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Posts posted by Sashta

  1. 3 hours ago, Annabanana316 said:

    Hi guys!!


    the time to naturalize is getting closer. I have a few questions for the form...


    1. The part where it asks if I ever failed to file a tax return- i didnt work 2015 so i didnt file. 
    do i check YES or NO?


    2. I dont have EXACT employment dates (didnt get my GC thru employer). Calling the company has been useless. Would estimate be good enough or is this a potential problem??


    pls help me guys


    thanks so much!

    1, you have to state ‘No’ and if there is a place for explanation, indicate the period and the reason.

    2. If you don’t have the exact dates, you can provide close enough approx dates. Any unemployed period can be listed as ‘unemployed’ between the periods of employment. You might have some idea of the dates of employments from W2, paystubs if you can locate those. 


  2. I noticed these issues and filed online.

    I deleted those entries and reentered on a different browser. After a few attempts, the order of travel entries appeared in the correct order.

    yes. The number of marriages is confusing and seems to be in conflict with that asked in the paper form. But as long as you are answering the questions correctly, it should be fine. You can clarify those points at the interview.

    i also noticed that some questions were not asked for some applicants. We completed the online forms for myself and my spouse. The questions about Nazi Germany were not asked for my spouse and those 3 boxes remained unchecked. These questions came up when I was completing my application and I answered those and the check marks appeared correctly. Btw, these questions do not apply to us as we were not even born then. 
    So there are some issues with the software and I have brought these to the USCIS attention.  They will eventually sort these out. 
    As long as you answer all the questions and errors are not flagged, the form will be accepted and you will get an acknowledgement within 3-4 days. If you send the paper form, they will have to manually scan your application and documents and would take longer, 2-3 weeks before you get the acknowledgement.  


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