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Posts posted by LoversFromAfar

  1. Payxibka, thank you. I already have all airfare we took together, hotel recipes and copies of passport stamp so I am good to go then. I appreciate all the help! 

    Any advise you could give that you wouldn’t be able to find in a checklist? Like any personally experiences or opinions on how the process goes? 

  2. Hello, newbie here and I’m in need of guidance from people who have gone through this process. I have two questions that I need help with as I am not really sure what I need/have is appropriate.

    First question, I am currently in the process of starting to gather all documentation of meeting in person and all the pictures I have (which honestly aren’t many as neither of us are big picture takers) are snap chat pictures, meaning they have filters on them. Is this acceptable? I wish I would have known when we traveled for 2.5 months that down the road we would need photos but I just never thought about it as I really don’t like pictures. 

    Second question, I see they need a passport style photo of both of us when I file for the K-1 Visa. Is it acceptable if he sends me a photo by email and I print it off with the dimensions needed or does he need to mail me an actual photo? I do not see why me printing one off wouldn’t be acceptable although I want to be sure all documentation I send off is accurate the first go around. 

    This newbie is in need of help so any advice is greatly appreciated, thank you! 

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