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Status Updates posted by Missy1

  1. Zee, you are amazing. Thank you for being there for me days before the interview. The interview was a success! We have never met but you have given me what most of my close friends couldn't. Your turn is around the corner....and I can't wait to rejoice with you.


  2. You are a truly special person. You shall be blessed with whatever your heart desires! Thank you for your support.

  3. Congratulations Byron.... It's all smooth sailing from here...

  4. Thanks girl....I feel the love.

  5. Mirla...I left you a message on the yahoo messenger. I had a question about how you found out about the RFE....I got two touches too and received nothing. Don't get frustrated...the battle is almost over! Thanks in advance

  6. I have having trouble uploading a pic....ca you help me?

  7. ZEE...I GOT A TOUCH!!

  8. visit the thread to read what i found for you. Good luck

  9. YEAHHHHHH!!!!!!

  10. Mirla,

    I just read your timeline estimate...this might be your week. If it is...I will become more optimistic about my own case. Good luck...and remember that you are not alone!

  11. Good luck with everything....I saved you as a friend. Our NOA1 dates are very close.


  13. congratulations....


  14. Congratulations!!!

  15. Thanks for the reply. I know how things can get at times. Hopefully, we will be able to get from this second step soon. LOL...


  16. So...you haven't posted your page with the good news? I too, will be going to Lagos in the next couple of weeks to meet my fiance. Unfortunately....his paperwork hasn't been approved yet in the states. Yes....I'm playing that waiting game.

  17. I have been checking your page everyday to find out if you received the RFE. Yeah...I am so happy for you. Gosh...I was starting to be very discouraged. One step closer. Looking forward to hearing more good news from you.

  18. I get a lot of comfort from being on this site. It lets me know that I am not alone. I have promised myself today that I will start calling customer service to get an update on what is taking so long. Feel free to send me a note anytime. Good luck with your case!

  19. HELLO! I had you in mind and just wanted to see if you received the RFE notice. I have you in my prayers.

  20. Thank you for the comment.....I just cannot wait to have him here. How long did it take for your I-129F take?

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