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Posts posted by jamiechenchu

  1. OK, so I have a problem that is a little complicated. Thanks to anyone who might be able to shine some light on it.


    I have both U.S. and Taiwan citizenship. Before naturalization, I use the translated name on my green card and social security card as my legal name in the U.S. (Let's call that name "A"). Then I had a legal name change during naturalization process to name "B" (basically just use name A as middle name and an English name as first name)

    But as I was about to print my plane ticket (to China from Taiwan) for part of meeting-in-person evidence, I realized I forgot the fact that my translated name in my Taiwan passport, name "C", is different from name "A".


    What do I do now? As I've only have evidence of court order to change from "A" to "B". I've never use "C" in the U.S.

    I could provide copies of my Taiwan passport and my travel document to China that shows name "C" with my picture on it, but would that be problematic because that means I have dual citizenship?


    The question is kinda long. Thank you to anyone that actually finishes reading it.

  2. 1 hour ago, elkski said:

    don't despair your not alone . The form is a  confusing form with not nearly enough room.  I downloaded a font for acrobat so I could put the Thai spelling of her address. I think I used her living address but i thought it should be the same as her ID but in Thailand the ID's have moms home address or so I was told.    On part 8 it was confusing because it has a box for page, part and item... and item for an address goes a,b,c,d,e etc.  so I just  used one box from part 8.

    Name:  adfasdgafg

    Street:   123 xyx

    Apartment:  ?>

    City:  everywhere

    zip: country:    China


    Sometimes when it wouldn't fit in address I put 2/3's of  the city name then wrote in the last part by hand.  Just dont forget to add this when you print it out. 

    Mine was  107 pages and I know a successful guys was 100 pages long.

    Thank you for your kind reply.

    Hopefully that address won't be too much of an issue. She's gone to her hometown and kinda stuck there right now because of the coronavirus. But that's not where she's going to be later, and we are not sure yet what her address will be later...

  3. 2 hours ago, Luckycuds said:

    You can hand write the address in if typing is too long.if you need additional space you can add “see attachment” and clearly label what you  are referencing : for example Part 5 Question


    The section to add the beneficiary’s name and address- it should be her current physical address unless it specifies mailing address. 

    Has she lived in China her whole life? The addresses are important because if she’s lived around the world for 6+ months she will need police certificates from those countries. I would answer to the best of her ability. Can she look at past IDs or past tax returns (do they even file taxes in China?!)

    Thank you for your reply. 

    She's lived in China all her life. She just moves a lot from apartment to apartment, or sometimes stay with friends.

  4. I am filling out i-129f for my girl in China and all the questions about addresses is driving me nuts.


    First of all, I can't possibly fit any of the translated (from Chinese to English) addresses in the form.

    If I can't fit her company address in the from, should I put all the information in Part 8. Additional Information including the company name?

    Or should I still fill out the company name in the form and specify "See attachment" where the address should be? I know I am probably over-thinking this...


    Secondly, the section to fill in "Your Beneficiary's Name and Address in His or Her Native Alphabet" (49a~50f), what address is this referring to? Physical address? Mailing address? Address on her ID?


    Lastly, my girl is like a nomad... she's been living in so many different places that she can't even remember. How detail does the address history need to be? How much do they look into it? What is the purpose of this information?


    Thank you to anyone who can answer any of these questions. Really appreciate any help.

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