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Posts posted by StillThePrettiest

  1. and what the hell difference does it make where you were married anyway? I would have LOVED to have been married in Australia, not from any cultural reasons, but because it would have meant my 90 year old grandmother could have been at the ceremony... but to go that route would have meant a K-3, with me waiting in Australia or back in the UK while my husband returned to America without me

    the choice of wedding location with international couples is more often than not determined by the situation, and has NOTHING to do with any opinions, on either side, of either of the cultures

    VisaVeteran, you speak more hogwash than most people around here, and THAT is saying something :D

  2. ...Mox threw a big pie in the face to Charles when he was trying to do his job.

    except that it's part of Charles' mod job NOT to interact with Mox, so no ;)

    ...please bring some background to this apocalyptic battle. Who's cheerio's got urinated in? When/how did it all start.

    there's no one answer to that... it's just an immutable law of the universe, like gravity :D

    why does Charles have such a negative stigma as a mod?

    at least partly because he's the least objective of the moderation team, and still posts plenty of things that others deem offensive, in a major or minor way; misogynist, rude, whatever, yet seems to be untouchable... despite MANY complaints from the general VJ public, both when the announcement of his appointment was made, and since, about specific issues, this is the first time that there has been ANY acknowledgement that he maybe might sometimes occasionally not make the best calls

    and that is Ewok's prerogative - I do understand that he wants to keep discipline/otherwise of his moderation team off the public boards; that's reasonable - but the whitewashing of charles has just been ridiculous in the past; he doesn't even fit the description of 'what makes a good mod' that the site admin has developed, but somehow we're all supposed to ignore that and just let him do his thing, however stupid/illogical/unfair/subjective we deem said thing to be

  3. ...sometimes it is hard when you are the only mod on line at the time and you try to make the best decision you can under the circumstances. If there had been someone else available I am sure Charles would have happily referred the thread to their attention...

    because I guess when Ewok asked Charles NOT to moderate Mox, he just meant 'sometimes'

  4. I can understand Mox being suspended (after all, this is high-school), but what I don't get is WHY the thread was closed in the first place.... There was no reason for Charles to close it. No one was violation the TOS.

    oh, Charles HAD to close it, and bait mox first, because he took Ewok so seriously when Ewok told him to "...NOT to interact with [Mox]. I am leaving that to other mods and me."

    and Charles is a great mod and always does what Ewok says, hence the baiting :)


  5. Then why would CBP place someone in detention? I agree that I wouldn't label them as "illegal" that's more for a person that enters without inspection.

    one reason could be - as Mox already said above - some people don't know their jobs, or the law

    different scenario I know, but I had to fight for SIX MONTHS to get a citation for 'failure to obtain a Texas license in 30 days' thrown out - the cop who booked me had never HEARD of the law, which gave me 12 months driving on my valid, reciprocal foreign license, and didn't care when shown a printout from his own employer's website... didn't make him right, as the DA said when she dismissed it, but it didn't stop him doing it anyway

    so yeah; file as soon as you can; it will make life easier, but you're not illegal if you don't, and don't let the scaremongers tell you otherwise :D

  6. Hi VisaVeteran :)

    I'm a woman, and I like Mox's jokes and his way of writing, and think he's hilarious.

    What is far more off-putting is your illogical, badly spelled and inarticulate drivel. That drives me away from posting here far more.

    Of course, you will have a 'witty' reply to this, but I have made it as simple and easy to understand as I can.

    Most sincerely,

    A Woman Who Avoids Idiots But Likes Funny and Interesting People :D

  7. That timeline page also says: check the VSC processing times, which is 5 months. There is nothing my congressman can do, because the standard processing time hasn't been reached yet.. So before the 5 months, there really isn't anything you can do besides waiting patiently.

    Also, the amount of petitions recorded on VJ timelines is only a small amount of the total petitions filed at the VSC...

    good gracious, Eggs, you are talking sense about this; I don't know that that's allowed :D

  8. Considering the inability to work while waiting for EAD I'd put that number "well over" $1010 myself.

    I completely agree... even a few months without work makes it an expensive option; any delays and you're looking at half a year or more without a salary; I'd say that's 'well over' $1000 as well... and I don't even have a high-paying job ;)

  9. Not that I've ever seen any of your posts before

    I love how this is supposed to matter... it's the second time I've seen it in the last few days; 'I've never noticed you before so you don't count'

    well, there are plenty of people I've never seen before, you amongst them Susita, but that makes no difference to whether I think your sig is appropriate or not

  10. and I feel compelled to add this question - though as NONE of my questions have yet been answered I doubt this one will be either -

    why was the issue brought to you in the first place? what was there to indicate a 'problem'?

    as so many people have said until they are blue in the face - there was NOTHING out of the ordinary in the original comment made by Ovaltine Jenkins; it was - and Charles has stated as much - seen as more significant than it was because it was said to Nessa, not someone else

  11. I am curious why every conversation comes back to charles? I get that several of you do not like him. Understood. But it seems like most all topics lead to him and I know I am not doing it. Not to side track but it is hard to make headway on any topic because somehow Charles is always brought up and becomes the "issue".

    Ewok, I have bolded the part of your post that most frustrates me... this is NOT about like/dislike; I have not liked Charles for ages and yet have not felt any need to comment on that fact for quite some time... it is about CONSISTENCY and FAIRNESS, both of which are lacking generally on VJ, but which are particularly lacking here, in the topic under discussion

    people citing examples of gross inconsistency and people being subjective when they HAVE to be objective in order to do their job on VJ *IS* the topic, not a sidetrack from it

    I feel that many many people are speaking plainly, giving you examples, asking questions - and yet you don't seem to heed it, or wish to answer... THAT is the sidetrack, as far as I'm concerned

    oh, and - what mox said :)

  12. If this were true, Charles' account would be under review almost constantly. Off topic supposedly has looser TOS. The Ovaltine Jenkins incident is a great example of how there is no consistency in modding OT. You take seriously complaints where one of the OT playground regs feewings got hurt, but ignore the vociferous minority who actually care about the quality of VJ as a whole when legitimate concerns are raised. Utterly pathetic. But sadly this is now the norm for VJ.


    I'm sure the same would apply to charles if you performed a similar evaluation. In fact, I'm positive his offensiveness is far more egregious over a much longer period of time, and yet he was made a dep mod. Sorry, Ewok, but your judgement is really off. I'm afraid you are no longer able to be objective when it comes to Charles.

    and, dear God, THIS

  13. Captain Ewok, I think in the end it comes down to this:

    can you, or anyone else, truthfully and with a straight face, claim that if the positions had been reversed - ie Ovaltine Jenkins had made the original Haiti comment, and Nessa had made the reply calling it insensitive - that the same actions would have occurred? would Nessa have been suspended? I think we all know the answer to that... and it's not even as if there were grounds to suspect Ovaltine Jenkins of being a sock-puppet; she's been posting from the same account for more than two years and is clearly a genuine member

    and with that being the case, it's VERY clear that there are major problems with some people's ability to be objective, and keep personal feelings/relationships/opinions/whatever out of their moderating decisions... it's all well and good when people simply disagree; that makes for good debate, and (when people are civil and reasonably intelligent) keeps life interesting... but when there's a difference of opinion and one person has more power than another, AND chooses to wield it inappropriately, then you've got problems... as you do here

    and it's not like this is the only example of such things

    if you like, I will happily submit all of the above, verbatim, in a ticket, so that you can deal with it as an actual complaint :)

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