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Posts posted by shema/sach

  1. Trust I'm really worried but i can't fall apart I have to try and hold it together.

    I just think its a little wierd that he's not at his job either. you think he would quit his job as part of his dumping you? maybe there really IS something wrong, I dont think I would jump to the conclusion that I was being dumped, unless like Jenn said you already had some pretty strong suspicions.. Otherwise I would be worried as hell...

  2. WE have tickets for dec, but I just cant pick up and go like that its just me and my daughter I've alreay have the time off work for that time. When I say clouser that means that all opitions are open in the matter, but if I'd had any idea that he was planning to do this i would not have a reason to post. Maybe all this was just to good to be true.
    Conformation of what why would i think something since nov 3th of 2006 we have talked on the phone and on E-mail evreyday. The ways things were going i would never think something like this would happen seen he and I bought my ticket for me and my daughter months before for dec. DONT JUDGE ME MY ONLY REASON FOR POSTING WAS TO FIND SOMEONE WHO SPEAKS ARABIC so i could get some answers. THINGS ARE BAD ENOUGH DONT BE SO this could happen to anyone you never know. thanks for sharing. :dance:
    It seems to me the Op is seeking confrmation of what she already knows is the truth.

    If it was happening to us, I would be on an airplane to his family's home by this point.

    I'm sorry if you feel judged. My observation is that this is a very strange situation don't you think? Why wouldn't someone- a friend or family member think to call you to let you know what was happening if something had happened? IMO I think he wanted to disappear on you because it was easier than telling you the truth. I think you must suspect this or you wouldn;t have posted that all you wanted was "closure"

  3. If that the case ok, I'm not attacking anyone I was just expressing my feeling on the post. The most important thing iss that your happy and things are going well for you. Best of luck and God bless.

    If that is the Case that he diappeared on me, and if we clould all control who we give our heat to we would live in a perfect world. anyway I was not attacking anyone I choose to air my drama out in the open so I'm just getting what i deserve.

    Listen, there's no reason to attack ppl. Everyone here has been nice to you. You need to just calm down and face facts. The dude disappeared on you. You're not the first or last woman this has happened to. Internet romances don't always pan out. Next time be more careful about who you give your heart to.

  4. Easier said then done. thank you

    I agree 100%. This is a blessing. You won't have to deal with immigration or any of that #######.

    Sorry this happened to you (F) Chalk it up as a learning experience and move on. Just a tip....move on locally. ;)

    honestly.. take this as a blessing.. and learn from this..

    You have your daughter to think about and care for...

    this situation comletely sucks

  5. I'm doing what i can with what I have. I hear all your commits, and I'm not gaving you any sarcasm how could you feel I'm being nonchalant I'm just trying to hold myself together. and your right you don't have no idea what I'm going though. Like I said before I posted because I was trying to find someone that spoke arabic so adleast see if he even got to egypt at all. I dont know anyone that speaks the language. At this point it really doesn't matter :crying: Thank you for you in put you really made feel so much better.

    How could you say that. that was why i posted my message to try to get help. You have no idea what I've been though these last coulple of weeks, i cant sleep or eat, but like i said i have a little to care for so i do what i can. so i did take your commit the wrong way people deal with things the best way they no how. PLEASE things are bad enough AND NO I DID NOT SEE THIS COMING!!!!!!!

    I think it's very rude of you to judge me this way.

    People always say what they would do if it happen to them, but you just don't know what you would do until it really happens to you, but thanks for sharing.

    No need for sarcasm. I wasn't trying to judge you. I just find your seemingly nonchalant attitude rather shocking. Remember all that anyone has to go by here is what you post, since you're absolutely right, we don't know what you've been through these last couple weeks unless you tell us.

    ETA: If your assumption that he has split is correct, then I really am truly sorry and hope that you can move on. All I'm trying to say is that from my perspective, it doesn't seem like you've exhausted all avenues in attempt to find the closure you're seeking.

  6. Conformation of what why would i think something since nov 3th of 2006 we have talked on the phone and on E-mail evreyday. The ways things were going i would never think something like this would happen seen he and I bought my ticket for me and my daughter months before for dec. DONT JUDGE ME MY ONLY REASON FOR POSTING WAS TO FIND SOMEONE WHO SPEAKS ARABIC so i could get some answers. THINGS ARE BAD ENOUGH DONT BE SO this could happen to anyone you never know. thanks for sharing. :dance:

    It seems to me the Op is seeking confrmation of what she already knows is the truth.
  7. How could you say that. that was why i posted my message to try to get help. You have no idea what I've been though these last coulple of weeks, i cant sleep or eat, but like i said i have a little to care for so i do what i can. so i did take your commit the wrong way people deal with things the best way they no how. PLEASE things are bad enough AND NO I DID NOT SEE THIS COMING!!!!!!!

    I think it's very rude of you to judge me this way.

    People always say what they would do if it happen to them, but you just don't know what you would do until it really happens to you, but thanks for sharing.

    So They only closeure i get from this is that he is dead, or maybe he just decided at the last minute that he did want to marry me instead. I really dont know

    Please don't take this the wrong way, but it kind of sounds as though you saw this coming. If I had not been able to contact Wadi for several weeks (even a few days actually), and for some reason I could not get in touch with his family, I'd be getting an Arabic translator immediately and contacting everyone I knew that was his acquaintance, as well as the local authorities.

    If this was someone in whom you were invested enough to marry, don't you want to make sure that he is ok?

    How could you say that. that was why i posted my message to try to get help. You have no idea what I've been though these last coulple of weeks, i cant sleep or eat, but like i said i have a little to care for so i do what i can. so i did take your commit the wrong way people deal with things the best way they no how. PLEASE things are bad enough AND NO I DID NOT SEE THIS COMING!!!!!!!

    I think it's very rude of you to judge me this way.

    People always say what they would do if it happen to them, but you just don't know what you would do until it really happens to you, but thanks for sharing.

    So They only closeure i get from this is that he is dead, or maybe he just decided at the last minute that he did want to marry me instead. I really dont know

    Please don't take this the wrong way, but it kind of sounds as though you saw this coming. If I had not been able to contact Wadi for several weeks (even a few days actually), and for some reason I could not get in touch with his family, I'd be getting an Arabic translator immediately and contacting everyone I knew that was his acquaintance, as well as the local authorities.

    If this was someone in whom you were invested enough to marry, don't you want to make sure that he is ok?

  8. Will I called the job today and he's not there. he works at the front desk at from 6pm to 8:30am. Its about 2am in the morning in jordan. I call and someone else answered the phone. So They only closeure i get from this is that he is dead, or maybe he just decided at the last minute that he did want to marry me instead. I really dont know, but as much as it's hurts i can't let this consume me I a mother of a five year girl and she is my first priority and I guess i have to just move on. Ahmed was the only guy i've talked to since my divorce two years ago i refuse to put myself though this Ahmed will be in my prayers daily, and what ever the outcome All i couls say is that maybe it just wasn't my time lifes a ######.


    Thank you

  9. Ok i'm feeling angry/sad/worried at the same time. Ahmed works in jordan, but Egypt is his home. on july 1 st his visa expired, so since he had been home to visit in two years he decides to go to Egypt for two weeks to visit his family and

    re-new his visit. On july 8th Ahmed called me to tell me he was headed to Egypt. I asked him if his family know he was coming. he respoded no that he wanted to suprise them. I tild him it he should let someone know he was coming just in case something happen. We called his brother on three way and he talked to his brother he was coming, but not to tell their mother because he wanted it to be a suprise for her. His brother doesnt't speak much english, but he said hello to me and ask me how i was doing>>>>>>>>anyway back to the story. He told me he loved me and my daughter and that when he got to egypt he woulld or send me a e-mail. he told me that if he had not called in two days to call him he give me his brothers number, he tolld me to take care and that he loved me. That was the last I've heard of him. After a couple of days when i didn't here from him I called his brother just like he said. His brother's wife answers the phone I ask for Ahmed she doesnot speak english she tells me "speak arabic no english" i tried t say may i talk to Ahmed, but she hung up phone. It been three weeks and nothing no E-mail nothing. I called his job in Jordanand they said he shold be back to work on July 30th, but they have not heard from him since he left. Ahmed and I have talked or e-mailed eachother every single day since the first day we met. I'm so hurt/and confused. This guy could not sleep without calling to check on me and my daughter to make sure we were ok, he even would send us money to help pay the phone bill so we could always keep in touch, now I don't know what to make out of this if he has decided to move on that ok, but i just need some closeure. please help me. If there is someone out there who speaks arabic please responed if i could get someone to call his family just to see if he even got there i will feel much better. I"m DYING HERE PLEASE HELP!!!!! :help::help::help::help::crying::crying::help:

  10. thanks DR. VJ. this has nothing to do with what i was asking, but thanks for sharing. keep up the good work.

    I was not aware of that where did you hear that?
    hello Kishy,

    you have both options .. you can file CR1 directly from Cairo OR you can file for K3 from the states .

    one positive thing about filing in Cairo .. the pettition gets approved the same day , well most likely

  11. Just wanted to wish you good blessing, take lots of pics, and be careful. Dpont for get to pray before you get on the plane/and think God when you arrive safely.

    Hi, I'm getting ready to leave. My wedding is planned for July 5. Any one here have experiance marrying a Christian in Jordan. I'm leaving Sunday and suddenly the church is demanding papers from me that is impossible for me to get, let alone in 2 business days. I'm getting frustrated.


  12. what you say is very mean. I think people are what they are some blcak some white, some fat some skinny. How would you like it if you came to the US they told you you could not come to the STates because you were a forginer how would that feel. You treat all people fat and skinny black or whie they way you would like to be treated. We all have feeling.

    Yes, maybe it should be like McDonald's.

    You go to McDonald's and you Super Size your meal knowing very well you don't need the caloric intake, when you get to the check-in counter at the airport, you Super Size your seat knowing that your going to make the air traveler next to you very uncomfortable.

    My fellow Americans are to fat and lazy now, it is the first thing I noticed moving back to the States, just about everyone is FAT.

    You seem a little hostile toward larger people, eh?

    NO, not at all, just had to sit by way too many on my travels.

  13. My Fin is asking me to meet him over in Syria so we can get married. We meet on nov 03 06 Chating

    I love him so much and I want us to be together, but the only way for us to be together i will have to vist him first because he can get a tourist visa to the US. I dont want to tell him, but I'm afriad to go to the middle because of the war and I'm scared somthing is going to happen. Do you think is safe right now to travel to Syria. Please Help me!!!

    it sounds like a good thing since they said it was not denied.

    i would give it a week or two and call back and see if it has been send to your country yet.

    good luck.

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