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Posts posted by Johny1290

  1. Hello everyone! I have been thinking about to apply for naturalization for quite a while... here it's my situation: I married and stayed married for 5 years. We went through the AOS process and became Permanent Resident in 2014, in 2016 my wife divorced me due our crazy schedules and we kinda grew apart. She being a surgeon and me being a business owner we barely got to see each other. During my marriage I made and awful mistake that I have regretted ever since. I had an affair after finding out my ex-wife was having an affair way before we even got married. We both agreed to end up our affairs and seek help with counselors and psychologists. It almost seemed like we conquered that rough stop in our marriage but in 2016 she decided to end our marriage because she wanted to become a better surgeon, got enrolled in a program and she wanted a child (Something that I could never give her).

    I know that polygamy it is a reason to be denied Naturalization. I know I have made a mistake but otherwise I am a good person I was blinded with pain and vengeance that I didn't think in the consequences.

    Am I gonna get my application denied? I never remarried and I dont have children. I dont know exaclty if I fall under the category of Polygany according to immigration law. 

    I would not be worried about this but I have built a couple of successful business here in the US, and well if I get dented my N400 will I lose my LPR status as well? 

    I hope someone can share something similar or help me to understand how this works. I would appreciate some sympathy, I know what I did was wrong but if I am gonna be judged that would be the only problem for me, I have never had problems with the law, played my taxes on time, etc.

    Thank you all.

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