubby drop 30 lbs. His parents noticed it immediately and thanked me for the positive impact I've had on him. I force him to go running with me, and we've also gotten back into ballroom dancing 3 times a week. Then there's the dog, which we take to the park or go for long walks with.

    Besides the change in activity, moving here's changed how I eat. We only eat out once a week, and when we do, I usually bring a bento box with me to fill up if the restaurant we go to runs out of take home boxes. I can only eat about 1/3 of the massive meals that restaurants give. I also still cook the same foods I did back home too.

    My weight'll probably sink to a healthier range. I wasn't living very healthy in Canada. I rarely ever exercised, I was depressed, lazy, couldn't portion my food properly. Two of the biggest motivators for me has been the hubby being with me, and the promise of a new clothing wardrobe once I drop 3-4 more sizes. Yesiree... nothing motivates me quite like shopping. Has anyone noticed a difference in quality and brands from TJmaxx versus Winners? I'm convinced Winners gets the leftovers that TJmaxx customers don't want.

  3. I know what ya mean i keep getting the its ok you dont need to take them off. Then they go on to say we dont have the snow or mud to deal with here like you do in Canada. Ok maybe no snow but theres dirt and all kinds of ####### when you walk out that door. God it drives me nuts, I find its just plain rude to walk in someones house and not take off your shoes.

    Yes, I take off my shoes all the time, regardless of whose house I'm in. People rarely say anything and I think it's because they can't tell what kind of Asian I am. :whistle: Best excuse I have for any weird behaviour is to say it's part of my culture... they don't know if it's canadian or my yellow heritage, but it makes them go "aahh" even though they really don't get it. :D

    One time though, I saw Matt lying on the duvet of the bed with his shoes on. :ranting: He was just asking for an international incident. :S

  4. Oh man, I love the agent stories. My husband visited me back in 2002, then in 2007 to propose. On his 2007 visit, they asked him "Have you been to Canada before?" "Yes." Then proceeded to ask that same question three more times till the guy said, "Ok, I'm not dealing with this" and sent him to secondary. What had happened was that when he visited before, they hadn't stamped his passport, but apparently there was record of it on the computer or something. Matt said the secondary agent look absolutely baffled as to why he was there.

  5. Cheezies, thinlicious, clodhoppers, canadian Heinz ketchup and old dutch ketchup chips. Though, I do like to buy Lush stuff as well since it is a bit cheaper in Canada than US. :( Unfortunately, I won't be able to go for awhile, so for my wedding in november, I've asked several canadian guests to load their luggage full of cheezies for me :3

  6. Matt and I belonged to a interactive group fanfiction site for Final Fantasy 7 back in 1997. We talked a lot, wrote together, went from game to game together (Eve, City of Heroes, Achaea, etc.) Finally met in person four years later and had been dating 3 years online then. And now we've known each other for 10 years and just celebrated our 8 year anniversary.

  7. 5/10 canadian

    6/10 american.

    ahh... shame. I dunno about you guys, but this is my first canada day in US. (First week in US actually.) Ironically, my SO is taking me to Fuddruckers (was a huge part of my childhood growing up before the chain closed up in my hometown.) I'm wondering if I can make a poutine there somehow. ;_;

    And I do have to try to answer Spirit Alight's survey... Does any of Britney's or Micheal Jackson's marriages count? :D

  8. They stamped my I-94 Employment Unauthorized. Is that normal?

    They actually stamped an "unauthorized" on your passport's attached I-94? I think mine got stamped as unauthorized for the portion of the card that they kept, but the three officers and I did have an exchange about why JFK used to give out stamps but not other places. I wasn't supposed to get a stamp anyway, so no biggie. It just means getting a bit more creative in keeping myself sane.

  9. Thanks everyone for your responses about U-pack. Because of all the hassle they're giving me though, I'm going with a mover. It's about $300 more, but, I won't have to deal with them, I won't have to load or unpack or rent a u-haul since there is no option of them leaving a relocube at my house. :wacko:

    And they seem to be quite clueless about the process with border crossing since they claimed I have to sign over power of attorney to someone else to ship it on my behalf... :blink: So off I go to other moving threads to get more info on the 3299. Thanks!

  10. Yes, he can. But, it also depends on how much documentation he brings as proof of ties to prove that he'll return to Canada. I went to visit my USC fiancee back in february; I brought 3 employer's letters, 3 pay stubs, a letter from my rent, all bills tied with my name on it, and I also brought along any paperwork proving we were going through the K-1 process. In the end, I didn't have to show a piece. But... better safer than sorry. :)

  11. Hiya, I do have a few questions about upack if anyone has used it to move to the US.

    I know I can't have my stuff cleared past the border until I'm in the country with my visa activated (booo!) so I'm curious as to how people got around that, or dealt with it, and what were your ups or downs with your decision for it?

    So far, it looks I may have to sign the paperwork in advance, get on a plane. Once I'm in US, ask my family to load all my stuff (already neatly piled) into a uhaul to drag to upack and load to be shipped to me. I'm just hoping that's a possible option, else I have to load it the day I jump on the plane later that evening (or early next morning)

    As much as I would LOVE to use a moving company, sadly most of the ones I called are out of my price range, or refuse to move someone less than 2000 lbs. :wacko:

    - Daly, she who hates moving

  12. Hello i'm newbie!! How can you see the status "Touched"?What is supposed to mean status being "Touched"?Thanks! Any response will greatly appreciate!

    When you log into the USCIS website, it'll show your case number in one column, and a "last updated" date in the next column over. If that date changes, it's a day your file has been touched. It just means that someone either moved your file, went through it, or even scratched their back with. :)

    It's not neccessarily an indication of getting closer to approval. But, it is a good indicator for us getting ready to go crazy every time it changes. :)

  13. I understand completely what you mean. Like you said though, people really just don't get it. They can't unless they go through it. I think part of that reason is because the slow progress isn't something that is as tangible as say a bank account growing with savings, or the pregnancy bump growing. Also, all the info they get is what we tell them and what they perceive based on whether or not we've got the stiff upper lip.

    When people do say that they hate being a few days away from their SO, yes, it does hit a delicate nerve because I think all of us here would easily trade the months we've had for those few days. That being said, if they traded with us... I don't think they'd be doing as well as some of us might are.

    As frustrating as it is, once this whole wait is over, it'll be well worth it. And, I think all of us are really lucky that we have this forum where other people go through the same thing. :)

    ::pats:: We'll all hang in there. And don't let those people get you down. :thumbs:

  14. @Daly: What could you possibly bring from Canada that we don't already have here? We have hockey now, you know! :lol: :lol: (sorry, just trying to live up to the dumb American stereotype...)

    I'm thinking of hoarding crazy amounts of Shreddies, Clodhoppers, Rocky Mountain Soap products and some local homemade canuck stuffs. That's all that comes to mind so far. And no worries about the American stereotype; My USC keeps reminding me that canadian bacon is available there as well as indoor ice rinks for emergency re-Canadianize moments. :D

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