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Posts posted by Simple123

  1. 10 minutes ago, JFH said:

    Excellent outcome! Maybe now the mortgage agent will be more careful before assuming anything when someone makes an application. 

    I hope so , I found tons of questions that he never asked but fortunately they are ok


    So I’ll not hire an attorney for this thing and will just let go. I have couple of evidences if anything happened . Please tell me if I’m wrong

  2. I called the agent now and here what we discussed:


    - He said he confirmed he corrected the application

    - The application is for internal user only they don't send it anywhere

    - I asked for his permission to record the phone call and he said yes , and on the recoding I have him saying this is his own error , he made it and I never claimed it... he mention it almost 5 times on the phone call and it is recorded after his consent

    - When I asked about a new copy of the application he said he will finalize the paper work and send it back before closing and we will find the correct information. 


    at the end of the call , He said in 25 years carrier he see wrong SSNs or wrong names or answer citizenship questions wrongly , he said it happens all the time and they just fix it.


    now I have an email from him saying  he fixed it after I told him you never asked this question & I have the phone call recording. 



  3. 12 minutes ago, EA and MK said:

    Take a deep breath. You had no play in this error; it wasn't willful. You rectified the situation by advising your agent of the issue, and it's been fixed. It was a simple mistake, and fortunately that was fixed before it became a permanent record. Relax, don't freak out! 



    Thanks . Since I fixed it a few days after signing how can I make sure this wrong information is not in any record ? The only thing I have is an email from the agent saying I fixed it

  4. My wife an I were working with a mortgage agent over the phone for a house and the agent never asked me about my immigration status... he then sent us an application that we signed with my wife but a few days later while reading it...I found that he checked a box in front of my name saying "U.S Citizen" but I'm permanent resident only. then I called him and we fixed it . we fixed it a few days after signing so it is still not closed. my question is How I should answer the question " did you ever claimed to be a U.S citizen ? "





  5. Hi , 


    I got my GC through marriage and I have a question about adding a "part time IT consultant work" in the employment history.


    While being full time employed I also helped a few clients with small IT tasks and got paid small amount of money less than 500$ via Checks to my name , I paid taxes for that money [ both full time job"W2" and the part time work ] however I didn't receive 1099 from those clients because the money I earned was always less than the 1099 requirement ,  I think the requirement for 1099 is earning 600$ or more from the same source.


    In the Employment history in N400 , I think I'm going to list these jobs as :


    Employer " Self -Employed"

    Occupation " Part - time Independent IT consultant"

    Address " my home address"



    Please advise if this correct or not ?





  6. 13 hours ago, Mollie09 said:

    I did N-400 based on 5 years and had to upload marriage/divorce/marriage certificates, as well as the birth certificate for my son.


    This is confusing, do you mean you was required to submit your current marriage certificate and your divorce certificate of your previous marriage and also your previous marriage certificate ?


    Can anyone who filed recently confirm please ?

  7. That makes sense . thanks 


    While looking at some papers I found that I used one of the toll gates years ago and my Car tag didn't work because it wasn't activated properly and I received a letter with a statement saying pay by mail this violation and I paid . 


    Is it a citation ? need to be written in the application ?


    I always see signs on the road even says even if you don't have a tag no problem use the gate and pay when you get the mail

  8. Hi , 


    In the N400 Application when they ask about other names you have used (Include nicknames , aliases and etc) ..... Does it mean a name that you sometimes go by but never used it in any official document?


    A- Sometimes at work they call me with a shorter version of my name ....as an example instead of Patrick they say Pat .... although my email and all documents have my name correctly

    B - in a previous job many called me by my last name but again my email and all documents have my name correctly


    but I have never changed my name officially and all my documents have my full and same name ..... Should I still mention the short version of my name used in Job A and my last name that was used in job B ?




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