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Posts posted by midalake

  1. Well we had our interview last Friday, and the Doccuments were in hand Tuesday morning. [i would like to thank the consulate for fast work there] Today we awoke to head for the Bluewater bridge. Things have not always been rosey there as they sent Jill back once. We pulled up to the booth, I took the offensive and said we have a CR-1 visa to activate. He took a quick look at our passports, gave us a peice of paper and sent us inside. Once inside, we waited about a half-hour then were called to a window. Stated we have a CR-1 to activate for Jill, and plunked the "do not open packet on the counter" He said he was not familar with these and went for help. The lady with two names that came back to help did know. We went through some finger prints, and some name signing. We also had a good happy chat with them about the process, some laughs and smiles. She put offical stamps and signature on the visa in Jills passport. Then a welcome to the United States!!!! They did not even ask us what we were bringing with us????? We had a car full too.......A few other tips.....

    Your visa is going to have a date of expiration in it that may not make sense..........this is a "must activate date" the actual CR-1 Visa is good for a year.

    Also neither the Counsulate or the POE are correct on work status. Both stated that you needed a SS number before employment.[ I did not try to correct them] This is not true as a CR-1 is immediate work authorization........the SS can follow. So do some home work on your rights.

    They also outlined what they do with the paper work and process about getting the permanent card.

    Had a nice dinner tonight........it was a good day........

    Dave and Jill

  2. Jill was in the States, and we left the Upper Michigan, on Wednesday for her house in Guelph. Weather was bad so we went on to Trenton to her moms house. Thursday we headed to Montreal with blowing snow conditions. What was a four hour ride turned into 6. It was not pretty. We checked into the Hotel, la Tour de Centre Ville. Got a bite to eat and went to bed. The Counsoulate was closed on Thursday, and Friday did not seem very busy. We arrived at 8 and there were two people waiting to be searched. We went into a waiting area then up to the 17th floor. We got our number, and waited. We got called to the dreded window #10 [the crabby lady] After some white-out on our forms [which the NVC did not have a problem with] and a fuss about changing Jill's last name in her passport,we waited to be called for our interview. The interview went fine with just a few questions. I feel the gentleman that interviewed us may have been one of the few who knows the most about the process. All in all, the final step is about going through the motions. A few other comments are:

    I highly reccommend the Hotel, la Tour de Centre Ville. Especially in winter. Yes it is not the hotel Ritz, you you cannot beat the location.

    Get good maps of Montreal, it is a large city with no english signs.

    Make sure you read ALL of the instructions on the final letter[one lady there did not have her post express mailer]

    Of the 4 different parties we talked to at the interview we were the only ones who used the VJ website. At this time I would like to thank ALL who help others going through this difficult process.

    Peace Dave and Jill

  3. ok, from those who got an interview date...it seems a little pattern is showing like:

    those who completed NVC in:

    april, may= november interview

    june,july=december interview

    aug, sept= january interview

    oct, nov= february interview

    I would not try to read too much into when your interview will be. Even though there are many here who got their interviews, Montreal still appears to be in a mode where it is all or nothing. In our case when we started two months was the norm, it was not until April-May that we caught wind of a problem in Montreal. I would plan for a worse case senario, and anything else is a gift. I wish me and the wife had planned it that way, it would have not been so stressful.


    Makes some sens? of course it does not count the delays for some reasons...

    It makes sense, unless they are getting back to their old timeline, which would make the waiting only about 2 months between case completion and interview. If that is the case, they could very well squeeze you in before the end of the year, too!

  4. Well I can tell you its the shits here, nothing sinc approval on the 15 of May. THEY ALL SUCK!!

    But good for you.....that sure was the right move.

    Hi All,

    remember me?

    on well... we waited for 5 months for an interview and it did not happen, therefore we took our chances and request the move to my birth country Romania - from my residence country Canada - canadian citizen-

    we were expecting 2 months...

    it took them 2WEEKS to move it

    and we delayed the file... oh well... it was pretty much... ' so when would you like to come for an interview?' so nice really

    compared to hang up- ed calls at Montreal while waitiAndng 5 months...

    really great experience...

    Just checked in US!!!

    tell me about you my dear CR-1s at Montreal... how are yall?


  5. I will most surely feel like you do!!! But your done, We all still wait. I do have a little news to share. My Congress person's rep. Went to an Immigration conference a few weeks back. There were reps there from the NVC. They DO realize there is a backlog in Montreal. Also they are taking steps to fast track cases. So lets all just hope!!! Right now my attitude is that I'm from Missouri.....and you will have to "Show Me"


    quote name='thermophile' date='Aug 11 2007, 11:37 AM' post='1114112']

    ok back from Montreal. the interview was ridicoulously easy. which just makes me more annoyed that we had to go do an interview. it was so superficial that if we were married just for immigration we could have easily faked our way through it. Oh well, done now. the hubby is driving me across the border today so I can get to our other car and go back to school. I'll report on the adventure of crossing the border without a passport/visa after the interview.

  6. Karina, good for you two............Is this for the CR-1 or K-3??? Do you think the NVC takes these in order of origional application???? I see you had an early app. date but a late NVC completion???

    Thanks Dave

    oh misty, glady and everyone else, i am thinking of you guys! are they done scheduling for august yet? maybe there is hope for august. if not, it seems like montreal is catching up... press on!!! :thumbs:
  7. I am very happy for you........I know some of the information lately has been sub-par. Good luck, and good to see some of those April dates geting processed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    whoo hoo about ###### time. after trying all day to get through to NVC finally did. the hubby's interview is Aug. 9th. I'm trying to figure out if I can go with him-doesn't look like it but I'd really like to. we'll see. anyway, so glad that we finally know when this bs is going to be over.
  8. You may not be able to but your petioner is able to write. Even if this is acted upon now it will take two months min. get help. Mean time if we sit and do nothing, who knows maybe the next step is an 8 month wait.

    Good luck to all.

    Hi Midalake,

    As I have always lived in Canada I have no one to contact, however I commend you for making the effort to try to change this!

  9. Here is my letter, PLEASE Contact your Senator's and Congress Rep's give them feed back with the system the way it is it can not hurt.


    Dear Honorable

    I find this letter hard to write as a retired Fire Fighter/Paramedic and Member/Past President of my local Kiwanis Club as I am more incline to give help than ask for it. It is a problem with the Immigration Process. I know there are many different areas of this process, but mine entails requesting permanent residency for my spouse.

    My complaint is as follows: I am requesting an inquiry for the reason there is a wait of possibly up to 6 months for an interview at the American Consulate in Montreal. To satisfy my complaint I would like this request to be part of the solution not the problem. I personally do not care to hear a reason I would just like to see a fix. It may be too late for me, but maybe not for the next person in the future.

    I would like to add the following information: We were married August 29, 2006, started the application process October 3, 2006, received National Visa Center approval May 15 2007 and are currently waiting for interview and approval in Montreal.

    With the up coming anniversary of our marriage I find it disgusting and disheartening that I have not been allowed to start my life with my wife. In my opinion the whole system could not be more broke. As a proud American I could not be more embarrassed about this process. I do expect more from my country. I would like to extend kudos to XXXXXXXX who is one of Mr. Bart Stupak’s representatives. She has answered questions and helped through this arduous process. One other point of information about Montreal is that it seems that in

    April they were running about 1 /12 months for an interview, then went to three months and then we received this response from Montreal [via XXXXXXXX] This is the response retyped word for word:

    “Dear XXXXXX: On May 15th 2007, the National Visa Center received the completed forms and notification necessary from XXXXXXX to classify her case as ready for an interview. Unfortunately, the consulate in Montreal has a backlog of at least six months on appointments for immigrant and fiancée applicants, and so NVC is unable to accommodate her case at this time. NVC will retain XXXXXXXX file until they can schedule an appointment for her. Because scheduling is done on a month-by-month basis, I cannot say with any precision when an appointment will be available for her. But based on current wait times it is unlikely she will receive an appointment date anytime before November at the earliest. While I understand XXXXXXXXX reason for requesting an earlier interview date, we process close to 9,000 immigrant and fiancées cases a year, all with equally compelling reasons to need rapid appointments. It is simply impossible to accommodate everyone. In an effort to be fair to all of your applicants, we expedite appointments only in cases with medical urgency or significant humanitarian circumstances.

    I hope this information is helpful. Sincerely, Gary Sheaffer US Consulate General Montreal.”

    In closing I find going from waiting a possible time period from about 2 months to 6 months for an interview not acceptable. I hope whatever the problem is in Montreal, it can be fixed and they get the resources they need. If you need more information please contact me, I am willing to help anytime.


    CC. Honorable Bart Stupak

    CC. Honorable Debbie Stabenow

    CC. Honorable Carl Levin

  10. The TN visa has nothing to do with immigration. I do not see how the two compare. But yes I will stick by my statement about people clogging the system..............No doubt the system is BROKE, I have been on the phone to my senator and congress person, have you??? Now you want to hear the real twist!!!! I think they took personal from Montreal to do Passports.............how does that grab ya. Right now I could not be more disenchanted with my own country, it is an embaresment!!!!!!!!!!!


    This seems to be part of the problem with the system. WHY!!!! clog the system up with applying for more than one visa that does the same thing??? If people would just apply for what they need this would be a faster system!!!!


    In order to even apply for a K3 using the I-129F, one must have a pending (or approved if already approved) I-130.

    Blame the system, not the people caught up in it applying under USCIS' framework. I find your comments interesting since you were inquiring about a TN-1 while having a pending CR-1...

  11. This seems to be part of the problem with the system. WHY!!!! clog the system up with applying for more than one visa that does the same thing??? If people would just apply for what they need this would be a faster system!!!!


  12. I do indeed read that but..........the person is not trying to "immigrate" on the TN Visa........but may at some point on the CR-1 visa...........if they can prove the requirements and Job, and returm requirements, then why not??? Still looking for someone that might have applied????? Might be trying to split hairs here but the NAFTA/TN work allowance seems like it has strong guidance...........


  13. I would like to know if it is possible to qualify for a job in the United States, coming from Canada under the NAFTA agreement. Would this be a problem while there is a pending immigration case??? Please no guesses here, if you have some experience here I would like to know. Also if there are any moderators here, please let me know where I can find out more info.

    Thanks Dave

  14. I do not like to be the bearer of bad news............but I just recived a reply from my congress persons rep. The reply was from the NVC about Montreal. The body of the conversation was about the "backlog" of interviews in Montreal. The person responding gave indication that our interview would not be until NOVEMBER!!!! Then it said "at the earliest" They are working at about a 6 month delay from approval date...........I hope it is not true but am pretty depressed right now............

  15. You can add my timeline as well, I hope this interview is soon.

    Event Date

    Service Center: California Service Center

    Consulate: Montreal, Canada

    Marriage: Las Vegas 8-29-06

    2006-10-03 I-130 Sent:

    2006-10-16 I-130 NOA1

    2006-12-19 I-130 Approved

    2007-01-02 NVC Received

    2007-01-08 I-864 Bill

    2007-01-10 Pay I-864

    2007-01-28 Receive I-864 Package

    2007-04-11 Return Completed DS-3032

    2007-04-29 RFE on I-864 Received

    2007-04-30 REF sent back

    2007-05-09 Phone message on another REF for I-864

    2007-05-11 Disregard per phone operator

    2007-05-15 NVC case completed waiting on interview

    heehee. I hear ya, thermophile!! I call the automated system a lot. But alas, no news!

    All the best :)

    ps: should my husband aim to get his medical check up now? or does he have to wait for package 4?

  16. Our case for the CR-1 was completed on May 15th, with an application date of October 2006. It has been a long wait and my wife and I would like to start our lives together. This might get even more urgent as she has been offered a job that starts in early Setember............The NVC and Montreal needs to suck it up and Get-er-done!!!!!!!!! That is my two cents worth.


    Hello Glady,

    I am right behind you.... Definitely call NVC around June 15th... and check out the Canada forum

    Let's keep each other updated!

    All the best!

    -- Karen

    Since NVC schedules the IR1/CR1 interviews, are they normally scheduled quicker than if the montreal consulate scheduled it?! I know this is wishful thinking, just seeing if anyone knows.

    Yes, from my personal experience, I would have to say that for CR1/IR1 interviews, it's scheduled quicker than K3 and K1 interviews in Montreal. That was in April of this year. I dont know if they're still keeping that up.

  17. Hi Karen, thanks for the reply, I did not know the NVC did the interview schedules. All the reading I have done, not sure how I missed that. Our time lines on the application are close. I will also give the operator a call, to search for a little info. I will keep up with you on this thread.


    Hi Dave,

    I am right behind you, waiting for an IR1 interview in Montreal too. My case was completed on 6/1/07.

    I know that NVC schedules the interview, and was asked to call back around the 3rd week of June to see if an interview has been scheduled for us. According to the operator, all the June interviews have been scheduled at Montreal... So I'm guessing the earliest is July?

    Maybe someone who has gone before us can give us some advice about the timing, and what to expect.

    Thanks, Karen

  18. Sorry on the timeline but I just cannot find out how to do a pretty timeline like some people have listed. Correct me please, but it is my understanding that once Montreal reviews the information on the CR-1 from the NVC we will be mailed a packet which contains the interview date and the information on the medical exam. I am under the understanding that Monteral is in control from here.

    Thanks Dave

    Cr1 visa interviews are scheduled by NVC and not the Consulate in MTL. They usually schedule around the 15 of each month.

    Also.. please update your timeline...it helps us all out :)

    How many of you are going into the Montreal Consulate for your interview soon?

    How many of you had your interview there before?

    Are the people nice? What's it like?

    I'm really curious. :)

    We are waiting for Montreal interview on CR-1 Visa. The NVC sent the case on May 15th but have heard nothing yet? ANYONE have any ideas????


  19. I have a question about Social security number for my wife. Do we get a number a the consulate interview. Or do we need to start other paper work??????


    IR-1 / CR-1 Visa

    Event Date

    Service Center : California Service Center

    Consulate : Montreal, Canada

    Marriage : Las Vegas 8-29-06

    2006-10-03 I-130 Sent :

    2006-10-16 I-130 NOA1

    2006-12-19 I-130 Approved

    2007-01-02 NVC Received

    2007-01-08 I-864 Bill

    2007-01-10 Pay I-864

    2007-01-28 Receive I-864 Package

    2007-04-11 Return Completed DS-3032

    2007-04-29 RFE on I-864 Received

    2007-04-30 REF sent back

    2007-05-09 Phone message on another REF for I-864

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