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Erin and Gamal

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Posts posted by Erin and Gamal

  1. Ok, here's one for all of you. My husband went through JFK last month, gave the IO his Ds-3025 and his medical packet and she never gave the DS 3025 back!!! What in the world do we do? Is there any way that we can get a copy of it? I doubt the Dr that he went in in Egypt has a copy of the immunization record so that is out. I really don't want him to get these shots again and risk him getting ill, he just had them in June. Please, any advice anyone has would be great.

    Thank you!!!!

    Erin and Gamal

    Why did your husband give the officer his copy of the DS-3025? At the medical the doctor gives the applicant a copy of the DS-3025 to keep for his own records. A vaccination paper is already inside the sealed envelope, so the officer probably didn't ask for it. If your husband offered it upr, that mistake is gonna cost him some more shots. Or maybe he can do the test to see which vaccines he already has. Or there's a chance the place kept a copy of his medical/vaccination records.

    Wow that was so NOT helpful. My husband does not have perfect english, and when he landed in JFK the flight was already an hour late and there was about 40 people that had to go through immigration and then get to their connecting flights and the IO's were not helpful at all. The IO asked for his papers and he gave them to her, he didn't know that he was supposed to get that back.

    Fortunately I had already scheduled an appointment for him with a CS to get the I693 signed off on when I found out that he didn't have the DS3025. So it will just end up costing more money.

    Thanks for the GREAT help :wacko:

  2. Ok, here's one for all of you. My husband went through JFK last month, gave the IO his Ds-3025 and his medical packet and she never gave the DS 3025 back!!! What in the world do we do? Is there any way that we can get a copy of it? I doubt the Dr that he went in in Egypt has a copy of the immunization record so that is out. I really don't want him to get these shots again and risk him getting ill, he just had them in June. Please, any advice anyone has would be great.

    Thank you!!!!

    Erin and Gamal

  3. Well, the nitemare is over now..THANK YOU GOD!!! The reunion was wonderful, Thank GOD I had my friend with me, because we couldnt stop kissing all the way home, we were so happy to be in each others arms again...What Delay??? Talk about distant memories, the moment I saw him I forgot what I was so freaked out about..hahahahaha!!! (I think he did too, but he was ready to come home) The funny thing is, he looked like he had just stepped out of a magazine, no one sign of an overnite wait at any airport..hahaha!

    I am very proud of him for holding up so well, he is a trooper..So patient and calm..He said he even ventured around the airport all those hours..I would have stayed right in my seat..hahahaha! I too was stuck in that airport when I went to Egypt, but only for 8 hours, that was nothing...(and I found my gate and stayed in my seat except to go to the bathroom...hahaha!) I guess we cant control the weather, and like I said patience is a virtue, and IT WAS WELL WORTH EVERY SECOND OF THE WAIT!!!!!

    He is home sleepin like a baby now, unfortunately I had to come to work...

    Everyone Have a great day....AND YES IF UR WAITING FOR UR LOVED ONE TO COME HOME ITS WELL WORTH THE WAIT!!!! Just like everyone on here that has been reunited says!!!!!

    God Bless All


    Tanya and Hesham!!!! I can't believe the exact same thing happened to Gamal!!! He flew out on Wednesday on Delta, and missed his flight because of immigration, and the weather and the flight delay in Cairo! It was a nightmare for us too. It must be an Egyptian thing because he was calm cool and collected and I was FREAKING OUT!!!!!!!!! But Thank God, I was able to get him from the airport last night!! It has been a whirlwind, but now all of our lives are finally starting!!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!! God Bless both you and Hesham in your life together!!


    Gamal and Erin

  4. Hello all

    Any one had travel from Egypt :wacko: to USA using a K1 visa and one way ticket or it should be a round trip ticket.

    please if u did or know someone did that advice me cause iam travelling during the high season "August" and tickts is very expensive at this time of year.

    thanks for any help


    Hi there,

    You only need a one way ticket, you should have no trouble. Try to make sure that your layover (if you have one) is for at least 3 to 4 hours because you will have a long wait. If you are flying into JFK, expect at a minimum of one hour wait. Also you should be aware that they aren't giving the temporary work permit there anymore. Gamal flew in this Wednesday and they wouldn't give it to him, and he came in on a K1 visa. Just be prepared for delays. We wish you the best of luck, happy reunion!!!!

    Gamal and Erin

  5. WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hubby got his Visa Today!!!!!! Thank God!!!! We have been tracking his package for 2 whole days, and finally this morning he got it!!!!!

    Gamal is booking his flight with a travel agent tomorrow, and will be insha allah flying out this coming Friday!!!! Finally we get to be together!!!!! I am on cloud 9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank all of you for your support and words of encouragement! We will continue to keep you all up to date with our progress!!!!

    God Bless, and Best wishes to ALL of you that are going through the process,


    Erin and Gamal

  6. Insha Allah we will all be with our loved ones soon. Thank you for the information Kim and Ahmed, I really appreciate it. It's good to know that there are other people out there that are going through the same process and we can bounce all of our information off of one another.

    Insha allah Ahmed will be finished and with you very soon.

    Erin and Gamal

  7. hello all the embassy called me this morning asking me for the movement certificate i told them im working on it nd they sent me another email ( Dear Sir: Thank you for your e-mail message. Please be informed that as a result of the administrative processing, your will need to submit to us movement certificate by the DHL. The officer will review that document and we will advice you of the next step later. Regards,Consular staffni )

    so i guess there is more steps after that certificate and for everyone who had thier interview or fixing to have it start the movement certificate procedure ( u can get it at Eltahrir compound --- mogam3 eltahrir )

    anyone know or have any idea about the next steps

    My Gamal has his interview on July 13th. What is this movement certificate that you are talking about?? Is it something he should apply for now? Where would he go for that????

    Thank you

    Erin and Gamal

  8. Assalamu Alaiykum everyone :)

    I was hoping who ever is creating the list for people waiting for interviews could add my husband and I to the list (we filed K1). Our petition was approved 4/21, and the embassy received it on 5/4. We still have not gotten packet 3 from the embassy (Cairo), and my husband has gone there once a week since the second week it got there to see when he should be receiving the packet and have been told next week each time...Very frustrated and discouraged right now. I don't know what to do at this point since I have no way to track it and they keep telling him the same thing every time he goes. Anyone have any ideas?? We were hoping to be past packet three and waiting for the 4th packet by now :(

    God Bless

    Erin and Gamal

    Hi Erin,

    Have you emailed the embassy? I emailed them with our CRO number as title and asked when it would be sent....typically we received responses within 2 to 3 days. Both of us sent separate emails so that we could attack on both ends!! :0) Wishing you guys the best...feel free to PM me if you have any other questions. isA you hear soon!!!

    P.S.---Packet 3 had everything and I checked the embassy website daily for interview dates after we submitted and we found out before the "interview" letter came to confirm his date.

    I have emailed the embassy twice now requesting information on our case status and they have never emailed me back. Gamal is going back to the embassy tomorrow to see if he can get a direct answer because I have seen that most people receive packet three within a week of it arriving and its been over 3 for us. I'm a bit spastic about it all, hate not having control of it :wacko: or knowing what is going on. Insha allah we will at least get an answer other than next week!

  9. Assalamu Alaiykum everyone :)

    I was hoping who ever is creating the list for people waiting for interviews could add my husband and I to the list (we filed K1). Our petition was approved 4/21, and the embassy received it on 5/4. We still have not gotten packet 3 from the embassy (Cairo), and my husband has gone there once a week since the second week it got there to see when he should be receiving the packet and have been told next week each time...Very frustrated and discouraged right now. I don't know what to do at this point since I have no way to track it and they keep telling him the same thing every time he goes. Anyone have any ideas?? We were hoping to be past packet three and waiting for the 4th packet by now :(

    God Bless

    Erin and Gamal

  10. I posted that in January filers and want to repeat it here.

    Hello everyone!

    I thiiiiiiiink it is our turn to get the jackpot. And it is our turn today to announce about ourrrrrrrrr APPROVAL.

    Can you imagine it finally happened? Only yesterday we thought of waiting for 2-3 more days and then planned to write to the senator.

    It happened due to our love, our wish to be together and of course due to all your support dbears, Shape, psiprez, ZeeNusah, azezohome, PolarStar, Mark&Lada and many others. Special thanks to GAY and AINGY!!!!!!! You warmed my heart when I was lost and depressed with such a long awaiting period! Thank you my friends! Thank you all!

    To those who are still waiting for NOA2s:

    We all know what you feel. Absolutely know. We are here to support and advise.

    Let you be awarded for your patience as soon as it only possible!!!!!!!!

    Randy and Rina

    OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Congratulations!!!!!!! I am so happy for you, thank God you finally got yours too!!!

  11. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!! We just got our email approval Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar!!!!! I'm sitting here so happy I feel like I could either faint or puke!! Thats what I get for eating and then checking my email!!! Thank God!!!!

    Thank you all for all of your support, encouragement and prayers!!!! And to those of you who are still waiting, I will keep you all in my prayers!!!!!

    God Bless you all!!!!!!!


    Gamal and Erin

    WOW!!! BIG BIG CONGRATS DEAR!!! :dance::dance::dance:

    Wait, I will edit the January VSC filers list and let's migrate your name from the waiting list to the portion of those who received NOA2. :thumbs:

    I hope Rina and the others will receive the good news before this week ends also. crossing my fingers for that.

    God Willing they will hear this week as well. My prayers are with each and everyone one of our January filers who haven't heard yet.

    God Bless!

  12. We got Touched today!!! Yippee!!! Dont' know what that means but heck it is better than nothing!!!! Insha Allah we will get an approval this week!!!!!!!

    Thank you all very very very much for the support and comforting words. I swear this weekend was the hardest for us so far, not really sure why this particular weekend...maybe full moon? LOL. But Thank God there is someone touching our file!!!

    Gamal and Erin

    OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!! We just got our email approval Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar!!!!! I'm sitting here so happy I feel like I could either faint or puke!! Thats what I get for eating and then checking my email!!! Thank God!!!!

    Thank you all for all of your support, encouragement and prayers!!!! And to those of you who are still waiting, I will keep you all in my prayers!!!!!

    God Bless you all!!!!!!!


    Gamal and Erin

  13. We got Touched today!!! Yippee!!! Dont' know what that means but heck it is better than nothing!!!! Insha Allah we will get an approval this week!!!!!!!

    Thank you all very very very much for the support and comforting words. I swear this weekend was the hardest for us so far, not really sure why this particular weekend...maybe full moon? LOL. But Thank God there is someone touching our file!!!

    Gamal and Erin

  14. We are one of them.

    Check our timline, plz. Our case was touched maaaaany times...but what's the use??? Some cases approved with no many touches as I noticed, some after numerous touches....

    Let's hope and pray for NOA2.


    God willing we will get our approvals this month!! I have been doing nothing but praying and praying. I am a little obsessed about checking USCIS website...checking it like 10+ times a day on some days because I will get this feeling that there has been a change, and of course, it always says the same thing. It is so frustrating!!! I suppose on one hand no news is good news, but UGH!! Thank you for replying, its comforting to know we aren't the only ones going through the 2/24 slump!!

  15. Are there any other January K1 filers that filed at VSC that haven't received their NOA2 or at least an RFE?? Our file was "touched" on 2/24 and there has been nothing since then. I'm starting to flip out. I have been watching VJ's timelines and seeing all these approvals for people who filed after us and here we are with a whole lotta nothing. Just wanna know that Gamal and I aren't the only ones about ready to have a melt down. Need some VJer support :crying:

    Erin and Gamal

    Filed: Jan 18, 2008

    NOA1 : Feb 4, 2008

    "Touched": Feb 24, 2008

    NOA2: ?????

  16. Hi Everyone!!! I am getting all of our paperwork ready to send to my baby once we get our NOA2, and I am working on the Affidavit of Support. My Question is, what is the best way to answer Question 11?? I am really not sure what to put. Of course I am going support my husband when he is here lol, I'm not going to leave him at the airport and say ok your here now fend for yourself!! :jest: Any help you all can give would be wonderful!!

    Thank you,

    Erin and Gamal

  17. hi everyone.. well habibi booked his flight already... i didn't even know until i talked to him this morning.. oh well.. he will be here on april 8th to jfk... then to me... yaaaaaaaaaayyyy.. do you guys know that the people at egyptair told him he has to have vacinnations... i don't get it :blink::wacko: .. they said he couldn't leave until he got them.. but i thought when he did the medical check this was done... also he said that the people at cairo airport are very mean and try to cause problems... anybody that recently received your visa had that problem.. also was told that someone booked a one way ticket and was told they couldn't enter the u s at their destination... i was like omg... i think that stinks to high heaven.. :angry: so guys what is really going on ... give me your experiences.. he's never flown before and i want his experience to be an enjoyable one.. thanks people.... oneder

    I have read all about this and here is the scoop. If you are K-1, you do not need the vaccinations NOW. You can get

    them later in the US when you apply for AOS. I told Ahmed to go ahead and get them in Egypt because it

    is probably cheaper there. The physician kept his medical form and put it in an envelope.....that is the I-693 I think.

    The supplement form I-693A is the vaccination sheet.

    If it is within a year of getting the medical exam when you apply for AOS, then you don't have to get another medical exam, just give them a copy of the I-693A. Ahmed has a copy of that from the doctor.

    SO once again, you do not need vaccinations until you get here and apply for AOS.

    BUT if you want to be ahead of the game, then get them in Egypt and ask for a copy of that vaccination record.

    The shots made Ahmed sick for a couple of days..........probably the tetanus-diphtheria vaccine.

    I think the airport guys don't know what the heck they are talking about.

    Personally from what I have seen, I would avoid flying out on Egypt Air and go Air France or Lufthansa........

    there seems to be no problems with those. It's Egypt Air and the red tape and lack of knowledge.

    Someone on here bought a one way on expedia and had no problem with K-1.

    It depends on what airline and who is checking you in.............that's the problem.

    Haven't ever heard of anyone ever being turned away in the US at the point of entry.

    So do you really have to have a round trip ticket or not??? That is confusing to me. We don't want anything to go wrong, and certainly want to be prepared if something happens at JFK. What do you think?? ohhh, NM, I just reread it. We will take the chance and get a one way!!! Live on the edge lol

  18. Have a look at this code box that a very thoughtful member Trinner prints out almost every day for Vermont filers

    Pending VSC K1 Applications
    From: 8/31/2007 To: 4/3/2008 1:53 AM CST
      #  Name                                      I-129F Date Sent       Days Since Last Seen (if older)
      1  shea & all                                09-01-2007                  1
    September has 1 of 64 pending (98.4% complete), with 4 NOA2s in the last 30 days, and 3 inactive profiles.
      2  cheryl & lee                              10-22-2007                  0
    October has -2 of 82 pending (102.4% complete), with 6 NOA2s in the last 30 days, and 5 inactive profiles.
      3  Chahid & Stacy                            11-03-2007                  29
    4  Yui & Tj                                  11-22-2007                  5
    November has 1 of 60 pending (98.3% complete), with 9 NOA2s in the last 30 days, and 2 inactive profiles.
      5  Damar & Douglas                           12-01-2007                  59
    6  Yanilda & Donald                          12-04-2007  (Has RFE)       1
    7  Johana & Jared                            12-10-2007                  1
    8  Melissa & Brian                           12-18-2007  (Has RFE)       1
    9  Thuy & Thuan                              12-20-2007                  59
    10  dawn & marvin                             12-27-2007                  4
    December has 6 of 56 pending (89.3% complete), with 11 NOA2s in the last 30 days, and 0 inactive profiles.
     11  R & R                                     01-08-2008           
    12  Alba Lucia Perez Vasquez & James Claydon  01-09-2008  (Has RFE)
    13  Gerry & Karen                             01-10-2008  (Has RFE)
    14  Ksusha & Pasha                            01-12-2008           
    15  SS & PS                                   01-14-2008           
    16  Gamal & Erin                              01-16-2008           
    17  Mounia & Herol                            01-17-2008  (Has RFE)
    18  Mary Grace & Eric                         01-21-2008           
    19  May & Daniel                              01-24-2008           
    20  nkem & obim                               01-24-2008  (Has RFE)
    21  Liliane & Jack                            01-25-2008  (Has RFE)
    22  Casper & Nichole                          01-28-2008           
    23  James & Nikki                             01-31-2008           
    January has 13 of 70 pending (81.4% complete), with 33 NOA2s in the last 30 days, and 1 inactive profiles.
     24  David & Anna                              02-01-2008           
    25  Kevin & Jenn                              02-01-2008           
    26  Nana & Feng                               02-01-2008           
    27  Steff & Sib                               02-01-2008           
    28  YOJANNA & AGUSTIN                         02-01-2008           
    29  Soe Mon & Htet-Htet                       02-02-2008           
    30  Madeliene & Carl                          02-04-2008           
    31  Natasha & Ted                             02-04-2008           
    32  Cody & Dan                                02-05-2008           
    33  Alessandra & Daniel                       02-06-2008           
    34  Dan & Emily                               02-06-2008           
    35  Vivi & Matt                               02-06-2008           
    36  Jennifer & Richard                        02-07-2008           
    37  Olia & Jeff                               02-07-2008           
    38  Gabina & Scott                            02-09-2008           
    39  Lalai & David                             02-11-2008           
    40  Maricar & Andy                            02-11-2008           
    41  Piyanet & Dan                             02-11-2008           
    42  Van & Rodney                              02-11-2008           
    43  VIDA & DEREK                              02-11-2008           
    44  Carla & Marlon                            02-12-2008           
    45  Samital & Samital                         02-15-2008           
    46  Veronika & Andrei                         02-15-2008  (Has RFE)
    47  Carolina & Carlos                         02-19-2008           
    48  Martin & Natalie                          02-19-2008           
    49  Michael & Kelly                           02-19-2008           
    50  Welsen & Monica                           02-19-2008           
    51  Delaram & Alhan                           02-21-2008           
    52  Phen & Mike                               02-21-2008           
    53  Anne & Nicholas                           02-23-2008           
    54  Dasha & Eric                              02-23-2008           
    55  Grant & Sarah                             02-25-2008           
    56  Irina & Scott                             02-25-2008           
    57  Itzel & Andy                              02-25-2008           
    58  Li & Henry                                02-25-2008           
    59  Stefanie & Carl&Stefanie                  02-25-2008           
    60  Anna & Byron                              02-26-2008           
    61  Anthony & Tanya                           02-28-2008           
    62  Ariella & Donnie                          02-28-2008           
    63  Fang & Robert                             02-28-2008           
    64  Olga & Jerry                              02-28-2008           
    65  Marilu & Lloyd                            02-29-2008           
    February has 42 of 72 pending (41.7% complete), with 30 NOA2s in the last 30 days, and 0 inactive profiles.
     66  Yuko & Aaron                              03-01-2008           
    67  Flortie & Ferdinandus                     03-03-2008           
    68  Abdel & JoAnn                             03-04-2008           
    69  Carolina & Gerald                         03-04-2008           
    70  Karla & Luke                              03-04-2008           
    71  Liliana & Steven                          03-04-2008           
    72  Phuong Anh & Dong Duong                   03-06-2008           
    73  Johana & Todd                             03-07-2008  (Has RFE)
    74  Leejoy & Ron                              03-08-2008           
    75  D & N                                     03-10-2008           
    76  Gina & Jeff                               03-10-2008           
    77  Nick & Nich                               03-10-2008           
    78  Jamal & shannon                           03-11-2008           
    79  Amy & Michael                             03-12-2008           
    80  Bex & Alan                                03-12-2008           
    81  Yamile & Jordan                           03-12-2008           
    82  andres felipe & jennifer                  03-13-2008           
    83  Alla & Gary                               03-15-2008           
    84  Berta & Bill                              03-15-2008           
    85  Tetiana & Fred                            03-17-2008           
    86  Rosana & Roger                            03-18-2008           
    87  Ray & Michelle                            03-19-2008           
    88  Jullah & Tim                              03-24-2008           
    March has 23 of 23 pending (0% complete), with 0 NOA2s in the last 30 days, and 0 inactive profiles.
    There are 84 pending of 445 applications (81.12% complete).  6 duplicates and 17 INACTIVE profiles ignored.
    Profiles are considered inactive if the I-129F sent date is at least 90 days old, and the user's last seen time is 60 days ago or more.
    NOA2s issued in the last 30 days:
     Apr 03: 0
     Apr 02: 2  (1 from Jan, 1 from Dec)
     Apr 01: 1  (1 from Dec)
     Mar 31: 4  (2 from Jan, 2 from Feb)
     Mar 30: 1  (1 from Jan)
     Mar 29: 0
     Mar 28: 2  (2 from Feb)
     Mar 27: 2  (1 from Jan, 1 from Feb)
     Mar 26: 2  (1 from Jan, 1 from Feb)
     Mar 25: 1  (1 from Dec)
     Mar 24: 0
     Mar 23: 2  (2 from Feb)
     Mar 22: 0
     Mar 21: 3  (3 from Feb)
     Mar 20: 4  (3 from Feb, 1 from Dec)
     Mar 19: 2  (1 from Jan, 1 from Feb)
     Mar 18: 8  (4 from Jan, 1 from Feb, 1 from Sep, 1 from Nov, 1 from Dec)
     Mar 17: 3  (3 from Jan)
     Mar 16: 2  (1 from Nov, 1 from Dec)
     Mar 15: 1  (1 from Feb)
     Mar 14: 7  (2 from Jan, 3 from Feb, 1 from Sep, 1 from Dec)
     Mar 13: 3  (2 from Jan, 1 from Dec)
     Mar 12: 4  (3 from Jan, 1 from Feb)
     Mar 11: 9  (2 from Jan, 2 from Feb, 1 from Sep, 4 from Nov)
     Mar 10: 5  (5 from Feb)
     Mar 09: 0
     Mar 08: 2  (2 from Feb)
     Mar 07: 6  (1 from Jan, 1 from Sep, 2 from Oct, 2 from Nov)
     Mar 06: 5  (2 from Jan, 2 from Oct, 1 from Dec)
     Mar 05: 12  (7 from Jan, 2 from Oct, 1 from Nov, 2 from Dec)
    93 total NOA2s in the last 30 days.

    You can see who is still waiting...


    Where did you find that info??? I would love to be able to check that out daily instead of looking every day on USCIS. Can you give me a link for that, where I can view it???


    Erin and Gamal

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