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Posts posted by IRENE-GERALD

  1. It's been a week...no visa packet delivery yet. Tried to call USE but I can't get through this number 5286300 loc 5184-85. By the way, I paid 165 for Delbros delivery fee when in fact I live in Metro Manila. Why is that? It says in the Delbros website that it's only 135 pesos for MM. Actually the girl even forgot to give me my 35pesos change. So inconsistent. I was disoriented then, I forgot to ask. I only realized when I got home. Hope to receive my visa packet soon...starting to be impatient.

  2. If we are not allowed to bring our cellphones inside the embassy, can we leave it to the guard? Or is there a place/ counter where we can deposit them? Thanks

    There used to be a place at the guard station where they would keep them and give you a claim tag. Those days are gone. You will not be allowed to bring in a cellphone. Leave it at home or in your hotel room or in your car.


  3. Hi! We got LOTS of PICTURES on our second meeting. Me and my fiance, pictures with his and my family. Almost everywhere we went. Just having trouble on our first meeting. Thanks for all the replies! I'll definitely update you if I made it or not. I want to think positive.

  4. Hi everyone! I've been bothered about this, i don't have any pictures with my fiance on our first meeting. Will this affect my application for visa? Thanks!

    Photos together is one of the primary evidences of meeting prior to application. You may want to take a look at this: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.ph...mp;page=k1guide.


    P.S. How come you didn't have pictures together, if you don't mind me asking? :whistle:

    Irene - Gerald...

    It's not mandated that pictures MUST be submitted in order to prove the validaty of the relationship. However, it seems to be HIGHLY encouraged that couples have pictures. Think of when your boss says that something is highly encouraged, which basically means it's a MUST that is understood but is not a written policy. Don't get me wrong because I am sure that a visa approval is possible, but couples "possibly" face more resistence without pictures. In fact, I'm sure that the pre-screeners will go absolutely mad, and the counselor officer (CO) will inquire to the reasons why you don't have any pictures together.


    Sheriff Uling

    p.s. - Mae - They are camera shy. :blush:

    Unfortunately his camera was stolen even before he left for the US. He was not able to save it in a thumb drive or whatsoever. So disappointing. I'm just crossing my fingers that everything will turn out well despite everything.

  5. I was at SLEC today. I went there at around 1pm and finished at 7pm. I think there's an advantage in going there in the afternoon instead of arriving early in the morning and joining the big crowd. I heard that if you go there early, you'll end up standing in line starting from the entrance guard. I had my physical exam at around 6:45pm and an old lady told me that she was there as early as 6am. She was surprised that I started at 1:30pm and yet we almost finished at the same time. Since I don't have my packet 4 with me yet, I requested a copy from Window F at the ground floor. The guy told me to get it tomorrow. I still do not know if I really passed the medical exam, but hopefully I will.


    1. When you go back to SLEC to get the results of your medical results, please bring a copy of your old chest xray film taken more than three months ago and your passport.

    2. If you have any doubts, please call SLEC and get the correct information you need. Don't get intimidated if the person speaking to you on the other end of the line is being impatient. Your goal is to ask and be informed. Those people are too busy that's why sometimes they wanna end up the call as soon as possible but again, do not forget that it is their job to give you quality and satisfactory service. I encountered a lady who called SLEC and inquired if it was okay to have her physical exam even if her red flag was on, but i guess she was not properly informed. She was asked to go back. Oh my, she came all the way from the South. When I asked her when her period started, she told me, it was just a while ago.

    3. Take the front seat if you can facing the counters. You might miss your name when called. Sometimes it gets so noisy.

    4. For those who were operated, I would suggest that you bring your medical record. The doctors really ask for it. Good I had one.

    5. Get a plastic cover for your passport. It will be handled by a lot of people and you don't want it worn out.

    6. Review your forms after filling them out. I did, but still I missed to answer some questions and the lady from the counter had to fill them out for me.

    7. Name, address and tel. # of an immediate relative aside from your fiance is being asked in one of the forms. Make sure you are ready with these information.

    8. In my experience, the immunization interview came before the physical exam.

    9. Use the stairs. Things get done faster.

    10. If you are not sure what to do next after each procedure, ask the staff what's next. Don't be shy. If you did not get it right, ask again. And don't forget to say "thank you" but do not expect the staff to reply back. I said "thank you" all the time, not asingle staff said "you're welcome". Too disappointing.

    11. Be presentable!

    That's all for now...

  6. @Rea :: I defenitely will not have my medical on the said dates coz St. Lukes told me to bring my medical certificate so I have to wait until the 25th.. Its all good, I will go with other VJ member too. :)

    But I'd really love to meet you guys, tonight or tommorrow (since its already Monday at 12.30mn here).. Lemme know.. :)

    Have fun gurls! Good luck.. :)

    hi everyone! bien, jenneth and me was at SLEC today! :dance:

    I was at SLEC too. Got there at 1pm and finished everything at 7pm. I'll be back tomorrow to get my xray result and have my vaccine. At the same time, pick up my packet 4!

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