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Posts posted by jasonridesabike

  1. 9 minutes ago, designguy said:

    If thats the case, wouldn't it be your doctor (like a therapist) that would make the recommendation?

    I don't know what to tell you other than what happened and what I have.


    He is her family also, social workers at hospitals apparently regularly write this kind of letter if a family member of a foreign person is gravely ill. Signed by doc to confirm patient status.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Boiler said:

    Maybe not relevant but I was intrigued as to why she was needed in the US immediately. Just could not think why the Doctor would say that.

    Because I'm alone in this and need the support, was living out of the hospital with my dying father for a month, and now am staring down a year of legal nightmare. Helps to have one's spouse.


    Hospital social worker wrote it, doc signed it.

  3. 6 minutes ago, kris&me said:

    Depends on your plans?

    Are you wanting to move back permanently to the US?

    then, need to apply for CR1 /IR1

    if returning to Guatemala,  nothing to do


    BTW ,  if filing CR1, you will need to have the  tax returns done for the years there/   tax exempt is well over $100,000

    The plan depends on what visas are possible. If at all possible the ideal situation would be to bring her to the US and then go back to Guatemala together. I could be here up to 18 months and that's a long time to go without one's spouse especially under this kind of stress.

    If that's not possible, maybe we modify our plans and make the move sooner than initially intended.

    The point of either is that we're together and to understand our visa options and the implications they will have on our ability to live in one country or the other and travel between the two. What are the mid term travel implications of a CR1/IR1 visa? Is it not possible to get some kind of temporary visa given the circumstances?


    Regarding tax returns, I have filed taxes for every year that I was required to do so. A few years early on I was under earnings requirement but have been working remotely as a software engineer for the last 5 and have returns filed for every one of those years.

  4. Hi everyone,


    My wife and I live in Guatemala, I'm a US citizen, she's Guatemalan; we just married this year after about 5 years together.


    Our original plan was to do a Direct Consular Filing when we planned on having kids (2-3 years from now). The situation changed when my father was killed as result of a hit and run accident this month (September). So now I'm here in the US and she's in Guatemala. We attempted a B1/B2 expedited emergency visa with a letter from the hospital social worker in hand, signed by my father's doctor saying that she is needed here immediately. In her visa interview this morning they didn't ask to see any paperwork, asking just 3 questions before refusing her visa and not giving her any chance to present the letter or even describe the situation.


    I don't know for how long I'll have to be in the US and I could really use some help. Anyone know what course of action we should take or what our options are?



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