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Posts posted by us2phwhen

  1. I have been somewhat consistent here in looking for answers and I hope many will join me and a voice of gratitude to Paul & Mary as they seem to be a great , helpful neighbor  at VJ without making people like me feel stupid... Thanks to you both, You are beautiful inside and out.

  2. Thank you all...I've been so depleted by RV telling me that my small (very small 8K) veterans disability will only be considered even though I sent them the deeded proof of our homes with a lic. Property appraisal stamp. lowest of the 3  was 150k+

    and bank statements of 150k and I  Have commercial property loaded with cars, but I did not send that as I plan to reopen the used car lot a few months after she is here so as to enjoy and Give her time to relax.. I've already registered the business with the state and Had to list her as an manager because I thought she would be here now... I did get a co sponsor as  Rapid Visa said but found it will take two months for his tax transcript to get here plus they will charge another 100.00 to help him co. which is not much when you are lonely as Hades for your wife..:mellow:

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