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Posts posted by ber12c3

  1. 10 minutes ago, Hank_ said:

    I agree with you regarding "in hindsight" ...  your visa application got put on hold because of the missing passport.


    Just because the embassy received the passport on day X doesn't mean they will process the visa and have it issued 2 days later.   Your additional traveling can cause the embassy to review this info.   It can be a couple weeks before the visa is ISSUED, they were not sitting with your case file on someone's desk waiting for the passport to be returned.   Just be patient.

    I wasn't anticipating 2 days. They told us 7-10 days to reprocess the visa. The form we were given to return with the passport stated 10-12 days. This was the framework they gave us.

    Now that both of those time periods were not valid, I'm reaching out to see if anyone else has been in this position and has more information. I'm reaching out because I couldn't find anything online. It would be nice to know if I should expect something by January? By June? 

    I would hope it would be understandable or you could have some empathy for how it feels to be told one thing and have no idea, no frame of reference of how long it is in actuality.

    This website has been very helpful for providing those timelines up until this point. And if they had told us it would say take 3 months, it would be much easier to as you put it "just be patient". 

  2. Sort of desperate for advice/help in our situation. My fiance was approved for the K1 Visa on November 6th. We had to take the passport back because we did not understand that they would need it to process the visa, and we had a trip scheduled. They told us no sweat and that we could mail it back and it would take 7-10 days after they received the passport to process our visa. We mailed it back on November 13th, with a confirmed receipt of the passport on November 14th. We checked by the embassy in Paris on November 25th and 29th. Each time, they stated they had received the passport and that they could not explain why it was taking so long. They weren't waiting on anything. There was nothing we could do. The available information on the visa tracker says "administrative processing". It won't tell us any estimate of processing time. Everything I find online says that approved passports should take no longer than 2 days. Has anyone else been in this situation? I feel terrible. I have no idea if it's going to take 5 days or 80 days. Now I'm wishing we had just canceled our trip and not taken their word on it but hindsight is 20/20 :(

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