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Posts posted by Mulokole

  1. 2 hours ago, Paul & Mary said:

    Are you sure you can continue to receive those payments?

    Yes i do receive them...they come in my names but his name is on and the date of his injury...even his workers comp attorney told me he has never seen such a case xoz when u go to prison the checks stop...maybe the heavens are watching over me and the baby...lol

  2. Hello i need immediate help here..my husband was arrested and he is in prison for 7yrs...i want to file jointly coz i love him and he is still my husband.we have a child together, have a copy of a lease that we stayed together before he was arrested and that is just about it i dont have any other evidance...i sent him the page where he needs to put his signAture and he signed..so we filled jointly..is there anything else i need to do? Thanks in advancr

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