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Posts posted by catsutton14

  1. Hi, 

    I'm a Brit married to an American.  I have US citizenship and we currently reside in the Maryland!  We're looking to move back to the UK next summer/early Autumn.  Due to planning to expand our family, we're trying to avoid the 'job offer' option and go down the 'savings' route.  I know if you don't add anything else into the mix, they require you to have 62,500 (GPB) in savings and it must be in an account for 6 months.  We do not have that in savings (I wish!) but it does mention that a pension can be considered towards that amount.  My question is, is it okay if that pension is a US pension?  And secondly do we need to release the money from our pension account or can it stay in there and we just send a copy of our statement as evidence of how much we have?



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