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Posts posted by pc_whisperer

  1. Can't understand how some folks with similar timelines fly through the process and others don't without any obvious explanations.

    AOS - Paid an submitted Feb 19, 2015 - Also sent all supporting docs, pics and everything they require.

    IV - Paid and submitted (invoice didn't get posted online until April - even called and it was not available) April 16, 2015.

    Submitted IV April 16. Still no news. I called last week as it had been two months and it was escalated so it could be checked by a supervisor. Called this week and now they say it will be another 45 days.

    Too much excitement. hurry up and wait!

  2. I'm sure these are out there somewhere but I wanted to share with you anyway. I'm currently working with my wife to bring her mother. Just filled out the DS260 online last week.

    NVC Invoice payment and receipt page for both AOS and IV


    NVC online DS260 application (Will only work once IV is paid and shows Paid on the invoice and receipt link above).


    NVC DS260 Status.


    AOS was paid in Februrary. I864 and all financial and civil supporting docs were sent in together in February.

    IV invoiced April 14th

    DS260 Submitted April 19th.

    I read in one of the posts yesterday, that since they had sent in everything together with the I864, the DS260 was approved in 6 days because they already had everything in hand. Keeping our fingers crossed.

    Good luck!

  3. I called the NVC and asked that question when I paid the AOS. They told me to go ahead and send everything together in one packet when I had it ready. In other words, I sent the I-864s, supporting financial docs along with all civil supporting docs needed for IV all together. This was back in Feb. The IV didn't get invoiced until last week, which I paid right away, and filled out the DS260 as soon as it became available. Hopefully, it will get reviewed right away and since they have everything already there, it might get the case complete notification we are looking for.

  4. Hello everyone.....

    WOW it's been a few months since I've been here. My CR1 case was completed back in November and the way things were looking I was going to be waiting for ever. Until..... well, I had filed for a K1 back in the day when we were still dating but found out the wait for the interview was somewhere between 18 and 24 months after aproval by USCIS. So, we got marriend and started the CR1 process instead, forgetting about the K1.

    Here's the twist, we finally got notice for the K1 interview for this March. After giving it some thought and a lot of praying, I sent the IV unit a request to be interviewed for the CR1 in place of the K1 along with, you know, case info and a copy of the marriage cert. Guess what? it worked!!!!! I did have to call them a few times and was able to track the DHL shipment as the NVC told me the date they shipped the package.

    Anyway, I'm nervous all over again. We have the interview in less than two weeks and well, got to get everything together to go down there to go with her to the interview.

    Well, I just wanted to share all this with you guys..... I suppose we are all in this together, through good and bad!!!

    Wish us luck and thanks ahead of time.


  5. My DS-230 was reviewed Wednesday and they REF'd it becuase I screwed up and sent them an "Extract" of the her birth cert. Well, they say that for her country they require and extensive. We should be sending it this coming week and hope to make the Nov 15th cutoff for completion of the case.

    It's like I could see the light at the end of the tunnel and NVC turned it off. :devil::devil::devil:

    Oh well, I'm not too upset because we didn't make the Oct 15th cutoff anyway and were going to have to wait till next month. So I will do the impossible to make it next month.....

    I guess, I need to start looking into RFE coversheet.

    BTW - Stabu, It's good to see you're back!!! It wasn't the same with out you. What will we do when you guys get your visa and abandon us? :hehe:

  6. Giving this update thing a try. I sent in DS-230 Today. C'mon NVC!!! No whamies!!!!

    Member Name--------------NOA2-------DS-3032/I-864---Received IV----DS-230------NVC Complete---JSC---Days

    jaxguy ----------------- 05/31/05 ---- 06/19/07 ---- 07/16/07 ---- 07/30/07 ---- 08/24/07 --- Yes - 815

    w1n78 ------------------ 09/05/06 ---- 10/10/06 ---- 10/20/06 ---- 11/08/06 ---- 11/16/06 --- Yes - 72

    Michael and Milahjean -- 09/07/06 ---- 10/10/06 ---- 10/19/06 ---- 11/09/06 ---- 11/15/06 --- Yes - 69

    Amarceau --------------- 09/07/06 ---- 10/03/06 ---- 10/20/06 ---- 11/19/06 ---- 01/11/07 --- Yes - 126

    tomrein ---------------- 09/11/06 ---- 10/10/06 ---- 10/30/06 ---- 11/xx/06 ---- 12/21/06 --- Yes - 101

    dims1 ------------------ 09/20/06 ---- 10/24/06 ---- 10/26/06 ---- 11/xx/06 ---- 12/01/06 --- Yes - 72

    randynrose ------------- 09/29/06 ---- 11/01/06 ---- 11/21/06 ---- 12/20/06 ---- 02/06/07 --- Yes - 130

    BelwinMills ------------ 10/12/06 ---- 10/30/06 ---- 11/20/06 ---- 12/11/06 ---- 01/17/07 --- Yes - 97

    Florida-Photo ---------- 11/02/06 ---- 11/28/06 ---- 12/11/06 ---- 01/12/07 ---- 02/01/07 --- Yes - 91

    dougyceci -------------- 11/22/06 ---- 12/11/06 ---- 01/05/07 ---- 01/17/07 ---- 02/15/07 --- Yes - 85

    Arpita & Deven --------- 11/27/06 ---- 12/18/06 ---- 01/06/07 ---- 01/15/07 ---- 02/20/07 --- N/A - 85

    Our Mao ---------------- 12/01/06 ---- 12/18/06 ---- 01/15/07 ---- 01/29/07 ---- 02/13/07 --- Yes - 73

    Bosnia ----------------- 12/05/06 ---- 01/06/07 ---- 01/29/07 ---- 02/20/07 ---- 03/14/07 --- No -- 99

    riblet ----------------- 12/06/06 ---- 01/10/07 ---- 01/22/07 ---- 02/10/07 ---- 02/20/07 --- Yes - 76

    Justo/Sheyla ----------- 12/27/06 ---- 01/22/07 ---- 02/05/07 ---- xx/xx/07 ---- 03/13/07 --- Yes - 76

    StarProg --------------- 12/28/06 ---- 01/20/07 ---- 02/23/07 ---- 03/31/07 ---- 05/10/07 --- Yes - 130

    Exodus2006 ------------- 01/16/07 ---- 02/07/07 ---- 03/09/07 ---- 04/10/07 ---- 07/09/07 --- No -- 174

    Dennis & Ezgi ---------- 01/18/07 ---- 02/09/07 ---- 02/21/07 ---- 03/20/07 ---- 04/10/07 --- No -- 81

    Radu & Mari ------------ 02/12/07 ---- 03/07/07 ---- 03/26/07 ---- 04/06/07 ---- 04/17/07 --- Yes - 64

    ErnestoyAlexis --------- 02/16/07 ---- xx/xx/07 ---- xx/xx/07 ---- xx/xx/07 ---- 05/08/07 --- N/A - 81

    Misty1979 -------------- 03/06/07 ---- 04/09/07 ---- 05/07/07 ---- 06/06/07 ---- 06/18/07 --- Yes - 104

    jediknight ------------- 03/11/07 ---- 03/27/07 ---- 04/12/07 ---- 05/02/07 ---- 05/15/07 --- Yes - 65

    Karina ----------------- 03/13/07 ---- 04/23/07 ---- 05/07/07 ---- 05/21/07 ---- 06/01/07 --- Yes - 80

    severinep -------------- 03/13/07 ---- 04/19/07 ---- 07/02/07 ---- 07/16/07 ---- Pending

    jacob88 ---------------- 03/14/07 ---- 04/23/07 ---- 05/22/07 ---- 06/18/07 ---- 07/03/07 --- No -- 111

    hcheun02 --------------- 03/22/07 ---- 04/05/07 ---- 05/09/07 ---- 05/26/07 ---- 06/01/07 --- Yes - 71

    Miriam n Alain --------- 03/22/07 ---- 04/24/07 ---- 04/30/07 ---- 05/17/07 ---- 05/21/07 --- N/A - 60

    NYC__girl -------------- 04/03/07 ---- 04/16/07 ---- 05/20/07 ---- 06/30/07 ---- 09/28/07 --- No -- 178

    John & Erica ----------- 04/06/07 ---- 05/14/07 ---- 05/31/07 ---- 06/11/07 ---- 06/22/07 --- Yes - 77

    slbois ----------------- 04/09/07 ---- 05/22/07 ---- 06/07/07 ---- 06/28/07 ---- 07/16/07 --- Yes - 98

    Kathy & Prabh ---------- 04/10/07 ---- 05/14/07 ---- 05/31/07 ---- 06/xx/07 ---- 06/14/07 --- Yes - 65

    misfitsbalzac ---------- 04/11/07 ---- 05/22/07 ---- 07/05/07 ---- 08/01/07 ---- 08/29/07 --- No -- 140

    mike & elena ----------- 04/16/07 ---- 05/23/07 ---- 06/29/07 ---- 07/16/07 ---- 08/17/07 --- Yes - 123

    Singh77 ---------------- 04/17/07 ---- 05/27/07 ---- 06/25/07 ---- 08/05/07 ---- 08/17/07 --- Yes - 122

    Comelly ---------------- 04/19/07 ---- 05/21/07 ---- 06/14/07 ---- 06/25/07 ---- 07/30/07 --- No -- 102

    sjmartins -------------- 04/25/07 ---- 06/18/07 ---- 07/20/07 ---- Pending

    Yocasta ---------------- 04/27/07 ---- 05/14/07 ---- 05/29/07 ---- Pending

    Mononoke28 ------------- 05/03/07 ---- 06/02/07 ---- 06/22/07 ---- 07/23/07 ---- 08/08/07 --- Yes - 97

    jigi ------------------- 05/08/07 ---- 06/16/07 ---- 07/29/07 ---- 09/24/07

    knowledge -------------- 05/09/07 ---- 06/04/07 ---- 07/xx/07 ---- 08/22/07 ---- 10/05/07 --- No -- 149

    nyseness --------------- 05/16/07 ---- 06/18/07 ---- 08/11/07 ---- Pending

    alongjourney ----------- 05/16/07 ---- 06/25/07 ---- 08/13/07 ---- Pending

    mikeandlani ------------ 05/21/07 ---- 07/02/07 ---- 08/04/07 ---- 10/05/07 ---- Pending

    khanshahid ------------- 05/24/07 ---- 06/25/07 ---- 07/27/07 ---- 08/24/07 ---- 09/11/07 --- Yes - 110

    KayArt ----------------- 05/24/07 ---- 07/03/07 ---- 07/27/07 ---- 08/13/07 ---- 08/30/07 --- Yes - 98

    MegDan ----------------- 05/31/07 ---- 07/02/07 ---- 07/28/07 ---- 09/01/07 ---- Pending

    hhk3 ------------------- 05/31/07 ---- 06/25/07 ---- 07/21/07 ---- 07/30/07 ---- 08/14/07 --- Yes - 75

    Jasmin ----------------- 06/01/07 ---- 06/18/07 ---- 07/20/07 ---- 08/27/07 ---- 09/17/07 --- No -- 109

    Singha ----------------- 06/01/07 ---- 06/25/07 ---- 07/19/07 ---- 08/13/07 ---- 08/28/07 --- No -- 89

    Trailmix --------------- 06/05/07 ---- 07/02/07 ---- 08/02/07 ---- 08/21/07 ---- Pending

    micky-sabry ------------ 06/05/07 ---- 07/09/07 ---- 08/03/07 ---- Pending

    CHERRI1 ---------------- 06/06/07 ---- 07/02/07 ---- 08/02/07 ---- 08/27/07 ---- 10/05/07 --- No

    virt ------------------- 06/07/07 ---- Pending

    Geist & Stabu ---------- 06/07/07 ---- 07/09/07 ---- 08/02/07 ---- 09/10/07 ---- 09/25/07 --- Yes - 110

    vylex ------------------ 06/12/07 ---- 07/02/07 ---- 07/27/07 ---- 08/13/07 ---- 08/27/07 --- Yes - 76

    Nilz07 ----------------- 06/12/07 ---- 07/16/07 ---- 08/20/07 ---- Pending

    evahamilton ------------ 06/12/07 ---- 07/09/07 ---- 08/09/07 ---- 09/08/07 ---- 09/20/07 --- No -- 100

    vonicks ---------------- 06/13/07 ---- 07/16/07 ---- Pending

    dillydally ------------- 06/14/07 ---- 07/16/07 ---- 08/10/07 ---- 09/06/07 ---- Pending

    rika60607 -------------- 06/14/07 ---- 07/16/07 ---- 08/18/07 ---- 08/28/07 ---- 09/17/07 --- Yes - 96

    Abrar & Huma ----------- 06/15/07 ---- 07/16/07 ---- 08/15/07 ---- 09/19/07 ---- Pending

    endless ---------------- 06/18/07 ---- 07/24/07 ---- 09/10/07 ---- 10/01/07 ---- Pending

    S & J ------------------ 06/19/07 ---- 07/16/07 ---- 08/17/07 ---- 09/25/07 ---- Pending

    chakaas ---------------- 06/20/07 ---- 07/16/07 ---- 08/27/07 ---- 09/18/07 ---- 10/02/07

    flicki ----------------- 06/25/07 ---- 06/27/07 ---- Pending

    vutapson --------------- 06/28/07 ---- 07/16/07 ---- 08/25/07 ---- 09/25/07 ---- Pending

    samrodriguez226 -------- 06/29/07 ---- 08/19/07 ---- Pending

    RandyandRina ----------- 07/02/07 ---- 08/06/07 ---- 08/29/07 ---- 09/10/07 ---- Pending

    LadyJane --------------- 07/03/07 ---- 08/06/07 ---- 09/06/07 ---- 09/24/07 ---- Pending

    Olechka ---------------- 07/04/07 ---- 08/02/07 ---- 08/20/07 ---- 10/03/07 ---- Pending

    zellda ----------------- 07/09/07 ---- Pending

    michael_nc ------------- 07/12/07 ---- 08/27/07 ---- 09/08/07 ---- Pending

    Divine Mercy ----------- 07/16/07 ---- Pending

    Z & S ------------------ 07/16/07 ---- 07/30/07 ---- 08/27/07 ---- 08/27/07 ---- Pending

    PC_Whisperer ----------- 07/27/07 ---- 08/20/07 ---- 09/22/07 ---- 10/10/07 ---- Pending

    Mariya ----------------- 08/07/07 ---- 09/19/07 ---- Pending

    Ereshkigal ------------- 08/17/07 ---- 09/03/07 ---- 10/05/07 ---- Pending

    natashenika ------------ 08/23/07 ---- 09/10/07 ---- 10/02/07 ---- Pending

    Jaxguy/KIDS ------------ 09/14/07 ---- 10/02/07 ---- Pending

    djturbo ---------------- 09/17/07 ---- Pending

    ze22-------------------- 09/18/07 ---- Pending

  7. The system tells me that the IV bill was generated on 9/10. Being as optimistic as I am, I would like to think that it is in the mail and will arrive shortly. The problem is that I will be leaving town for a month in 2 days. I would like to leave the M/O for the fee ready so someone here at home can overnight it right back to them once it arrives.

    My question is this...... Who do I make the M/O out to? Dept of State like the AoS bill?

    Thanks in advance for your responses.

  8. We sent our email on 8/23. I was getting desperate.... I called twice this week. The second time I asked if we should send it again, so we did on 9/6. We got a response 9/7 on the original email dated 8/23.

    If you don't hear anything by 9/12, I would call and ask about the email and resend it. I had read some posts that doing just that works. It did for me.

    I guess, now that the choice of agent has been processed, I will have to lose more hair waiting on the IV bill. How many years does that take???

  9. I just called the NVC and the system tells me that the AoS fee has been received on August 30. :dance::dance::dance: I will be calling Tuesday to see if they have generated the I-864 so I can mail in the package.

    Here's my situation... I use tax software and e-file every year. So all I have are the "for your records" ones. My W-2s are also electonic and am able to reprint at will. My question is this: Is it ok to send these reprints or should I send the transcripts, which I have just requested? I will have to wait for them 10 - 15 days.

    I'm using JSCs and was hoping to be able to send what I got so I can save as much time as possible.

    Thank you all in advance.

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